Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Mar 2002, p. 7

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Congregation of *St. George Chur-ch decides to buîld new -Qtnnio r-htre~h ta eost 92.500 Time Capsules' are geins of' information e.srracted from past issues of T/te Champion and other publications Io pro- vide a gindow into Milton's past. Explanatory comment ta sometimes pro- vided ro place the situation in cont ext. August 1895 The congregation of St. George's Church, Lowville bas dccidcd to build a new stone' church to cost about $2,500. l'hey have $1,700 in their building fond now. September 1895 On Thursday evening the workmcn cmployed in building the new Grace Cburch were given a complimentary sup- per at the Commercial Hotel. About 30 persons, including some of Uic prominent members of the churcb, partook of it and Rev. PT. Mignot was chairman. A very pleasant evening was spent. Landlord Dean, as usual, provided an excellent bill of l'arc. October 1895 Jailer Vanallen bas muade out bis annual report l'or Uic jail year which ended on Monday. The total number ol' committals was 312 -311 males and one female. Twenty-one prisoners were committcd l'or Uic second and twelve for Uic third time. Nationalities were as l'ollows: 105 Canadians, 84 Englisb, 76 Irisb, 23 Scotch. 19 Americans and five from oUier countries. Married people totalled 28 and unmarried 283. No debtors were imprisoned duning the ycar. The daily cost per prisoner l'or rations was 4 6/10 cents, probably as usual, Uic lowest in Uic province, which speaks well l'or Mr. Vanallen's good management. Certain young men froro Uic township ol' Nelson have been in the habit, l'or somte time past, ol' coming to Milton at night and speeding Uicir horses on Uic streets. A week ago last Saturday night two of Uiem camne bere wiUi Uieir borses and trot- ted a series of' races on Main Street. Chie' Constable Bradley, who had had difficulty in previous cases of Uic sarne kind to get evidence enough l'or a conviction was more successful in this instance and found several witnesses who were rcady to iden- til'y one of' Uic young men and an informa- tion was laid. The youth appeared belote Mayor McColloru last wcek, was convicted l'or The Canadien Champion, Fniday, match 29, 2002-7 *OuTR-RFA DERS WR [TE Father Mark Curtis shares inspiring tale Milton 11-182 Milon o with Champion readers on eve of Easter TieDear Editor: message of Holy Weck and Eastcr open and empty. Stephen shows os Capsules OC 9 Over Uic past six montbs our l'or today. One child in particolar, the meaning ol' Easter today. lives have been inundated with was a boy named Stephen. He and Unless our hearts and lives become furjous driving and fmned $1 and costs, total $8.35. Since the information was laid against the one offender, the constable bas found out who the other is and has laid informa- tion against him and expects to parade bim before thc mayor shortly. Rev. PT. Mignot laid the last stone of' Uic new Grace Church last Saturday, one on Uic top of the tower. It is the intention to open thc church on Nov. I 2tb. The Moffatt football team played an association match here on Saturday witb a newly organized Milton teain. The locals won by one goal to nothing aftcr 56 min- utes of very exciting play. November 1895 Mr. Lyc, of Toronto, presidcd at thc new organ during Uie openmng of Grace Church. The offering during Uie day amounted to over $125. "The church is a very handsomne stone structure and will be a lasting witncss to the skill and ability of Mr. Charles J. Gibson, the architeet of Toronto. The work bas been adm-irably donc by Uie Coleman Planing and Lumber Co. of Burlington (Ltd.)" Yesterday aftemnoon a lire started between the ceilmng of Miss Kelly's depart- ment in Uic (Bruce St.) public sebool and Uic floor of Miss Cnulson's room. It was causcd by an insufflcicntly protected stoveptpe. 'Me fire alarmi was soundcd and Uic brigade turned out but Uic flames were quencbed wiUi water from buckcts. As Uic floor and cciling were damaged Uic chul- dren in Uic two departinents were sent home. This ,naterial is aasembled on behaif oj the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dilîs, chair of research, w/to con be reached by e-mail atjdills@idirect.com. news stories pertaining to the events ol' September 1l, the war on terrorisin and more recently, the violence in the Middle East. Daily ncwscasts and ncwspaper hcadlines updating us on the human side of misery and pain can leave one to feel overwhelmcd, helpless and wiUiout hope. Yet Uiere's another story wbich is to unl'old in the hearts of' most Christians. lt's one wbich will receive little press coverage, yet it won l'or os our salvation and wil certainly provide us hope and light atnidst Uic darkncss of evil and despair. It's Uic story of Holy Week and Easter. The story of Christ's pas- sion death and resurrection. lt's a story whicb l'm privileged and bonourcd to relive in my ministry witb terminally-ill children and Uieir l'amilies. There arc many cbildren who, in Uieir painl'ul joumey home to God, have made real l'or me Uic meaning ol' faith, life and especially the bis classmates were invited by their Sunday school teacher to fill clear plastic eggs with symbols ol' Easter. Weeks later on Easter momning eacb cbild was invitcd to show the congregation their symbol. Some eggs contained flowers, symboliz- ing new life. Others contained chocolate and goodies reflecting Uic l'estive spirit of Easter. Finally, Stephen approachcd the podium and witb an empty egg in hand, he shooted with confidence. 'Easter, it's empty.' Feeling somewhat embarrassed l'or the cbild, the teacher politely took Stephen aside and instructed hum as to Uic shortcomings ol' bis empty egg. But be persisted. BoUi teacher and congregation only perceivcd a problero, yet on a deeper level Stephen's response was key to the good news ol' Easter - Uic tomb was empty. Some wecks later Steven dicd, and at bis foneral bis classrnates placed Uieir plastic eggs upon bis little casket, and dreary. Christ's presence and power can't risc within to spark new life. Easter is the promise that Christ can tom our tombs into wombs ol' new birth. There's no tomb (heart) too dark, cold or old that the Lord can't brighten and bomn wiUiin. So the choice is ours. we can aliow the darkness of' our negative attitudes, hurtful past, prejudices or unl'orgiveness to remain in our hearts or we can embrace Uic mes- sage of' Easter, and keep our hearts always empty and open, ready te, always wclcomc the warmth and lighs ol' God's love in and throogh Uic gift of eacb oUicr. Otberwise, the news of Uic world will continue to filI our lives wiUi doomn and gloomn and leave little roomn to, welcome Uic joy ol' Easter. May the joy of Easter remain in your hearts n0w and always. Father Mark Curtis Milton Reader looking for some answers from Town on a number of municipal maintainence issues Dear Editor: 1 agrcc with previous correspondent Andrew Willoughby about certain probleros in Milton. As well, 1 would like answcrs to Uic fl'olowing ques- tions. First, bow do senior citizens get bclp clearing Uic snow from their sidewalks and driveways at a reason- able cost? Whcn 1 telephoned Town Hall about snow removal, I got a voice-mail message to leave my phone number, but 1 ncver received a cail back. 1 tried 10 get help from. Uic snow removal prograin at Maplehuras, only 10 discover Uiat Uic programn had been discontinued. Why? And why have 1 bad to put up wiUi Uic front of my lot heing designiatcd as snow storage l'or Uic past 21 years? This means Uiat aftcr a hcavy snowl'all Uiere's a pile ol' snow in front ol' my bouse which can be six feet high - Uic entire widUi of my lot. Why doesn't Uic Town purcbasc sorte windrow ploughs which follow Uic regular ploughs and clear Uic Al'ter Uiis year's mild winter, there should be some sorplus snow removal fonds that could be used for this purpose. Second, if tIhe pavement on your street is in need of repair, wby docs it take so long l'or Uic repairs to bc made? How about lenting thse taxpayer know what causes Uic dclays and what's bcing donc to fmnd solutions? Timely communication would help alleviate misun- derstandings and calin frustration. And lastly. why bas it taken 50 long l'or Uic Town to build a centre l'or Uic arts? It's past tine l'or our munic- ipal govemment to appreciate Uic divcrsity ol' this grown town. Not ail the citizens of Milton arc sports mad. Many of us cnjoy music, dance and Uicatre. Is anyone listening? Elizabeth Hemmînga Milton 2OOM zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom ZÔOM zoom M .E AM TI-l THI dM ' 4 q1ILIL 0Fe le1Jri4aTIor rJ7IV? Cash Price From N~$22,985 CashPiefo ch l $16,495 cUe Starting firom-qqW $ 19,895 2.OL 4 Cyt - AM/FM CD Stereo - Power Windows - Power Locs - Power Mirrora - ABS Attoy Wheela - Keyteas Entry - GFX Package -F09 Lighta - Croise * Sport Intenior 2.OL 4 Cyt -NAC - AMIFM CD Sterea - Power Windows- Power Locks - Power Heated Mirrora -Cruiae Controt - Keyleaa Entry -60/40 Fotding Rear Seat 1.9% flbansîmg lir, U mn. or 8% Finaucîm* lot 30 mon. $0 PAYMNTS FOR s BATYS!! $U PATVETS FOR SU MATS!! 3.OL V6 Engine - AM/FM CD Sterea - ABS Brakes - Limited Slip Diff. - Dual Airbags -15" Wheeta - Sliding Rear Window *Blocks Heater - Tachometer - 60/40 Split Seat ir 1.9% FI.ancins lot 80 mon. $@ IPATEENTS irez s BALTS!! 357 fluaes et. (Uwy 7) Auben, en 5N U-S53-SIOS sain @mobmolsma.ia.ca *Cait for detajis / Pries Plus Freight/PDETrr

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