30-The Canadien Chamninn Frielua Ldosrsh 90 955(50 a. ravi nu un~wiwoeviw Cati Steve Boers 706 Main Sireet, East i9~~) O~i11O Mîllon, ON UIUIIIU fl afazcwIyaraW~talhw i i îî s, Mitton Import ~H Car Cen fre~2~~ EECUARDSGNflIJ~IJ CIEVMLET4LISMSDILE VIFM GERHARD & RUDY 583 Ma, n Street E. HWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON (905) 878-5330 Milton Gear Up Your IMSI-Formany of us. tisearrivalof spring heigtst- ens ouf desises ta get out anti eliminate tise temnacas of winter "cabin tever." Whether its a weekend getaway ta tise counuy or a tnp to visit tise kitis ut coltege, tise svsads witt be titteti with duvets toaking to sisake tise winter hiars. Buckting seat heits, keeping a safe dis- tance between tise car in front anti ssing ditectionals ait use precautions commonty associased witit safe driv iug. However, whes t cornes to making sute tisat tise cars syssems ate n afe working order, many of us faIt shoti. Most peopte prohabty have neyer tooked deepty osto tise inuards of ose car ta examine tise steering system. Ustike wansing indicator, for antitock brakes and 0w fuel, modem astomotive systems cant aiea tise driver to an absence of lluid n tise power steering systera. Tise foltowisg is a guide ta heip you examine your power steering systeos. whicis shoutti ise perfortned on a mostisly bates. Poxer steeristg ltuid is tise tifebtooti of a vehictes steering. An improper tevel can make steering difricuit, can cause squeating and vibration, anti possibto short- en tise ilfe of expessive cosaponents. Using your axuers manuat. tocate tise noxer steenno reservoir. a Steering for Springtime Drives side of tise engine, and temove any surface dot or higis- anti tow-temperntsste perfonnance for effective gritne tisat coutd contaminate tise fluid. Examine tise steering tesponse.' hose connections for leaks - if leaks are fossnd, have tise vehicte tooketi as by a professionut. Dont take chances witis yoar steeringI Nent, twist tise fluer cap anti semove t. Finti tise usacheti dipstick anti wipe it witis a dean rug. Reinsert tise dipstick, pull it out anti cheek tise tevet lis may he a gooti idea ta tepeat for an urote seading). If tise car tecentty was drives. Itaiti tevet shoutti tegister as tise fuit bot' tevet (if tise caris coiti. make sure its as "fuit cotti"). If sot, fui tise teservoir witis a quaiity power steeriug flaiti tske STPi~ Uinversai Power Steersng Raid. foratutateti for ait foseigu anti tiomestic cars, i t tmcks anti s rt utitities, anti eves meets tougis Honda bigis-temperatuse s dards. Cisecis cxci, fastes tise seservoir fttter cap. anti you're dose! "Most peopte ges reatty servous rehes t cornes to antomahite main sance." says Peter Jardine, STP gmup produci manager. - e fact s, checkisg your wersteeristg fluiti s not outy an important safety pur- caution, but can be performeti selativeiy easity wheu you lattis how. When ding fluiti ta tise systeos. lis umno t ta use a ouatitv fluiti. tske STP tiniversat Tire Sales & ServiCe - ~' 555 Main St.E. ~jE (~uîabuin (tjainpWfl'~ AUTOMOTIVE DiRECTOI~J be yours every ~$~)I1pnrrnunrtuv Friday for ~7~'41U~ I Cal! Diane at 905-878-2341 Ext 227 SENTTREiT AUTOMOTIVE __________ PONTIAC * BUICK * CADILLAC Major & Mînor Repaira. Tune Ups . Air Conditiontng ~ ~ Brakes* Engines* Exhaust * 4x4 Safety Inspections . Towing. Manne Repaira * GM SPECLALISTS Emission Repair & Pretesting * EKPRESS LUBE SERVICE 9~sI~-~Tec/~ Service witii Cifé- I~ionecf Value * COMPREHENSIVE OIAGNOSI7CS 342 Bronte St. South, & REPAIRS Unit. 12 & 13, Milton - 878-8066 801 MAIN ST. E. 905-878-2355 - - - CLEANING Lady AvasIaI~e. Cail 905-876-6475. Hotus Support ISABELLA'S Cteansng Seivien otters enceitent res- Survlcms ~entat/ commerciai service. ltt-yrs expedence AVAILIDLE Bonded. Insared. 905-541-6484 www.ssabellas- cleansng.com For 10w tflCOttt8 SefliOfS ___________________________ & penn. physically disabled aduits *Laundry * Vacusrnsng ________________ *Washsng Floors M (~IIV J4j~J1~ *Cleaning Kits & Batha Cali HALTU Provîdes a fuit resîdential deamng service NELPII HAJIOS One rime cleans uvailable Le autalsecareufallysu spnngdoanngsseed 9058784403 Feassucus nssehtga euuhnseeea pIeaso uail 87 3443 Meea ,-dabk~ae huis' - - S TEACHER of 10 years Var oua grades and sub îects Read ng essays study 5h Ils anti homework support 905 878 8338 A , I UNE service UEU~2~ centre Specîatizsng n. FUEL INJECTION AUTO ELECTRIC & CHARGtNG . AUTO ANO TRAILER WIRING SYSTEMS . DELCO BATTERIES TUNE-UP & EMISSION CONTROLS . BRAKE SERVICE AUTO AIR CONDITIONING . SAFETY INSPECTIONS 18 Thompson Rd. Unit 12 878.7221 Goodwmnch IHI SALES 001105 SERVICE HOIIRS Serving Miltoro For Mns TOus MoîFs Over 3 Generations Fans Tan r tssigr s Sm- To Our Valued Classified Cùstomers: Due ta Good Friday on March 29, 2002, the Classified deadline for the FRIDAY ISSUE (MARCH 29) willbebumped upto £ A Ail other deadjines wiII go back ta normal on Monday, April 1, 2002 Y~vs1cJh~ Mo4kQz~ 5bô~y S~u,~L Teilherhowmuchyoucare byplacînganadmourclasslfiedsecflolL i~ Catiabian C~aiwpw Msssagemusthel2weedsoetessFe<$10 .GST Paidinadvoncabycashchoqee ~.aorMastus<ar4 rr~ Deodiru: Wdnuday, May 11h W *OOp m Name Phone Your message wif appearin ourFriday May 101h ~ition. Fa , phoae or dmp gour nmup mb our mail stot TheCanadîa~Chunpoe,191 Hon St E., Milton, L9T4N~ Phone 8753300' Fax 876.2364 E rose E reçue use No ___________________________ Lise EV ~ 5xor~Do:o _________________