22-The Cartadian Champion, Tuesday, April 2, 2002 Let the Games Begin! Boy's/Girls Summer Youth Hockey Registration Brad/Judy (905) 451-9275 20 UE S. GEORGETOWN ]ll,,ouse League Champ Day offered Ioads of excitenient A Tln*ft <ebove> esema1.d Wh t bule hi* t., Md ko" it NWt Find out about your.. OPTIONS l'M. conf.ren ihat wok for wonmI L Find ouf about.. Participate in... Ceyour ernpfoyment and cameer options ce panei discussions OWtraining programs and teciinotogy Ce amati group workafiops We~ job prospecta for the future Deinformation sessions and displays I~befancing work and farnily leinternat demnonstrations 2-DAY CONFERENCE Tuesda»y May 28 & Thursday, Maày 30, 2002 8:30 arn. - 3:30 p.m. Holiday Inn 3063 South Service Road, Burlington, Ontario Pre-rogistion is required, so coul toy. Open to Ha/ton women at no charge. Cali: Haltion Region 0 (905) 825-6000 Toil free: i -866-4HALTON il1-866-442-5866> Extension 4176 or Visit: www.opionsconference.ca .Transportation to Burlington is available. In partnership with: I I ~ The Cen ,IHuman Resourees Development Canada tre FPRegionfPd nnt lWek&aq fat qoa Développement des ressources humaines Canada Presantedl By: Perris Training and Development Local house-Icague teants took centre stage at Memorial Arena Saturday whcn thsc Milton Minor Hockey Association hcld fis annual Day of Champions. From dawn til dusk, top tcamns battled it out in evesy division - for their famnily, friends, fans, coaches, teammates and especiaily for themnsclves. The foilowmng is a mundown of the day's action. Results are in order of garies played. Atom - Fifth Place Gaine Kaitlyn Shuvera's rock-solid cage work and a four- gaine outhurit front Zach Spalla powercd the Lions Club to a 5-1 decision over Gus Mowbray. Tailying twice for the victors - and adding an assist shortly after - was Joshua White, while also scoring were Eric Cowan and Tyler Wlson. Ben Cousins was the lone marksman for Gus Mowbray. Atom - Consolation Final Gallinger Ford delivered an identical score as the day's opcning contet to topple Scars 5-1. Cody Saftic was steady bctween flic pipes while leading offcnisively with goals two and four was Cuit Baiser. Chipping in singles were Jase Lavigne, Evan Placido and Kaedan Szclei-Miko. Scoring for Sears on an unaasisted effort was Jay Glinny. Atom - Championship Final A much dloser tilt than thse two tisas preceded it had McCuaig Insurance scoring twie in the final seven minutes of play to knock off Brian's Auto 4-2. Tariq Patel notehed the gamne winner while adding some insurance down flic stretch waa Ryan Stevens. First-pcriod markers wcrc sunk by Grcg Mountain and Mats Russell. In net for flic win was Kyle Windmoller. Andrew Smnith hafi both goals for Brian's Auto. Minor Novice - Consolation Final GoodLifc Blue enjoycd a flerce finish - with diree goals i flic final frame - to knock off their GoodLife Red couniterpaits 5-2. Mark Mekelvie completed s hat-trick in flic tlird penod to cemnent thic win while aiso lighting flic lamnp wcrc Nichols Fujiwara and Brari Fitzsimmons, who assisted on ail threc goals by Mekelvie. Chris Pellcy wss tic winning goaltender. Cody Krous and Jeff Shepherd seored for GoodLife Red. Minor Novice - Championshlp Final GoodLife Black's Marcus Dunsford collected duee points mncluding two second-pcriod goals to help his squad edipsc GoodLifé Green 4-3. Tyler Cwltis waa solid bctwecn Uic pipes for Uic wmn whilc contributing one goal apiecc werc Kylc Paul and For GoodLife Green, goals came from Scott Barter, Paul Martens and Mark Nordstrom. Major Novice - Consolation Final Brian's Auto got Uic better of Shopper's Drug Mars with a three-goal fluird period to, pull off a comce-from- bchind 4-3 triumph. Jcff Roy's gaine winncr camc witb five minutes remaining wbile sailying twice was Jainison King. Evan Blanchard also dcnted Uic twinc while offcring crediblc cage work waa Curtis Ruabton. Henry Liptay puttcd a pair for Shopper's Dmug Mars whilc alto scoring waa Jason MacDonald. Major Novice - Championship Final Nutecis helfi Austen Noble Insurance scorelcîs tbrougb Uic final two periods en route to winning Uic titie by a score of 4-1. Second and third-period goals by Kevin Monk and Tyler Garrard respectivcly sealcd the dcal for Nutecis. Other goals were recorded by Andrew Brownc and Curtis Campbell. I net for Uic victory waa Eleanor Pineau-Levman. Scoring for Austen Noble Insurance was Erik O'Kane. Minor Peewee - Championship Final Home Cinema buricd Uic biscuit in cach period so upstage Canadian Tire 3-1. Kevin Marshall won a strong gosltcndcr's duel, whilc offensively Brendon Rots and Luke Walker led with a goal and an astit apicce. Home Cinema's ini- tial tally wss depositcd by R.J. Carey. Ryon Windmoiler had Uic lone taily waa Canadian Tir e. Major Peewee - Championslsip Final I Uic higlscst-scoring tilt of Uic day, Towne Dcntal Group lit Uic lamp carly and often to double up Brian's Auto 6-3. Standing out wiUi two goals cacis for Uic victors wcre captain Justin Moir and Ben Clifford while chip- pig in singlcs were Jocy Fargorgio and Jcff Sturgcst. Evan Morrison eamned Uic wi in net. Ail tlsrec goals for Brian's Auto, including s last- minutc shorthandcd taily, came in Uic second pcnod. Doing Uic scoring wcre Alcx Pearson, Eric Taylor and Mathew LaLondc. Bantam - Championship Final The day flnishcd in dramatic fashion, as Nutcch gut- ted out a 4-3 squcakcr ovcr Brian's Auto for Uic titlc. Wcs Malci was solid bctwccn Uic pipes whilc sink- ig Uie gainc winncr carly in Uic third waa Ryan Day. Alto scorig for Uic evcntual champs wcre Ryan Barcomb, Michael Grcen and T5dcr Gracc.