-u 1 8-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, April 5, 2002 2002 ACCENT w121j/ O u PlL ' FixazCn INVENTORY L2R aDV 0CoEFR20 SNTAG VsÇ Echo bS, SP 214 :'.,0otoo ,--- eon PER MO! 48 MOS. ~1 5 MSRP $12,3955' buafll WYserwd $1995 DOWNPAYMENT PRMO /60 MOS. D1' oosesa w03TEBRO 15 FREIGHT AND P.D.E. - 11 ,z - a,%, 995 .5550IT DER INC MNP ghsè fl m $9,56 1 - . 1- W4 a~r O,~~ 2002 ELANTRA- vu EAEOÎM Power Wndows Power Lac/osD ~Power Mrrors VWM te MSRP Tl6,995'* as45 et 'vos5050 --y pam VSý Fcu1s SE à4ee Iotadoo g., Fro t,,, Md t easo ,tIurdS h s &Mion sepoo,,, ra 50 2002 SANTA FE$IAEFO PER MO.! 48 MOS. $2995 DOWNPAYMENT rI , PER MOI 48 MOS. *RootsoO *eatduc FREIGHT AND P.D.E. ~ o,a,t ý"sl, fue fller dlo,Admlo &SECURITY DEP. INCL . l0. EWLWE Leasing50 pognt aoiol ronts Ilytoda Poootoo, servics boosa/ on020020accent0003 tls,, 2002 E/saioe VE, 2002 Sontate GI, 2002 T/buoan td 2002 Snie Fe. Si 65pst toonth fora60 meti okoth a/k. $spS 219/$239/S249 antd S229 for,48 mos. Dos, psyaient of SO/S995/S1995$2390 and S2995, 55151505/SAO/550 S.os/o saI /1 E, o so Elf o ot or sclsded Tsas. lias, and S350 ocssts//0on fas axtra. 20,000 km ralentie s/IsoOm,, par yor opplias. Addi///oal km, charge of 0.10. Seo Hysnoi of vl fo ards. HAMILTON TOR0NTO > ______NDA I OF AKVLL 000W HY ?-- HYu iD 107 SP ER RO D(utNet j4hLn)DIIGI EIVN HYUNDAIfl 0F OAKVILLE's iràx Reum Mondu W Pre-Owned SUPERSIRE Lwu m Pwm-Oma mnba n g Acoen~s! $O M À O.A.C. Stk. U2904 0O.A.C. admini. licence, gas and taxes extra I i i i Auto, air, CD. pwr group, bai of warrante. Stk#1J2973 1 7< Auto, casa, oniy 56,000km. great commuter cari Stk#1J281 9 9 0 V6. auto. air, pwr grp, keyiess entre, dean unitli Stik#U287 ~U Fuiiy equpped. auto, air. power. alioys. Stk#12518 $C 995!r Sapd, aunroof. alioy, CD, 48,000km. bal of warrante. Stk#U291 e9 1,5 < Stk#9J2973 $13l"05 lElanvtra Auto, air, CD, bal of wrran~ty. Stk#U2908 .sUU gwm1aIIîlîý 3.01- V6. auto, air. pwr grp and much morel Stk#U2772 U ,0< f'i " ta -- - -fq RIMOflbl V eav *.% a eu g- Auto, air. ABS, Pwr grP Auto, alioy wheeia, rear and more. spoier. Pwr grp. Stk#U2616e$1.~< Stk#U2a29 '15> V - - ~ - iWa- 5apd, sunroorf. spd o1r 38,000km, bal of warrante. StIk#1J.2941 I.99 1999 FMn Esoet !M Wu Auto. air, pwr grp. keyiesmty nlics cond. 50,000km Stk#1J2907 $-ra, >0 Auto. air, very nice condition, oniy 55,000km. Stk#U283 1 5< Stk#t2730 *'174900« Stk#ti2481 IU9 Stk#U112e0 S ,0 (; iD