The Canadian Champion, Friday, Apnil 5, 2002- 23 Big Haydar 's CHL Jackalopes suffer opening-round exit Upset lossfollows great regular season By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Anyone who's ever laced up a pair of hockey skates knows that ,the playoffs are a whole different Photos courtesy ofth1e UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE 1W11 he be Hobey Haydar? Miltonian Darren Haydar is on. of three finalista for the coveted Hobey Baker award - the reclpient of which wlll b. announced thia aftemnoon at the NCAA Frozen Four Tournament in St. Paul, Minnesota. Unfortunately, Haydar won't b. gunning for the NCAA's national titie tomorrow night, as his New Hampshire Wildcats faltered down the stretch of yesterday after- noon's semnifinal clash with the Maine Black Beara and were defeated 7-2. GIAmnual Mm.lactuirsrgu Clearance sale CIsrke9 G~ olfr AIfMALUY -E Jan Tour Woods, MacGregor Irons, Spalding il pce, Callaway Demno Woods, Ping Demnos, Taylor Rescue Clubs, Adams Original Woods mmA SAVG ON Glu BACS EOM lzzo, Taylor Made, Callaway, co Difeene&StTh Bennington & More! flObO(GAtI~ ffor &IotTc T<N'HJTE GOL GILS GOL SUrS From $1 2.95/dozenDYOIY Mens & Ladies GINF SMIS Fr1. April 5, Sat. April 6, Etonic, Foot Joy, Red Tag Sale ' Dexter, Roots, Up Te 50% OFF Sun. April 7 Adidas, Fairway Antigua, Aureus, lzod, Cutter &Fromi $29.95 Buck, Norman & Many Moe! 18 lhoMpsof Rd., UnilS #7 & 89 Milton e 905478-1818 failed to deliver the knockout blow. Overali, Haydar bad a goal and an assist in the senies. Said Haydar. -We jusi couldn't put them away. season'. Among those who successfully blocked Jeif Haydar is nn stranger Io ihis nid bis Jackalopes'playoff run was goaltender adage - but probably has a newfound Jeff Lcvcy -who played for the respect for it rigbt now, following his University of New Hampshire, where Odessa (Texas) Jackalopes' sur- Haydar's younger brother prising first-round exit this past Darren is wrapping up an week. incredible senior season as the The Miltonians Central nation's leading scorer. Hockey League team finisbed Big Haydar made a rather first overaîl in the regular season __ successful transition to the -with an outstanding 47-11-6 semi-pro ranks this season and record 10 win the Govemnor's - was a key factor in Odessa's Cup -and were no doubt ' 47-11-6 record -by far thc expecting a lengtby playoff run best in the five-year history of this spring. the club. But El Paso had other ideas, A consumnate al]-purpose per- and knocked off the heavily- former witb plenty of grit, thc favourcd Jackalopcs in the best- Jeif Haydar 25-ycar-old centre was a tii-st- of-five opcning round. mie penalty killer and was The series wcnt down to Uic wirc in called upon for most important faccoifs in Odessa Tuesday and it lookcd as thougb the Jackalopcs' end. the hosts would prevail wben Haydar Offensivcly, he contributed 14 goals and buricd an upstairs slapshot on first-pcriod 13 assists. two-on-one break. "This being my first ycar and flot know- But that would be the only goal bis tcam ing what 10 cxpect, 1 thought 1 did prctty scored and was eventually ovcrshadowcd well," said Haydar, who captained the by El Paso's third-goal uprising in the final Milton Merchants' 1998 AliI-Ontario frame. cbampionship drive. "They (El Paso) scored on a weird Now Haydar will take Uic ncxt few bounce early in Uic third. That got the bail monUis and decide whcUier or flot be wants rolling and tbcy just came on strong for the 10, continue his tenure in Uic CHL. rest of the gamne," Haydar said of "l'm definitcîy glad 1 gave it (terni-pro Tuesday's 3-1 defeat. hockey) a shot, but you'rc flot going to gel "To have donc so well in the regular sea- rich at this level," hc said. "1've got some son and then lose in the first round is cer- decisions to make about my future. 1 t-ied tainly dishcartcning." it for a ycar. Anytbing afier thit is just Odessa alto cnjoyed a Uiird-period lead gravy." AFFORDABLE NEW & USED SPORTS YEAR END CLEARANCE SALE 11ke Quest 2 Pro Bauer Vapor S Shaft Shaft On Sale 17900 On Sale $790 Reg. price $179 Reg. Price $169 c J ' t Ignite 5 Jr. Shaft Team Canada On Sale $49-11 Jerseys Jr. Reg. Price $991 On Sale 1699" Reg. Price $89 __ Lacrosse, Basebali and Soccer Now in stock! S18 Thompson Rd. Unit #6, Milton 905-1 178-74221 * SPOR TS il PCE SUS lSPCE MOUS GREATLV REDUCED Up To 50% OFF