Ontario Constituency Office 192 Main St. E. #100 Milton, Ont. L9T 1 N8 905-878-1729 - Fax 905-878-5144 ted-chudleigh@&ontla.ola.org tedchudleigh.com \Ml The E VENT îs i~IVI 1u fl RV Even during construction, every effort will be made to ensure safe sîdewalks for shop- pers, on street and park- ing lot parking and mini- mal delays in M51in Çtrà-,t trsiffiC VENE~ E ï Where our fr aster bonngets are 1 kvd&*.P rW M «Man M brther yte heona " ad sîe alksware in, the road is wide enough to allow work on the north side of Main Street without causing major traffic delays. Now they cao begin the work of removing under- ground mains and replacing with a larger, modem system which will be connected to ail the buildings underground. IL --- - - The Canadien Champion, Fniday, March 22, 2002--ô Confirmation Gift Crosses - Medallions Chains - Bracelets 30% OFF Reg. ï Price HALTON HoeLS[UO IL 4 218 Main St., Milton 905-875-2999 .. ..... ifl Quality Educational Toys, Books, Games & Activities 22 anStreet East at Martin Street 22 an(905) 878-0084 Shop Our Secure Web site wvww.NaturesFire.com î Ail in-store Playmobil - 25% off in March Magic Nuodies - Free Play Day Sat. March 23 10:00 - 1:00 Corne and create! Pitre Iiiierý;iors Call lo abolil 011V il] Iloilic CONSI and 'pacc