Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Mar 2002, p. 4

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4-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Mardi 22, 2002 Decision on redmlight cameras deferred until Nov. Low number of Halton motorists caught running red lights in first year of provincial pilot project By KIM ARNOTT Special ta The Champion Who would've guessed that Halton residents were such a cautious and law-abiding bunch? Although Uic Region's controversial red-light camnera caught 233 vehicles running rcd lights in its first year of operation, it mostly served to prove Uiat Halton drivers are s pretty responsible lot. 0f Uic six municipalities participating in s provincial pilot program, to study Uic red-light camnera technology, Halton had Uic lowest rate of charges per camnera. While the Region's one camnera, rotsting through four intersections, nabbcd 233 red-light runners, each camnera operating in Hamilton caught 2,412 red-light runners. The provincial average for Uic flrst year of the pilot program was 1,208 charges per camera. Patrick Murphy, Uic Region's commissioner of planning and public works, couldn't explain at Wednesday's committee meeting why thc statis- tics are so much lower for Halton. "We must have more law-abiding citizens, that's ail i can say," he laughed. Mr. Murphy did suggcst thc volume of traffic at busy intersections in Halton may provide enough deterrent to stop drivers from rnning lights. As a resuit of the low number of violators, the red-light camera may disappear from. Halton in November, when the two-year pilot project wraps up. Whiie the five other municipalities participat- ing in the pilot project hsve asked forsa two-year extension of the program, Halton staff are sug- gesting the Region wait until November to make s decision on participating in any further use of the camneras. Bssically, said Mr. Murphy, the Region's results are contributing littIe statisticslly to the provincial databsse. He sdded the yearly cost of $125,000 to $150,000, which pays for the cost of moving and monitoring tic camera, lsying and pursuing charges and recording ail data, rnight be better spent on other safety initiatives. Participating municipalities are also required to monitor two intersections where red-light cameras aren't operating, to provide compar- isons. That requires dedication of police resources that midght be better used elsewhere, Mr. Murphy ssid. By next sprissg, the Province is expected to have the resuits of the pilot prograin analyzed, including the impact of the red-light cameras on reducing collisions. Whiie Halton msy not choose to participate furtiser in the pilot program, thst wouln't pre- clude the Region from, using red-Iight camneras in the future, if provincial legisiation permits, added Mr. Murphy. Community Services Department Employmeut Opportunities GARDENER I LANDSCAPER Tise Depactnsent of Community Services requires a Pul Tinse Gardener / Landacaper. Tis la a union position sreporting directly te Operations Crew Supervlaors. Work Sebedule: Menday - PRiday 40 heur per week, soine evertinse heurs anti winter shift werk requircd. job ReqomdbiWlU *Design andi plan all beda, isedgca, abrubs andi planting atem within publlcly held lands *Supervise and ceerdinate ail aspects ef tlower, Isetge andi shinis maintenance *Assist with tree pregramn inluding identifieation, maintenance andi removal *Assist in otlser Operatiens duties including esstdoer înks maintenance, sidewaik plewing etc. * Psure Uiat proper safety precedures are fellowed at al rimes u-f -ua inhmur tanuirinir lftinm over60lbs. INU IL 1tn Ur I i r xr'n'n.%' AJ-L I ..L' AND RE~CONSTRUCTION Notice la lierby given pursuant te Section 300 of tise Municipal Act, R.S.0. 1990, Chapter M.45, as amed, tsas lIse Couneil of tise Town of Milton, atits meeting lo be held in Town Hall, 43 Brown 1Street, on Mauce 25, 2002, beginning at 7:30 pin wlll censider tise passing cf by-laws for tise tempo- rary closing andi reconstruction cf Uie following roada: 1. Mowstainview Drive frein Ontario Street North te Higiside Drive 2. Elm Avenue frein Woodward Avenue te Higisside Drive 3. Thompson Road Norths frein Steeles Avenue te Main Street East Plans detailig these projeets are available fer viewisg 4uring normal business heurs t Town Hall, 43 Brown Street Cesmmity Services Departanent Councîl wili he= in person, or by their counsel, any persen who claima tisat dieir lands will b preju- dicially affected by tise said by-laws, and whe ajsplies to e hea 5<55 Perso s~ isetob heard sbould notify tise Cleslc's Office in waiting, no latr tan WedêsMyd a tc 2,202 Aasy nquiriea should be drcted te fthe following: fritv nmiwC..T., Projects Coolsliat The Town of Milton invites you to check out. our Used Office Fuwnlture Onti.. A»ctios!!

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