4-T1he Candim Champom, Fnday, March 29, 2002 vCurling fundraiser SWCCpS up $36,OOO for charity walkcd away winners from the Curi For Kids Cbarity Auction and Bonspeil earlier Ibis montb. A cheque for $36,000 was present- cd to the Trillium Cbildbood Cancer Support Centre, Big Sisters of North Halton and Halton Women's Place. -s The charities shared the proceeds equally. The event was sponsored by the Milton Curling Club and the Milton COL FO---- Lions Club. MIL j "Thanks to everynne who gos CULfQ~ BONSPIEL M involved in this fundraiser and made C()RtlVG 0_02it a success," said Sandra Fletcher, CAMp m,,LLI11 event organizer. "A very special note B/G of appreciation goes to ail donors LWt 'ON Et w O~ F HAL T7& and purcbaacrs of auction items as SN, PLA E wdll as to ail our generous sponsors. TJJIfly. SIX 'IIO SA UTisanks, Milton, for your support and generosity." Several lucky people also won $AU! or LOVE weekend get-a-way packages and prizes, including Miltonians Ch 'ristine Brown and Mike Ryan, Who won a one-wcek ail inclusive Photo by GRAHAM PAINE vacation for four at a four-star hotel Sandra Fltctw (left) of th. Milton Curling Club and Willllard Rath (right) of th. Milton Lions Club pissent a whopplng $36,000 choque t0 (cen- in the Bahamas and a Niagara Estate tre from loft) Sue McConmack of Halton Women's Place, Claudia Scoble of Big Sisters of North Hatton and Nicole Lamant of Camp Trllllum. Wine Tour, rcspectivcly. MILTONUD M ilton under-serviced 'n LIN,,,* efrom HHS oname 3 HHS - alto provsdc up to $10,000 for docom torActnada~Ut(JJmec As an under-serviced community, Milton repretentatives have the opportumity to take Useir recruitmnent efforts rigbt to the source - Ontario's five medical selsools. lIn addition to offering town tours and talk- ing to interested graduates, every graduat- ing individual receives an information brochure telling Usem what Milton bas to offer. One of the biggest selling pointa is loca- tion, said Mr. Oliver. Being in the Greater Toronto Area but stiil a significantly rural community, Milton bas a lot to offer. "As far as I know, Milton is the closest under- serviced community to Toronto. Tberc's good accest to the city, people can grab Uic GO Train and retusn b a smail town." Recruilment incentives - offered by frec boan to cstablish their practice. Loans must be rcpaid witbin thrce ycars. Milton's biggest obstacle to physician rccruitmnent bas been s lack of available office space, Mr. Oliver pointed out, adding the opening of tse Commercial Street Professional Building Iast fal belped the situation. "We were looking at developing a med- ical site on die Milton bospital propcrty, but we're deferring it ssntil the Commercial Street building is completely occupicd," bie stated. "If oUser private sector docsn't cre- ste Use space as physicians necd it, Use (HHS) board of directors will again come back to looking at dcvcloping on the hos- pital site." r -.