Milton Heights residents concerned about proposed road re-alignments in thir area By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Ares residents voiced concemr March 26 about the impacts of the possible re-align- ment of Tremaine Road and Steeles Avenue. Re-aligrnent options are under consid- eration as pars of thc Town's Sherwood Survey Master Transportation/Transit Plan - a plan that accompanies phase two of Milton's urban expansion. "Nothing bas been decided as tis time. We are here 10 show you (public) the options and hear your comments," Milton's Director of Planning and Development Mcl Iovio said during thc public meeting at Milton District lHgh Sehool. "As thc population grows, better access t0 town will be neccssary." AIl thrce rc-alignimcnt options for Tremaine Road include moving Uic No. 5 Sideroad connection east 10 Dublin Line - wiUi two différent eastward starsing points. Starting points include Steeles Avenue and about 500 metres souUi of Steeles Avenue (which includes two re-alignment options wiUi différent castward slopcs). Connections 10 Hwy. 401 off Tremaine Road are also on bbc table. Possible Steeles Avenue re-alignments consist of dipping the roadway south between Industrial Drive and Uic existing Tremnaine Road and swinging Uic roadway north fromn Peru Road to Uic re-aligned Tremaine Road. Also under consideration is movmng the traffie focus off Steeles Avenue 10 Market Drive, extending Market Drive to the re- aligned Tremnaine Roari, or connccting Market Drive to Peru Road and channeling traffie down to either the re-aligned or existing Tremaine Road. Lcaving the road structure as-is is anoth- er option. If re-alignments are made, the existing roads would remain as-is 10 serv- ice residents living along thnse roadways. During the meeting, residents - many of themn from Milton Heighbs - expressed worry about the impact of re-alignment on their property, as well as traffic congestion surroundmng Kelso Conservation Aiea. "Wbat about the traffic of ail the people going there (Keels/Glen Eden) in the wmn- ter timne? They're gomng to corne down No. 5 Sideroad right through Milton Heighbs (if a Hwy. 401 connection is made at Tremaine Road)," quesbioned a Milton Heighbs resident, backed by several others. "You're going to have an amnazing amount of traffie coming through there. You don't seemn to care about that." But access bu the conservation ares Isys outtide the scope of the study, responded Angela lannuzziello of Entra Consultants, hired by the Town. "We're flot taking a look at any different access to Kelso in the work we're doing," she told the crowd. "But that is a good point. We'Il have a look at that." Several other area residents expressed concem over what would happen to their propcrty, stating tome road re-alignment options mun through their land. "That's something we'U have to talk about laser, once an option has been cho- sen," said Mr. lovio. "It's a littie premnature to say what'Il happen just yet." Pléase with your staiy idéas at (905) 878- 2341, ext. 234. What's BIG and FUN, seats 30 people, Us easy te do? The BIg Bike for Stroke rolis Into Milton on Saturday, june VI and we are LOOKING FOR TEAMS, Help the Heart and Stroke Foundation - Milton chapter by being a part of this exciting day. Fabulous prizes are awarded to nd ividuals who raise a certain level of funds. Plus, ail teams that raise $3,000 or more, go into a draw to win 29 mountain bikes - one for each mem- ber of the team. For more information or to be a Corporate Sponsor for this event caîl Anne Norton at (905) 634-7732. HEART AND O K« FOUNDA11ON OF ONTAR / Kyle Camneron Kyle Cameron has been carrying the Champion for over a year. He is a grade 2 student at Martin Street Public School and his favourite subjects are math and french. He enjoys bas- ketball, running, biking and playing with his friends. He plans to save his Carrier Club Bonus points for something special. Great work, Kyle! The Canadian Champion , Fnday, April 5, 2002-3