1 0-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Apnil 2, 2002 vBergsma's lights the way with expansion By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion The decision to open Main Street Lighting was an easy one for Jeif Bergsma. "There wasn't a lighting store in Milton, hie t I simply explained. Along with opening the lighting store, Mr. Bergsma recently converted Bergsma's Paint and Wallpaper on 194 Main St. into Bergsma's Home Decor, a Canadian Benjamin Moore sig- nature store. Both stores are under one roof, although two c différent signs -one for Bergsma's Home Decor and one for Main Street Lighting - sit Y-.- side-by-side on the outside of the establishment. "Somne people who come in say they îhought il was two different stores because of the way the sigos are set up." Walking in the door, customers will first come 7 .' in contact with a variety of lamps and chande- liers. 'il went to, Dallas (Texas) to the International Lighting Show to buy the unique fixtures,» said Mr. Bergsma, who went into, business with his brother Peter. "Customers have told me they've 4 spent months travelling and couldn't find one fixture, and they corne in here and see three or j four fixtures they like righl away." Allhough Main Street Lighting has been open lesthan a month, the response bas been over- welmmng, hoe said. "We've had a lot of good response frorn the public, a lot of compliments. I had no hesitation at ail to, open the store because I knew there was a need for this type of store in lown." 'Me expansion began in December and was "People will drive by, stop and lum around.PhtbyGAMPAE We have a stunning new store front." Brothers Peter (left) and Jeff Bergsma ay the responme ta their new lighting business hem been ovemwhelming. Besides sellmng a variety of lighting fixtures, customers cas find paint, wallpaper and borders, store. 50, set an example of the high quality products very strong customer base in the Milton area but lighting, window coveringa, home decorating "It's a complele decorating service." and services the stores cas offer customers. we know tIsat to attract and hold new customers accessonies and supplies rn thse 4,800-square-foot He said bie believes downlown businesses need 'Over the past 17 years, we have developed a - we need to be innovative." vNew veterinary hospital opens in town 's east end By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Larry Landsborough loves animals. So it cornes as no surprise the veterinarian has - opened bis own praclice in town. STIse clinic, Mainview Animal Hospital, opened ýé yesterday as 17 Wilson Dr. "l've worked in Milton (as a velerinarian) for some lime and I decided 1 wanted my own busi- ness," said Dr. Landsborough, who's been in veteri- #,4 nary mediemne for nine years. "People cas bring ini their cals and dogs, and exot- ic aimais sucb as fer-ets, rabbits and guinea pigs for treatmnenl." The clinie offers vaccines, surgery, dentistry, X- rays, groommig and day care services. The clinic is also wheelchair accessible. "lIts nol a boarding clinie," Dr. Landsborough said. A licenced velerinary technician is also on staff. And as bis practice grows, hie added, assistant vol- e rinarians will ho hired on. "l've always loved medicine and l've owned pets aIl my life," he said, when asked why hie chose to, work in the field of veteninary medicine. "1 like associating wiîh the clients and the pets. Thero's nol really a downside Io my job.' Photo by GRAHAM PAINE In fact, Dr. Landsborotigh likes bis job so much Dr. Larry LandaborOUgh opened hlm new animal hompital yemterdmy. Here, he pomma with hlm dog Macey. hoe hasn't taken a vacation in more thas three years. ~ i'~ UI>tM) <~ Vrt~% i %* 'Oe rse tS 4 èU