Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Mar 2002, p. 28

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28-lb. Canadien Champion, Fnidsy March 29, 2002 RFQ UFST FOR PROPOSAI bid documents for the service listed below, addressed to the Manager of Purchasing Services, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE ON L6M 3L1 refif be received until 2:00 p.m. Oakville Time on the specitied closing date. Bid documents can be seen or obtained through the Purchaaing Division of the Corporate Services Department, same address as above, telephone 905-825-6000, extension 7031. If long distance charges apply, dial Coit f ras 1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866) Documents reili be evallable for pick up on and aBter Tuesday, March 26, 2002. There ls s non-refundable deposit of $2500 plus $1.75 GST. Under no circumatances rel facaimile or laie bids be accepted or considered. LoreesI or any bld not necessarily accepted. Halton Region relies on this advertisement to provide public notice of Chia business opportunity and la not obligated 10 notity any polenliat bidders in any other manner. 02-P-047î SUPPLY & DELIVERY 0F A MOBILE COMMAND UNIT FOR THE HALTON REGIONAL POLICE SERVICE CLOSING: THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 2002 E. ALGAR, CHIEF 0F POLICE, HALTON REGIONAL POLICE SERVICE A. MINDENHALL, CPPO MANAGER 0F I PURCHASING SERVICES -S0 - o - - u n NIOTICE 0F PUBLIC AUCTION ~ e ued $500 FOR A CUP Description: 16hh thsîougbbred mare-chestsuf, Bflue $50, Dainty Mauve Silviiey cufIs & saucers JP/M Jmpe sahesi &2.$100; Dainty Black veeded. Duinfy Bise JR/M Jmpe setio 1 2ý$500. Triangle Handieri $50; Oainty Mauve P M I11111HM Breet Hsslsn Shelley $100. Other $100, Dainly Black Indebteinsess: $6243.40. Shelley $35-$75/ea. $500. Triangle Hue- LOCATU11; 5244 #1 Side Rtd. R.R. #6, Milles, ON Only Shelley neederi at dier Shelley $100. Willsw Ririge Fera je Iscater se rsad North et Hwy these upaces. Bill Hegan Other Shelley $35- 5, anri se reari WesC t Hw 25. Antiqu es 905-641-1420 $75/ea. Only Shelley TIEIIAL 2d Ari, 202 i 7m.collect. neederi ut these prîces. AJ8TIIUE Mr. Den Stewart. 8111 Hegan Antiques Mr. Stewart andi Willew Ridge Fara reserve the rigbt 956112 olc le adjeure the sale il je Chair opinion tbe pricee de set ABERFOYLE'S rellecl fait market value. Indoor Antique Fer lurther inie cati Mr. Slewart@ 905-845-468 Show & Sale W Eastor Wesicsnd O1 et Wîiltw Ridge Fera 905-466-4421Fr.M.291- i Authentic, tsp quulity Now you can à 19 T 1 N i antiques. Friendly, SUINDAY. APRIL 1ST -1PM Cu.IgContrie VIEWING 12:30 SALE DAY Breck Rd.(et d Hwy.6) Fabuleus eut eftChie werld ternistrisîs sncIere part contents et tarsilere store, Foar etates, plus stirers attfise quality turnishisîs, ais astiques & collecta- hIes. Spectacatar 11pc. esecatins Chippendale di- ningreera suite w/large breaktrest banquet table & 8 trait & ca chairs. 11pc. French Chippendale dlning suite. leautitul 9pc. Qseen Anse dinicîreere salle. tenely 9pc. Cuncan Phytte dineîgreem suite, baath- taking 6pc. high pester Victorias bedraam calte. SpecCacetar 6pc. Does size Thescaseitte bedset, plas ether dining & bedresa tursiture. Venus Martin cern- er cabinet & comrnode, Davespent etesk, nitrene, par- for turnitase carie cabinets, commodes with inlay, et- realu and marbie Ceps, 2pc. hall set, French Chippen- dais caries, edri china cabinets, buffets, dressera, cedar cheets, test steets, vnilles, large selectien etf sdd tables, etecerater style, Chippendale library table, 3pc. Victerian arbie tep tables, deceratur & carned parleir chaire inctude tapestry, esttake & Vic- taries styles, sIal ruel desh, arbie Cep platers, T.V. armeire, tireplaca anile, large collection et gruup sf 7 uit paintinge, Cea waegon, trench carned le- laid buffet Edwardias semver, gramophone with large brase hemn, grandfether ciech, 3pc . antie dlock, ne- setian inrer, Persian rage, Pr. salsuma lumps, Drag- un tiy lamp. lily & Tiffany style lamps, liasse doit baby carniage. Sateumu collection, met huche & truck, royal niena coapote, leet bue, uabrella stand, weether vne, tee & checulete sets signed, cranberry. Meny ether items, tue narnemeus te lieC. Auctieneer: Chester Il yuu are about te turnieh yeur hoae, den't aise Chie sale. Tuis:visa, debit 0r13% dise. for cah dallai. Detinemy Aneiteble Four Pointe Sheraton 5444 DIXie Rd., Mlsslssauga (Hwy. 401 exil @Diuie Rd. Seuth) Sert. Aprill 6 at 10 arn Open Heuse & Prsniew Fmi. Apr. 5, 11laa-4pa This Auctien is heing bCld un behaît et Nuhieten Fea Sernice, Cresereada Equipreent, Clark Monse Matera and Haltes Grounds Cars (Att JOD. destsrships) Locatei: HALTON GROUNOS CARE 1589 STEELES AVE., MILTON From 401 h«v taho James Suuw Parkway 2 ai, E of25 hav (905-78-2121> Dus te large innsntery et 2001 trede-ins, rentai & teese rttms + soee w innenemy the ahana ceteri dealers have decideri te sel hy Public Auctise the fuiliwing: Appreu. 100 riding lan & terrien trac- tors, mely John Deere trua 8htp-lffrip, gea & diesel, cunnentienal anri front munts; JOD. 5205 Tracter (150 ts) 4u4. JOD. 655 4x4 with 50' mewer, Int 584 4x4 (1600 tirs) with hyd. loader, Ford 1000 compact, M.F. 245 trecter and leader; JOD. 6675 Shiri Steer, N.H. L505 Shirisîser, Behcat 853, J.O. 8875, misc. shid steel ettechaente, huchets, seep- er, post driver, hydmeulrc trencher, Post hetri sugers; Galure and utiiity carte; Toyota and Clark terklift. Nsw ges genereters, rutetillers, new & useri chain sas, eus aseritriamere, welh-hehicd ges aoers, lest & grass biowers, spreyere, tinishisg aewers. Set. new & ueed golf course oersseding equip., preseer tepriressere 4'&5',, greunri reneneler, highlander 1 h.p. hucher rahe, etc. Many items depticeteri- Sumething tut snerysne. Terme. Cash af upprunei 1cheque day et sale. Lunch heeth un grounds. im . MC re Auto erier Pick up your copy today. loi main Sbt.t Esat, Milion 905-878-2341 RICHARDWSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE To leese or purchese your car or truck Hwy 258S. et DMMn Rd. 878-2393 (GORRUD'Si SALS à LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE - BUY - SEIL - LEAS E LARGCEST SELECTION OF USED VEHICLES IN MILTONI 905-875-2277 Position uvaitubte uit a Physiolhenapy ctînic in Milton (ilton as 1/2 bout west of Toronto and 1/2 boun ese of Cambridge/Guelph) Physiorberupîsl Assistant, Aide, Kinesiotogistl reequrred for a fuîltime position. Fax resumne 10: 905-876-3737 Email info@hcrc.c 1 - Entry Lenet andi Supernisony positions anaitable in Warehouae. Prenous espetiecce wilh arehouse 1wonh and wilh teratifl la requiteri. tf you'te s bard- iworking, dependlabte person, pleese tas your ne- aurne t0; SL-Specisl Laboralonies LCd., Fax: (905) berne cleacing safft. Millon ares. Fu-lime or Part-Ume. Tep psy. Oeil 905-693-9552. WANTED Icternatinl Distribulora ton Formule 88 Residecliat/Com- merdia Cleaner & De- gresr. Cai 705-942- 4882, www.geoci- tiea.com/cshicyyour- peckelcal GROUNDSKEEPER/ Maintenance person requineri ECLIPSE ton large bors show tacility. Groucri maintenace turt/ tauri machinery, irrigation & drainage, canpenlry SALON ahilla, wontaing wilh yeung homses. Non-smehing. Ac- commodation +aay. Fax resumne wilh reterecces A Un AWla'tllt. 10: 905-827-633 or cati; 905-827-2234. liME FI REDWOOD Pal Reot bas full-lime/part-lime posi- A MMEA ? lions ensilable. Sorne asehenda reqsrred. Requins- Check eut Ectipse mente includa worhicg wilh doge sari cala in a fst for the change paceri ennircnrnenl. Espenence preterreri but wltl aeloig(r train. Fax tassase te 905-ff78-1154 or cati 905-878- yo ae lokng or 19410.1 956704

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