TIre Canadien Champion, Tuesclay, Aptif 2, 2002-23 cUNTR ideu O M MT 3 DM Townhouse in dasirable compias, flire- placa, vary clea, mary upgradas, no agents, priced f0 sal, $155.000. 905-633-0231 aven- inge. PRICED f0 Sali 196.900. Dorset Park ares. Spacious 4 bsd- roora raisad bungalow with a genarous lot. Features includa est-mn kitchan with walkoul f0 huga daclr. Cozy lowar lavai suita is sait-con- tainari and featuras a wood stora andi 2 beri- roome. For more details oeil 905-877-9852. REASONABLE Indus- trial Units for rent. 1600- 3200 sq. ff. Witb lceding docks and driv-n 1 - 305-277-9347 or 1-905- 275-6834. HOBBYIWORKSHOP 2700 eq.ft.. Weil insulat- ad. Radium hat. 2 modem roll doors. FIaI roof. 3 skylighfe. Small office and waebroom. 513-853-1237. OFFICE Spaca for Leasa. Locsted in Milton on second floor 0f brick huilt office/ligbt industri- ai complas. 220 f0 950 square test availabla. Includas utilitias andi parking facilities. To vraw oeil 305-876-4131 or 305-277-3347. 1 bedroom apartmant. Availabla May 1. Quiet Main Straaf building. Stova, fridga, distrwas- ar. Firet & lest. $700 plus hydro. 878-2328, Monday f0 Friday -5. DIPLOMAT Aptu, Mii- fon, 235 Ontario Street Norlh. 1 and 2 barI- roome. Nawfy ranovateri in quiat building. 2 ap- pliances, utilitias includ- ari. On site lsundry. Frora $845. 905-875- 4989 FURNISHED hasament hachalor $700/month, utilitias includari. Privafe hathroom. Sharari kilcif- an andi laundry. Non- emokar. Availabla Apnil 1sf. Call 905-878-5553. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronte Striai. Southr, Mitron vil ara non acapting applicasions for 1 tiadreora apsrfmanta. For more Information andior tornaire an appofimtrent, Plouse Cati 905-87OM575 Building Managera Lionard & Penny Please MILL5IDE TOWER 82 Miliside Orva, Milton 1 &2 Badreoffi Apis. Deluxe Building Idal 01ld Town Incarin 2 appliancas Laundry facuias usurites included On-Sire Reaideni Managers Ope 7 days. Samne day approval Cali: tona) 876-1249 FOR Pant In Milton - for coupla with no doga, en- tra parson welcoma. Two badroome- houe, large, kitchen, atc. Avail- abla April 1 sf. Pefarenc- as, $1300.00 ail indiu- siva, $1050.00 plus. Ap- ply PO. Box 163, Milton, Ontario, L3T 4N9. ALLAN - Bill, Jozian (nea Simpson) and big aie- fer Mikayla are plaased f0 announca the birth 0f their daughtar Alexia Brooks, waighing 5ibe, 10 1/2 oze, at OTMH on March 27, 2002. Prouri Grandparants for thes 2nd lima are Ait & Maurean Simpson and 121h for Dan & Meredith Allen. Great Granriparents ara Nallia Allen, Ada Saalay snd Jimmy & Margaret O'Pailly. DIDURISIMON - Dr. Jîli Dîdur and Dr. Bart Simon are elte tarf announca the birth of their daughtar, Shayle RIpley, on March 12, 2002. Firat grandchild for tIre Simoni andi Didur families. Thanka ta Dr. Diana Gregory and thea nurses of the Royal Victoria Hcepital, Montreal. Has a newý bundie of JOY arrived at your home? Advertise your Child's birth in !IEt Ctiampion and your Child'S photo COfl be featured in our yearly baby edition. 905-878-2341 CET TuEl 9 eýý9F '~On 1,10= Mamonial Service tor LORNE WHALEY. Service Stephan's Anglican Çhurch, Homby. Cements Monal donatonzoe nareo atedeby tIratfamily GAEON,Da JeanSuer (Dive YorkCenrlya Hispreidenc on Thursday, March 28, 2002,n atean lielogbfe wiofthe Diabeta, Davemad- Suvivey mott Rert June and his ste- Sand Led Clroter anf Jimmy and hihs wife dad Meie. avwi hady Sadly missed by his gans cles ns and counetes renda adrnd nreghbous. Ay Fuera sRie as held bonh ero ndy Apstrl1. FAmnd reinds 0fste aymthe. conrebunsay Hame 10 Che rc tret Gellern Trust68Fund. raneme froug sevie J.s Scot ain eFuneral home,2 Jhaes St.oda, Miln IR, Doug2a Bntren Aolwe t the iltonitric Hospiter.Mmal oMndatons et, t002 Ougas fate anf Harod andin wd Olie a atheen aned bh husandianSih.dymisdb is radncildrn arrsy n Roaitceke and202 Scot pansd ansy Smithe f4. Loving aemarrib buigeat cyhida Railly und ady Sisth Dasr Sa.vdbrother of Jeaite.Fmy and frins maye vais aI tshe nl MKri-ofarFnerl Home, 114ly an St. Miltonil 30-7845 onl Tmisdy Apil 4ut, 2002, frosn 1:00 pmuntle :0 pm. TIa ner aigservice Ail folounIe tral homcewa hpelo a, :00l pm. Asoa donresons f Syt. Pul Snitt ady Chur 123 e Mai St.e Mit.n lton. RADU, Aoua Bruceul A th CraonDitrictl Hospital on Thurday, Arch st, 2002. Aiouga Radua, belovd wifean 0f ic Raduka. Loving mthr of Rard. a sist 0f alena ankoe and Avi hsnd brbard esiAc. Sadl se y diahrn 0fPer and Rbert Rauka and St airn-a Smh HlenPaukndly eream- bas reba nie eiKay and nepymhw Les. Predcse ybrfther Leli Jeaankoe. Familyanfrnd y ndfnsvisite f th McKersie-KocharFnea om 1 Fuaa e14Main Stre Miltor 05-878-442o hrdy pi Surda 2v00in ao 8:3p n :0 pm. Tetuserc asevc hald fon the fueral home chapel ody Apri 1sf, 20. Memorial donations o ta Cntdia Cacer12 Maci t. itheL9 Anml cu Mion woul hra appraciatari y the family. [ADKA An emoriyama ine trei Varlley mohro iadon Da ist f TIelCnadan Cancv ad er socd eie ae. daly adontins stod aThe Mtn DsiKcte Hopril Foundat. inare doappianote ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 24 hr. anaw.rlng amice Phono 11-800-891-482 1-519-836-1522 JAGON -New in town? *Gettîrrg married in 3 months or more ? *Havi n a baby? *Establishing a new business? PLEASE CALL US Communlty Weicome Linda 905-854-1563 Doris 905-332-47399 Etiza 305-633-0313 Baby à Bridai Tracy 905-876-433C Bt 1*e~~n Lin 905-854-4100 1 Attevitiom Crafters! a