4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 2, 2002 1Oe Covnin Loain 64 Stee Av.Mlo 4VWeekend bankfraud kits town The Champion Local residents felI victim to bank frauci over the weekend after discovering their accounts had been tampereci with. JilI Johnson said she realizcd Saturday her Scotia Bank account had been used by unknown culprits after she received ber bank state- ment. "It said 1 bad $17,800. I knew right away it was fiddled with because 1 knew t didn't have that mucb in my account." She said tbree phony deposits were made to hier boyfriend's accounit as well. "t've neyer been robbed before," shc said, adding ber account was frozen and a total of $1,400 waa taken from her personal funds. "tt's Champion reporter Steve Lelllanc also discovered fraudu- lent activity bad taken place witb bis account after he updated his passbook Saturday momning ai Scotia Bank in thc Laurier Plaza. 1I discovered a $5,000 deposit tbat 1 didn't make. Aliter tbat 1 dis- covered tbree witbdrawals t didn't make eitber. Overaîl, there was about $3,000 in my accounit that wasn't my money. You'vc got to wondcr if thc person using my card would bave eventually drained my accnunit. I'm nnt nul any money." Det. Kim Duncan of thc Halton Regional Police fraud bureau said police are stl determining tbe source of Uic fraudulent activity. At press lime, police were aware of at least 10 people in Milton wbo were victimized. "It could be an ATM machine, il adding the traudulent activity appeared to bave taken place over the weekend. 'ht appears to be from debit card use. The cards migbt not bave nec- essarily been compromised in Milton, it could bave been any location in any city." If people use debit cards, make sure the Personal Identification Number (PIN) is hidden. she cau- tioned. "People alto lend Uieir cards to people - you sbouldn't do Uiat. Don't tell anyone your PIN num- ber. You sbould also, change your PIN number often." If you suspect fraudulent activity bas taken place in your bank account, notify Uic batik imnmedi- ately and Uien cai police at (905) 878-551, Det. Duncan said. TH CRORTION OF TH TOW OF MILTON T iTto 90O8816790-8872N T*IE TOWN 0F MILTON 15 NOW ACCEPTNG APPLICATIONS FOR TU 2002 Milton Communily Fund established to distribute a portion of the funds received from the Ontario Lottery Corporation. Plan ta attend anlIformations Session ta, fusc ont more about thia futtdingoppottunity. Tbursdsy, April 4, 7,.00 p.m. Milton 8enm A*dVIt Centre 500 Ch"I4 Drive *Criteria for fsmcting * elpful tips for copeigyour proposai *Question penaio Pleinff JtSV.p Joy Ader siat-7023143 Application packages will be available ai Uic Information Session. »RUMQUIN PARK MASTER PLAN The Town of Milton la preparing a Master Plan for Drumiquin Park ta provide a framework for future improvements ta Uic park. The Town has retaineci landacape architct consultants to assist with Uie park planning. The project teamn has now prepareci a final Master Plan for Uic park baseci on initial public input andi technical review osf Uic parka. Public input is a key componient of Uic projeet and we arc asking you to join us in rcviewing Uic Mater Plan andi providing commenta. We have scheduleci an open bouse for:. Wednsdy, April 10, 200 Hngi Foster Ban 43 Brown Street 5:30 P.AL to 8-» p... lur mpastels wU be on display (nom 5:30 until 8:30 p.m. A presentar tim will begus at 7:0 pn. followed by qu stosad comntns. Nae ifeel fte ta drop, in at any tinte. Vie valu your inpot and lsope.Uat you Sn join ils. comn lm* 905)87-252 ext2169.wast NOTICE 0F TEMPORARY- ROAD CL%'%oSJRE AND RECON- STRUCTION Notice is heneby given pursuant ta Section 300 of Uic Municipal Act, R.S.0. 1990, Chapter M.45, as amrendeci, dthei Cosinil of Uic Town of Milton, ai is meeting tobe helci in Town Hall, 43 Brown Street on Apnil 22, 2002, bcginning ai 7:30 p.m. will conaider the passing of by-lawa for Uic temporary closing and reconstruction of First LUne from Steeles Ave, to No. 5 Sideroad (July 2, 2002 to September 6, 2002) Plans delaillng these projeets are available for viewing during normal business houra at Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, Community Services Departiment. Coundcil willi hear in person. or by dieir counisel, any persan who dlaims Uhal their lands will lie prcjudicially affecteci by Uic said by-lawa, and wbo applies ta be heard. Persona wiahing to bebeandshoId notify thse Town Clerk in writing, o later than Wednesday, Apnil 17, 2002. Any inquiries shoulci le directed ta die following: Rik ipig, rects Cgantnaio 43 Brown Street Milton, ON L9T, H2 Teli: 905-878-7252 (ext. 2164) Pax.,905-878-M95 email: rictip@townnsiltmnon.ca NOTICE 0F INTENT TO PASS AN AMENDING BY-LAW TO REMOVE A HOLDING SYMBOL TOWN 0F MILTON RAD Investments luc. Has requestedl that th Council of the Corporation of the Town of Milton pass au amend- usg by-law under subsecrtion 36(4) of the Planning Act to remove a holding symbol tiromt a zoeng by.law. The removal of the holing symbol would have tise effect of allowing the use of tise property for single detachei con- dominium units. The property is locateci to thse rear of E.C. Drury Scbool witb frontages on bath Ontario Street and Childs Drive. The landsa are legally deacribeci as Part of Lot 12, Concession 3 (Trafalgar) in tise Town 0f Milton, Regional Municipality of Halton. Lt is anticipateci that the amending by-Iaw will be brought forward for Council's consideration on: Monday, April 22, 2002 7:30 P.m. Cotrncil Chaumbers, Towu HOl 43 Brown Street, Milto If passeci by Cotuei on Apsil 22, 2002, Uic amending by-law would corne inlo effect immediately. Please Pote that the Planning Act does not peovide tihe public with =ny riglfl of appeal with respect ta Council's adoption of an amending by-law to renlove a holding synbol. Any intereated Perme wishing ta address Cousîcil with respect to tdsi by-law muatmake a wiitten requcat to the Town Clerk no late hn h Wednesday ptiorto the meeting date. A copy oftde staffreportea re by thtePlansning and Development Depatment, ou ic h rquest in more detail, a copy of die draft amnigby-law and any other backgromusd information will be available aller 3* p.m. on dise Fnlday afenoon prior to tise meeting, a copy osf wbich mgy bc reviewed or obtained by contacting the Planning andi Development Departmesst,Town Hiall, 43 Brown Suitxt DATE» AT THE TOWN OF MITON Ilà 2%tkdgy Of Mrek, 200 H. Liai, Town Clerk Tofn Of Milton 43B nSteet Milton. Ont"i.. L9T SH2 ! M n III 1 . V il