'Groundwater in village vuinerable, says report By KIM ARNOTT Special ta The Champion The safety of Milton's drinking water depends, in part, on what happens to groundwater in Canipbellville, according to a hydrogeological study presented to the Region's planning and pub- lic works comiice Wednesday. The study, which identifies the Campbellville area as hydrogeologically sensitive, says groundwater flowing through the hamiet eventually travels east to tihe Camphellville communal well atnd Milton's municipal water supply at Kelso. With permeable bedrock, shallow water table conditions and a shallow aquifer sys- temr, groundwater in the CampbeUlville area is particularly vulnerable to contamination fromn surface sources, adds the report. "The travel time is quite short," explaineri Heather Malcolmson, senior hydrogealrgist for the Regiin. "If we have a spilî somnewhere, it's very easy for it to tmpact the local and municipal wela." To proteet the area'a drinking water, the recently-completed report suggests there should be no extension of the hamlet's eur- rent houndaries. It aiso suggests long-term moioring wells and a background moni- toning well he mnstalled to evaluate water levels and quality trends. While the study found water quality in the community is generally good, it did dit- cover some evidence of contamination fromn road sai, surface contamination and localized septie system leakage. Ms Malcolmnson told counicillors tisat tise use of road sait in tse Campbellville area should ho reviewed and monitored, since the sait contamination is prevalent Ibrougis- out tise area and is reaching the Kelso water supply. The highest concentrations of saît contamination were found near the Hwy. 401 corridor. The report also urges protection of ground water resources in Use area. Through the health departmenl, the Region will continue to encourage private landowners to upgrade and repair pnivate wells and septic systema where needed. Do you ha V' a good Ca# our, î<oom at (905) 878- 2341, ext. 234.- The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 22, 2002-S GORRUD'S4 AUTO GROUP 6QOur reputation has been bult on selection and quality and aur commitment to cus- tomner satisfaction - - before and after thie sale?' Goîrud's Quaity that Is- second to none. [1 Seleciion - Over 250 pre-owned vehictes on dlsplay - one stop shopping at its best. d'Most vehicies are - "Ome-owner" & manY have the balance of the Manufacturers wauraniy. "oCoSt Warranttes - - ail vehicies wfthout manufactures warranty are sold with: - 30 day bumper to bumper mechankcal -6 mn.f 10.000 km. powertrain warraniy (AU at no cost to you) We11 11rrade You $75005 Toward A New 229 eoadANw Ge ahFrYu l Ûue Duil LaZByFriueGleis rd-eDy. Foafiiedd , S ldsfaiwoi u o$2Stoad h priseo anw n, orol iarismthu o,$5.A wtife u ol fintueisi Zo uebk odiinw'v ve iaearagmet fritt b oýt t omnsslcer n u ae adfoe o Asfor m tire serie, no ak i e s a les so taf $22 torte purdse o an caewn o kau old fifl ge an d isit u.s wodlifya O E.W. & lIAN SMRE _____ (905)331-7600 rI tFI Ls