Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Mar 2002, p. 8

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S-mhe Canadien Champion, Fniday, Match 22, 2002 HIGH SCHOOL REPORT Heart and Stroke Foundation in partnership with Halton Healthcare Services Food Glorjous Food March is National Nutrition Month. What a great time to learra more about "Heart Smart Nutrition". Attend the Heart and Stroke Foundation's new "Food Glorious Food" workshop being presented at Halton Healthcare Services - Milton District Hospital site on Tuesday, March 26th at 11:45 a.m. This presentation outlines "Heart Smart" nutrition and covers topics such as; evaluating your nutrition habits, basic principles of healthy eating, using Canada's Food Guide to healthy eating, as well risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Hlealthy eating is a way of eating that provides you wil ail of the essential nutrients, and helps to reduce your risks of developing nutrition-related diseases and health risks like heart disease, cancer, and being overweight. The basic principles of healthy eating are: VEnjoy a variety of foods. YVEat more vegeta- hIes and fruit. VEat more whole grain foods. VEat smail portions of lean meat anud poultry and choose fish more often. VChoose lower fat milk products. VCut back of foods high in fat. VConsume alcohol, caffemne-containing beverages and highly salted foods in moderation. Make healthy food choices while dining out by vis- iting one of these "East Smart!"~ restaurants: Benny's Fanious Deli and Harrop Restaurant in Milton; Bistro 300, Ruby's Vegetarian Vegan Restaurant, Thai Satay and More, and World Bistro ini Oakville. These restaurants offer you: 'VA variety of healthier food choices, on the menu and by request. ___ VExceptional standards in food safety including kitchen staff certifird ina safe food handling approved by the public health department. VMore non-smok- ing seating than is required by law in your communi- ty. For more information on the program, caîl (905) 825-6060 Ext. 7802 or visit www.choices4health.org/eatsmart.html To reserve a seat or to obtaia more information on the "Food Glorious Food"~ seminar, please cali 905- 338-4379 or e-mail lrohmn@haltonhealthcare.on.ca. Seating is lîmited. If you are unable 10 attend, but would like more information of this topic, caîl the Heart and Stroke Foundation Healthime at 1-888- 473-4636 or visit www.heartandstoke.ca. Light refreshments provided. ! ISUOP REDINO HIOM SCIGOL MarinRyon Lafrabeai.Pyne Royal Report By Mark Laframboise and Ryan Pyne The annual Eaater Food Drive is once again upon us. Student Govemment ta encouraging ail students to donate non- perishable food items in an effort 10 assist the Iris fortainate in the local community. Collection will conclude on Tuesday, March 26th. Thank you to ail who have made the previous record breaking drives such an accomplishment. Lighîs, Camera, Action! Dust off your carocorderu and atarI filming because Bishop Reding is holding ils firsI Film Festival on May 301h. Tht evening promises to0 k filird with excitement as tht artîstic talents of frllow studenîs and staff are displayrd in a variety of short films. If you arr intereated, sub- mission formas cen ke obtaiord from tht Student-Govemment office. Ina lieu of the upcoming Academy Awards crremony on Sunday, Bishop Rrdirag hrld ils second annual "And the win- ner il..." contrat today. As a tram, homerooro classes picked who Ibry thought would wira the Oscar for each category from Besi Picture to Brut Documentary. Watch the show and set if your class selectiotis were correct. Rrcently, tht Oirst ever Bishop Rrcling Foui Shooting Baskrtball Content was held 10 raise money 10 assist an under- privilrgrd chid attend Camp Brebruf Ibis sommer. Wr rxîrnd our congratulations 10 tht winning tram comprised of: Alan Lourenco, Merrdith Murphy, Laura Pacrivecus, Liam Tennant, and Mrs. O'Connor. Thanka 10 ail who made tht event a success. On April 9th aI 7:30 .PM, Biahop Rrding lu hosting an information session regarding tht Double Cohort of 2003. Representativra from Humber Colîrge, Sheridan Courege and tht University of Toronto wili ke present 10 dîscuss admission, residence and scholarships. Anyonr who is inîrresîrd is invit- ed to attend tht evening in tht cafeteria. "I am not judged by the rîumber of rimes 1Ifail but by the number of rimes I succeed. Aîîd the number of rimes 1 succeed is in direct proportion to rte number of rimes 1 coni fail and keep going." - Tom Hopkins DATELIME nmumY HOROSCOPES Megan Douer Lyndsey Jonues Rob Park.r àdb (March 21, - April 19') Tltete sit kc shsrt delays sn you lite ihis weck, as Saîsai psles yosr already tii patience tn ihe limil. Resiember ibis %week, as picketers sn frout of the school hand yos short delsys. ihai patience is a uisse ihal corqueis ai vices. IRUa <Aptil 201- May 191) Yos will tise is your iempisiioss on Friday. whes yos indulge sn lte sasout pleassie af Drury's deleciable. dapper. delicioasly delithital desserts! As a resait, sesu tieudsips aie taiurd wiib senior siadenis dsriag ibis lime, as ail profits frrnt the bake sale go tasuards Ibis yeae's puomn. !ismin (May 20' - June 20') Keep ysar ryr os the hallaJsi like the Badlminton Tram hms bers kerpiagthieir eyes os tbe birdirs darint practices ibis wrek. Lu=r (Juan 21« - Jaly 21') Ibis werk Cancr, yu wiii hase difficulties with your vision arssad Friday as yos siiempa is rai lte iay priai ut ibis article, ibal aie reporters mait mse an osier ta isciade ail tbe tun-filird rirais occurrag aI E.C. Dnsry. Shouai you kc sekiag uomiiig a listle mure siîsaliy cosatorlable, lt us recummrsd thr Royal Report.- aissys a detigbl is resad wib sucit large douhe-spared fonts! lms (July 22- - AlignaI 22-) REACHi tor the tupu onte 21ib, as the luais are atigned asd the sels ut Fatebas kme sel i motion. At teasi. ibat's wbat lte Reacit Tramn witt ke doiag ai ikeir ioumey ia Bauiagias neul week. rey diefl wibin the hume at Mars tais aiunib, asd serai pie. parild tas a meutlaiSe ufttasir pruportios. Yira (Alignai 23" - Sepkembee 211) Wbea Mercary raises assiriy in the cuaing weeku, asd yusare basit financial difficat- airs, du nul retrain front pucbasing a promn ticket! Ticket sales for diais memorabir rirai mre jusi arasai the conier, ai treut yasrsett, asd break the hatik, Vetgo! Lkaj (Septeiber 22e - Octber 22') Yoa're in the basse ut Platai Srcniy in the cuaiag munibu. Retmekr, the carieras an the haltasys arai' teie hecasse ut smretiig yaisre dune wrosg, bui merety lu kerp yu sate. Su retax! Yau baseait bers caagttl .Yei.. &9"wi (Ocînher 23' - November 211) Scurpis, yu shahl pamrper yoar skia wbeu yas wia prizr packages tront Store aid lergeas. Nol usiy miii ysar sew look mis yos the kearts utf masy seai admiiers, bot ais die admiration ufth1k graduatiat dlais, aiho miii ke reapiogthe rewards uft ibis raffle. Yos are most compatibte wib Vetgo ibis moulh. Asoi thk impatient Arlies. ûâwlli MS Nnîemker 221 - December 20') Yss miii kc feeling sveriy attressise Ibis meek. Channel yoar aggressia5 ist sometiîu safe asd morthwbiie by tsltuwiug the exampte of Dmury Soy's Rughy Tram. These beys hase atready siared piepaint for the spcsmist seasos. aid are ready Iu keai iheir coin- petitisu an the comiat werks. Cagtiçseas (Deceenber 21« - January 19'1) 'Mis wrek il's lime 10 kick it, aid ke yoaiseif! Venus bas yos crasiat bard woib and physîcai aciîiiy..Whai bester placets fluai it ibai ou the soccer fieldis ai E.C. Dmury!! TMis week the Girls'Soccer Trais bas brrr doisg extensive traiuiug sn anticipation for a saccessfa 1 easos 10 conte. Aqariusta iiannary 20'1 - Frbrnary 171) issu slrestih and enurance wîli ke curai l ib te csmiut weeks, as iiauy of you wiii kc participaiist i ury's apesmiot Ssrvisor Challenge. Set aside >,out fuieudi natare sibru yos baille itioui ataîs yoar peers iu ibis suar of deiermîuais aid skîii. E"~~ )February 18" - March 20'1) You miii kc tulut lulo Daieliue Dmury fsr updates su ihe escitut toiurs-su ai Dmury. Lacky Day: March 29' ",MUSTANG MESSENUER", Jeft odvl HoIIy Camhruzzî Emîly Willoughby MILTPON DISTRICT 110 SCHOOL Stress, homenork, gettîng out of bed ..The frst week back from a break as usually the hardest, but ne did it Although ne',e sure ît îook a couple days to get your mînd off lasr week's vaca- tion, it didn't slow things down at MD. Read on for the highlights you may have missed when dreaming of better days. InThe News Do you have a special occasion coming up? Or mayhe you juuî want I0 beat the ruuh for prom. Fairweather is offerîng a spe- cial dresu promotion rigbl here in our school. You can get ail regu- lar priced dresseu for 25% off. That'u like a brand new purue righl there!! So if you want to uave your bard eamned money, go pick up some coupons down at the office, and take advantage of Ibis wicked drai. Unfortunately this offer is only available until April 6th, so pick up your ticket next week. Not feeling hungey ... good!! Mie 30 hour famine iu coming up. This is the perfect opportunity 10, get involved in uchool activi- lieu. Also, for ail those witb mandalory commnunily service hours 10 comnplele, Ibis counris au five bours' work. It's happening on April 111th and 121h, and ail you have to do is gel sponsored by your friends aand family. If you want more information or would lake 10 sign up, see Donna Mephail in the main hail. 'Me MDHS music departiment will ke presenling Music ina Marcb, on Tuesday, March 26tb. The event wilt ke held aI 7:00 in our theatre. This ia a greal opportunity 10 hear the music and tal- ent of the groupa who earned silver aI Ibis yeax's MusicFest. The admission 10 gel in is any donation 10 belpi fund the senior Jazz Band trip 10 the MusicFeul Nationalu in Calgary. Monday is the last day 10 sign Up for Hoops for Hearta bas- ketbail tournament. So if you have a love for the game, here's yosar shot 10 show off your skill, while of course mainlainmng your hero status. So don't forgel Mustangs if you don't sign up by Monday, you can't play. After relsiring fromn the break, we have noîiced ail of the Mustang sports tramns busy practicing every day, au the new sea- sons start up. Somte of Ibese teams include the soccer, badminton, and baurbail leams. Good luck 10 ail of these teanis in their aapeoming season. We would like 10 congratulate the Mustang hockey teamn who wilI ke going ail the way to, Monteai for Iheir toumament next Thursday!! Ms. Milter will ke lrading the Mustangs to their first toumament win. Teams ail around Canada will ke competing, and we pity the poor trams that have 10, face our athietes. Weil thats about it, enjoy the weekend and ne hope your bock ta school blues are forgotten by Monda. Relax it won't be long until you are enjoying the Easter weekend, until then hang in rhere.

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