Distrbution Assistants Deudlse oriented, you wilt pick and pack instant tickets, an-line vupplies, and merchandise items uving our computerized environment. Vou wilI also * *eceive and inventory ail inbound goods, process and audit returns fl verifying accuracy, and shred single ticketv. Von have a high uchool diplama or the equivatent and one ta three yearv of experience n an order procevsing environment. Famîtiar wieh bar code vcanners, Wfa klifts, pump trucks, and sbredderv, you are team oriented and * afety cansciaus and able ta lift up ta 50 paunds. Salary range: $28,61 6 - $35,770 File 9001-849, Distrbution Assistant/ 'Couriers You witl pick and pack tickets, on-line supplies, and merchanidise items verifying quantities of producîs and supplies using aur autamated system as wveII as prcsaui returns and operase shredding equipment. Yau wilI deliver an e c up an a defined route. Your high schoî diploma and ose ta * * ree years of rorder processing/courier experience are caiiplect with a valid Ontaria drivers licence and dlean abstract. A teamn player winh * stong communication, organizasional, and basic computer skilts, you mst be able ta safely operase eqoipmens soc/t as forklifts, pump tuckv, bar code scanners, and sbredders. Vax have a good knowledge of ite CTA and Niagara Penînsula and cao remaîin organized under pressure. Salary range: $32,704 - $40,880 File 0001 -854 These are exceptional opportunities with many benefirs! Please apply in writing. indicating location of preference and thse appropriate file number, to: Human Resources, Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation, Société des loteries et des jeux de l'Ontario, 4120 Yonge Street, Suite 420, Toronto, ON M2P 288 Fax: (416) 224-7077 e-mail: humanresources@olgc.on.ca (Wc,afovoi, -Pour renseigeenteas en fraçais, composer e <705) 946-6637. An Fquaa tJpportuni Employer L'.86 BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH in nose hirine fuîltrime 12pm - 8am, 8am - 4pm, and part-rime 4pm- l2pm "Me successful upplicants must lie flexible, biebîx motivared and ale nu work rhe weekends. Your motivational skilîs could ram you an average hourly waee of lietween ilo 0.0 and 1t6.OO/hr with a liane puy of 58.O/hr. PIease apply ins person se 40 Chiskotos Drive No phone catIs please 575 Ontati Street 8501 Hwy 25 North e hInenive Porn Apply I pehuon or sWreuane TAYLOR NuRsERY requiren ntaffing for thse e Sales a Yard Personnsel e Laaadscape Maintenance Labourera Piee sulimit reaurne to: Taylor Nursery 7429 Fifth Line, Miton L9T 2X8 or fax ro 905-875-0698. Cusstomer Service Representatives t1 Pan-Time, 1 Futt-Time position. Handie sales cati» and general inquiries. Hetp resotve customer concrrs. Ordr ery. Excellent communication skiffs & experience using compuners rrcguieed. Team player. Houes Sunday - Thursday. Fax resue» and rover fetrer e»: Gordon Food Service 1905-864-3844 Société des loteries et des jeux de l'Ontario PARTS PICKER HAYWARD POOL PRDDUCTS CANADA, INC., a leading manufacturer of nwimming pool accessory equipment, has an opening.fror an expenienced Parts Picker. Temporary posi- lion for six months with possibility et becom- ing permanent. MRP and forklift experience an asset. Compatit/ne mages. Hoars 8:30am- 5:OOpm. lnterested applicants contact., Robert Backus 905-829-2880 Ext 253 (Wînaton ChurchllIOEW ores, Dakulile) AIL CARE LANDSCAPE INC. s a progressive Oukuille cnmpany required bnth sea- sxnal and tulîtîme statf txr landscupe Maintenance & Construction Departments. Laidscape Maintenance Technicien Strung Hxrticultural skills and experience with luwn- cure equipment an anset. Landscape Construction Technicien Wxrking knxwledge xl a/I aspects xf Landscupe cnn- structixn, grading, plunting and obiiity tx xperate light equipment. Valid drivers license required. Carpenters Helper Have an interent in Carpentry and posseox basic skills required for t/te installatixn of Landscape prxjects. Bernerai Labourers Persuns required tx carry xut vannaus aspects xf Landscaping installations. Previxus etperience an as- set. Training prnvided. We utter competitive mages and tht xppxrtanity for adeancement fxr t/te right individuals. Fus reane wlth oeverlegt lutter Indlcatleg vue ef laterete: 905-297-761 On/y candidates seiecttd for au interview wi/ lot con/oc/red g. talapa ols plase. J. Michaels me are lxokîng for people w/to cao provîde excellent customer Service and Leadership skilîs lu titi Fait à Pael-?lJs AsuCl Pnltlaa This is your npportunilly toi grow your career mit/ta great ret.e Please fax your resamne to: 416474-T7m Attention: Pot <achur or: Emadi te pom @j.IchetLu l-ARD WORKERS1 EEDED! FULLTIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE 1) Service Merchandising Hep 2) Ovemlight Reset Hep Both positions miii be in Home Depnt Stores in Ontario 3) Set Up Hep - New Stores In Home Depot Stnres in Ontario & Oxebec Must be tlexible Ix travel out-xf-txmn regularly Ail candidates must have reliable ve/ticle. Salury, car allowance, benetits Repty with a brief reaumne eo: MCUOIAL SAME & MCIIANDII Fax. 905-855-8559 e-mail: rnait@rncdonatdaalaa.com AZ VAN Drivers Ontario Bosed Required immediateiy tx run U.S. and Commis Please cati Transport Solutions 1-800-255-4473 *SM LTLu. Emu Grailtudmuts No experienca needed. Wiii train. FuIttime-Part-time. CUSTOMER SALES/ SERVICE Schoiarsbips avoulable. 905-842-8045 FULL OR PARffTNE AIL SHIFTS & SUPERVISGI1S Wu effar ExFcellent ages *Benetils avaîla/tie *Ne enperixncv - wiul train Colithe manager tx arrange as interview ut Our Milton location: 90-693-M57 Mercedes-Benz SERVICE TECHNICIAN Reqeired lmmediatey. Company benetits, Fuhl-lime. Cloos'A' License required. Self starters mit/t positive attitudes. Apply by fax te: a suruede- fas 90-844-8U INOUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN- Nes1i Paries Peice, a leading pet tuud manufacturer lxcated ix Mîssîssangu is currently recruiting for a LICENSED INDIJSTRIAL ELECTRICAL for maintenance and prniect wxrk. This is a uninnieed positin uperating on a 24-hoor, 5 day bus/s. T/te work will inclade trnuhleshosting, maintenance, repais and prnlect wxrk invxlving: * Power and uutsmated contrxls for tacility, prncessing and packaging equipoont; " PLC hardware! sxttware for autumated systems; Power distributixn, lighting, communication, moniting and alarm systems tnr the facility. Candidates must he licensed Industrial Electricians with 3-5 yeors industrial experience. PLC knuwledge 1 and experience is essential. (Licensed Construction & Maintenance Electricians with appropriate industrial experience may also be cnnsidered). Tht rate ot puy ai prsgress frum $22.35 Ix $25-31 per hur, plus shift premium with a hi-weekly shift rotation along mith an excellent benef il package. If yuu are interested in this pxsition, pIeuse submit resumne nx la1er than March 22, 2002, tix: Pur l.oo .oa @malte.oem or nua fax/to 905-855-5I2 We t/tank a/il inteoeo/ed cand/date, hoeem en/y t/te se/ected for an interview wil/ be contacted. Noplpoeiqiieu ese. ASSEMBLY SHOP MANAGER We require a "Handa On" Shop Manager for aur growing assembly shop. Tha ideal candidate will posseas ganaral knowliedge of equipmant asaemby, hydraulics and as capable of managing at/tara. Please fax resumae to: <905)876-3791 Attention: James Gardon KLIMER MANUFACTURING INC. CLSIFI INTH I lTRE The Canadian Champion, Fiday, Marc/t 22, 2002--29 L et Us Put Your Talents To As the leader in fianciai s/a/fiss, Accountumps tut- lingtun is recroîtîng lur t/te /ulloiong txmpxrury op- Meray Motors portunities. Mercedes-Benz A&R U Cleubc - Min. 1 year experience Portail Processors ~ Min. 1 year experience bhquirmd 1Staff Aceulatsb ~ Min. 2 years experience. Ph: 905-319-938 Fs: 905-31 9-2095 5575 North Service Rvad, Burlington, ON L7L OMl burflngton@accountemps.com AIR COLLECTION CLERK required immediately for leasing division. Successtul -applicant wîll be evperienced in accounts receivable, reconciliations and collections. Knowledge et the Reynolds & Reynolds ERA systerri wovld be an asset. We otter a competive salant and benetit package, Fax reume ln confidence te: Judy Hn..t <U) 845-919 ACCOUNTING PAYABLE/RECEl VABLE Full time permanent position avoulable with Industnial Distributor. Experience with Accpoc is essential. Good computer knxwledge with sousd uccounting back- ground yod telephone okilis are required tor this posi- lion. Excellent Salaîy and benefts package. tf yvu have these qualitications, are mature & reliable pieuse tus yvur resume ts: 91115-84&M00. INSIDE SALES COORDINATOR An International Instrumentation company based la Burllngtan. requires a coordlnator for th i nside sales dept. Duttes wlIl Include qae- tallons, order entry, correspondence, sales statIstica, tllng etc. Th15 18 a 0ne yeur con- tract position. Essentiel Qualifications: *Good knsmledge ot Microsoft Word, Excel and Access *Good customer relations and communication skitls * Ability to wxrk under pressure Besireale Qualifications *Previous esperience in a sales envirosment *Experience mit/t SAP Apply in writing ta: General Manager Endresai-Hauser Canada Ltd. 1440 Graham's Lune, Unit 1 Burlington, ON L7S 1W3 Fax: 905-681 -944 Endress + Hauserj& ATTENTION: SALES REPS If you are licensed in Real Estate or currently enrolled in Phase 1. 2 or 3 of the pelcnigprorm, Royal Le -age offers " Competitive Commission options " Non-competitive Management " NO Desk Fees " Extensive Training progroons " 1he Exclusive "Home-Lenk"prgrm For Mare lIformation contact: Charlote Forget, Maae ROYAL LEPAGE SALESILEASING CONSULTANTS Burtington based Chryster Deatership seeking experienced Salas Consultants. Bring your expertise f0 anl expandtng pro- fas/anal environment wlth an apportunity ta aarn an aboya average income. Salary and car atlowance w/lt commensurate with experience. Please fermard resumes or colt ton interview: Fairview Chrysier Dodge Jeep Attention: Mr. Ken Drewett 2377 Fairview Street Barlingion, ON L76 2E3 PH: 905-632-4335, Fax: 905-333-4454 * Fuît-tire e Benelils " Experience preterred " Administrative duties " Receplion Fus resumne te Melimue 911115-8" 77 on Mah9, 2N2, thebasdeaine . ortle FPJDYOSUE ill le W nt t ModyAi27O2 Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation si-