1lO--The Canadian Champion, Fniday, April 5, 2002 Homelessness in Milton a growing piroblem that needs immediate attention, meetin orsug for other folks -il (homelessness) is a probleru. The vacancy rate in the region is continuing 10 decrease and the affordablility of apartruents is getting s0 people can't afford it." The key to addressing homelessness is educa- tion, Rev. Gross told the crowd at St. Paul's United Church. People need to not only under- stand that this is a probleru in small towns like Milton, but also what they can do to, alleviate the situation. "There ,s a growing probleru in Milton, in Halton with youth who are leaving broken homes, abusive situations or problerus that they're creating, which leads t0 more and more Icouch surfing,"' he said, referring to, people sleeping on friend's or famnily member's couch- es, moving from one to0 another for extended periods of lime. "The reality of it is that if you can afford an apartment, you might not be able to afford any- thing cIsc. Think about someone on welfare get- ting $525 a month, where are they supposed 10 go, to, live in Milton when there's no apartments available and most one bedroom's start at $800 or more?" There are several ways in which Miltonians can help tackle homelessness issues. Approaching representatives from ail levels of govemment to, offer developer incentives for the creation of affordable housing is crucial, Mr. 'There won't he any change until there is pub- lic and political will to make a change. There won't be public and political will until people are really aware of the problem, become involved in it and start to mobilize to, make change," added Wendy Schau of the Milton Affordable Housing Coalition. "A lot of people in the region still don't sce il (homelessness)." Becoming active with groups such as the Milton Affordable Housing Coalition is also beneficial to, the cause. 'Me coalition is focused on education around the issue, but il also cur- considering several projects that would sec the direct creation of low-cost rentai units. By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Homelessness continues to be a growing prob- lem in Milton and will keep growing until mndi- viduals and political structures take notice, atten- dees aI a Flalton Town Hall Group meeting heard Tuesday. "There's still a huge gap in knowledge between what is really going on with issues of homelessness and what the average person in the neighbourhood knows," said Rev. Stephen Groas, meeting facilitator. "When you look at things like the waiting list for subsidized housing in Ibis region - there's a waiting lisI of seven years for seniors, five years ronment and contaminate composting, that's why Halton Region is asking resi- dents 10 consider the altemnatives. -The move away from plastics will stant Ibis spring on a voluntary basis, s0 resi- dents can use up any plastic bags they have on hand in the spring," said Rob Rivers, Halton's director of waste management. "The prograru will become mandatory in 10 adjust." Altematives to plastic waste bags include open reusable containers (bushel baskets or garbage cans), biodegradable paper yard waste hags and composting. "The change ý%ill allow us t0 r-duce costs, improve the quality of compost we are able t0 offer our residents and keep plastic waste out of the landfill," he said. SUNDAY APRIL 7T'H 1:00 Pm ~ (preview f rom 12 noon) Georgetownl NO ADMISSION FEES BIG SCREEN EXTRAVAGANA Sefling by public auction: television sizes 13"1 to 61",1 including Hitachi Digital Projection lYs, DVD players, surround sound home theatre systems, Kenwood home stero systems, portable CD players, cordless phones with caller ID and more, microwaves in various sizes, Braun men's and lady shavers, top quality stainless steel pot sets, aIl types of VCR's, 2.4 Gig cordtess phones, High definition projection TV's, Camcorders, convection ovens, Gateway computers, wide variety of discman also including a wide variety of mitae artwork and turnitur: pieces and much Roer R. Gos . ItiI* B Ac ion to be hed Plastic waste bags won't be accepted in September