Sobeys Ontario Warehouse Sobeys Ontario in Milton 1Hy.401 and Hwy 25) has openings for part tasse employaient in our warehouse facility. Shift work involving nights, afteemoons and weekends is required. Duties mnclude assembling, lifting (emphasis on "heavy lifting"), stacking and shipping of product. It is a physically demanding job requining individu- ais to performi a variety of duties. Ise successful candidate will be self-motivated, a mature thinker, respon- sible. flexible, physically fit and work with minimal supervision. Competitive compensation is available. AIl those interested and réel tbey could contribute, please fax your resume to: 1-905-876-2020 7BLUE BEACON TRI CK WASH is now hiring futl r me t2pm -Sous, 8am - 4pm, and pare-rime 4pm- 12pm The successfut applicants muse be flexibIe, highly motivated and able to work thea ' weekends. Your motivational sk ils could earn you an average hourly wage of bersecen t10.00 and 'l16.O/hr with a base pay of 18.0O/hr. No phone calis pleaseO WHY MOT ENJOY WORK' and make a différence'! Oakville, Milton and Burlington At TOM aIIvS» ef CUai we affer fthe basft driver ttaining programn ia the coantry. We teach CeIflbiW P' Driviag and me t lookiogI lot drivers Who skate Oar passion for excellence. If yaa love la drive, enjay people, watt flexible haars and the opportanily for advaacemnx then Yueq Oriuers may ha the career fat yau. The mninmm dlean driviag record. Candidates must alsa ha avait- able tai takea o4 waek VO tnstructsr Training Course hatare hecomiog licensed. AIl groduaots are hiredl Vaut canent cauld alsa invalve classroom Iacbing, Ceflhguloem" Driver Improvemant Progrants on pour swn VO franchise. Pleose drap in helmeen 9:310 ant. and 4:30 p.m. Monday ta Friday ta tilt ouf an application. 77 Joules Stmd, Mu*h, Saite 118 iKlta Ci, Oet e (MerM etl M M i jusSt. orl) Oser 160 ctassrOOmS arrosa Canada wvwyoungdtivals.COm Yoxtrg Drive fa Canada la an entaiPrisa af Fard Muot Company YUGDRIVERSofCamad 1 Yoar licen5ce to surVive. MU'8 ,ww.youaegdrdven.cous PARTICIPATIO OS FT Eveulang Supagr'iaor - urifoutOfl. Rasponsihiitiies inclada assîistîog wvil administrative fanictiens, providing supervision daning evaning baars 1& pnaviding attendant services in a suppartive hausing seffing. Applicant must passass o min. 3prs. attendant services & lyr. sapervisory taponiance, & strong cam- palet skilts. Apply in writing hp April 101h, 20102 ta: Selectien Cammitie. Participaionm Hanse 3007 Pailmer Drive, Suri.. ON L7P 3T6 or@emal:ph-uearl@hlfl.sln.COlM LANDSCAPE Cm aSRUTU Forepersons, Lead handa and Labournra required lmmndiatnîy. Candidatea muat have a hIg quaîtty veork sandard, rtean driving record (Ctaas DZ an asset and ocin transportatiorn. Fax resumne or detals to: 905481-895, Cali 905-639-M52 Canadl teadîng home furnîshîng Installer ix nove hîrîng for the fottoveîng positions: PI-r WvftsouSS PlI Ddleey Cark Pli Office Att positions require presenlabte, enthu- satîr associaten that nnjoy veotking wîfh the public. Shits woutd inctude veenkenda and evaningo. pieuse apply or fax resume to. 3167 N. Service Roadi Burllngtofl, ON L7N 3G2 F&x:<905)336-2744 1 The Canadiarl Champion, Fniday, Match 29, 2002--0 ACCOUNTS Payable BILINOUAL CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Clere requirvd fo busy Luxury atnimie Jealeïsnip iequire 1 II fuîttime A gruwîng interv naa company iscurrently seel nu Ingüaý euti Se ne e Snne eapelleneu 100eenatv aoji ur team inoxu Burn ngton ofilce. Please fax resumae te EX .PA T CX O UT N This position offera an excellent compensationl package, including henel 9"74.5 Succesatal individa wili possess excellent The qatiied candidate mili have 2 - 3 years axperianca (or elqaivalent) in a ras REAL EatateLea communicationi skills, ahility ta prioritize, men tlamer service and accountiflg environnment. Eapariertre wittr imports and exporta urta Coltiad %,Yo deadlixes, ha detail ariented and have parts ol aa se.Yxmi apoiiell SEcl odadasadr iltonoffice. Minimum 2 experience. Applicants must enjoy dealiag with ftha accoantixg package. You must passas xtroxg intarparsonal skiffs, a positive pro- vears eopletianee. Must public and have o aaat appearance. Excellant hanei fassianal attitode and ore able ta bondie strassîral situations. be cueedy or very ra- package. If yoa are oery custorver lacused, detail oriented, and you have eacellent oral and enftly emiployed in a Farward meumes ta: Shirley Westwood writtan cammunicatiaon ahilla (French and English), thax n e nt ta hat trom you. tam office. Fax veaumne BuSou B WoOa iiePees-mil ,eee rein la Word tenat te: phicatoera hetd in strict 2400 Sallh Servie@ Rd W., Galevlie, LS.5SMO cofdne No Tlephone Catis Please ml louer than Amri S, 2w. LANDSCAPING JOBS Fui tome, energetic, reliable, weIl orge- Au 'N-AiI Cla&sh<j Hours IDUL FOR OAC & MAC mnwrE S nized individuel required for local Sales MoEflONIS!da and Engineering Co. Duties to include Reqsawd by tasf gmw MoldytoFna Brigo adcapet is Iaxking for part-ttma halp- printing and ncanning of drawis (Wall înl steel as. in the 9gam to 5pm er pi o November with mata hours ta JuIP/ train), filing, typiusg, xeroxig phono and bavego saren a. Must Augus.Must ha physically fit, anîoy xutdoat woîk, gnrlofc uis optrksw- proai n aea e~ b vialintha fali and hava valid drivers lîcansa. eer offsen dtia- pCompatet Phelinnv Cmli 905-34-0095 fer mars Idfo. or Pieuse fax resumes to: Fax 2 page rsulne te 905-63457 Gemry Thurstos ait (905) 875-1675 Nestié Purine PetCure, a leading paf foxd manu- errsoahThLkaporaxv facturer ix cvrrentlp recruiting fxr: 2 positions in prx- ér hn Fin Ah Hone, a0rorssv cexsing, 3 Packaging, 1 Warehxusivg and 2 pvyi thaU raLiramavl N ivnsr raq ex .s4 Lahauring lxi or Misaissauga production facility .A cU T NT nBr Scesucaddotas will hava a high xchxxl diplo- Respansihilities ixcluda: Accounta ReceivahieAc 4 * ë ~ iIN ma, xperenceworixi a manufuctuuing faciliîp in cxuxlxs Payable, Genaral Ledger, racanc iiatixxs, o teas envirxxmant, gxxd cxmmunicatixn shilîs movth-vnd clxxingx, anxuol hudgelixg & varionce basic kxomledga xf cxmputers and a sîrxng wxrý 3naîpsis. Tht succaxaful upplicaxi must hava strovg ethic. Excel skills, extensive experience wifh compalerizad accoxntiag syofems. 2 peaix xl accouxîing eoperianca M E anvirxnmant. Shift mark xx the aternaxa and nighfxts .-3-u tt:PlsSrti shifts miii ha invxlved in these positions. a Nestié Purins PetCure xffers on excellent banalt package wilh an hxuîly ronge xl $18.1l0 ta $21.014 ---- pan hxur, plus xhift premium. 1 ý Pîate suhmit yxur rasume in wrt ng hp xx latar than CONSTRUCTION SALES 11511E SAME (CGNTRACT) April 5, 2002 ta: Great Northern Insulation, Southen III are lookivg far an argan nergetic t) okart Nu"ti Purim Petcue Ontarios leading Inoulateon Controctor, take an a minimamani month cort0act iluatructurs Atfention: Human Reaxercas han been contracttlsg en ail types of the a of aiurvw Cast Actylcu Divsun. 25113 Rayai Whindsor Drive Misxîssauga, commercial & renedential instilation qIepalblte liInu sais Ornaix orreun LU : 218 tsa-oegsu Ont iarj frep m or the mabsite and dafa hase, organiza promnofional mailin odr e m l u rsm a 1 er. erqur rp oras tx OEMs and Distrihalars, contact prospective cus- sexd via tea o U6S-85-M. Weat Toronto area. Tise succeanful tamers, prapare quofataons. No talaptrana inqaîries, plaasa candidate wili be a moctivate self staxter lIesNlaaIeIS The auccasstal candidate w Il bas with expenience ansd contacts in tise encellent oral and writCen commanicalion sk ils and Busy Ford Lincoln Dealership cntutos artpce capable of w Il have weh design and salas experience. relquirna maintaining andi expanding an exiatasg Lîcnc d B dyporon client base. Remunerateon package Winl PIase entait pou cavering latta land rusumae lv Lie c dB dyP io nclude a base salary, incentive, cri maen hohne@l-bl Immediate Position allowance andi benefles. Pieue fax rasme to: Fax resmle to 1.905-693-1994 95-08Tr4-24r5Rd or eali 1-800-265-1914. TUEMIF ~u Oskvilie, Ontario $111.111 af/Apl Na etîperience those selacted for an interview mili ha coxtacted. Witt train.1 'T SALESI Fam ie sIIIIIIII SERVICE Fa 1wIfncmua r Schxlarships avoîlahît. AVAILAIL Civella Salon-Spa, one of Canadas tnading 905-842-8045 Fo teinm phseniors tant caret opportunittea for dedicated disabladuts Find tise is Oad L tambonidîiut 0 Of U Laundry e Vacuumixg yoeiv alway FR N DEKPRSN E Waab ng Floars wanted n WE OFFER: Competitive saary, a crm- Balhs prehenaive benefita package and exten- (1A. Cali BN cLTmi sive tmaining and gromth opporturvtes. Lie'm clsifes Pilease fax your reournes to: U EP MM0-0403 ieds. Melanle Abrahams 905fl-84 51 878-.qdnd foe PIT Ev.mgp si Dfys lx pro 'de nursing cant in the Holtax commuatly. Pase appy ta: VU Niftu brauo UORN xpr 2370se Spurs . OkvlietA enred talachems Kînder- LienedMmlwigtl At. Maua Nemuei Fax<) 8274390 gata to Grade B. Ail Affernoun shift is raquirad with o minimumt of uert Cati Roxemar- M yar eience Mch anthe 905-693 809 iu prass, set up, dia change andi PLO exparletica SHERIDAN Office Amî xeueGauateaeI good trsublesheottng skis. Streng teln ing hall-eUme local office canent. 2 peas expenrire in ployer reqsîrad Pt easa fox resmme l: finanrial services. Contact Katherna Rnid by: 52 -4 5Phone: 905-699-7500, E-matl kather- 905-25-825 ne reid320hobna t rom i