28-The Canadien Champion, Fniday, March 22, 2002 RETAILING OPPORTUNITY IN CAMPBELLVILLE An excellent business opportunity las now available to established retailers in the area of Campbelville. The Liquor Control Board of Ontario (ILCBO) las seeking a responsible, customer-focused retailer to operate an LCBO Agency Store in the area of Campbellville. To qualify, the applicant must have an existing retail busi- ness in the community and commit to operating the store within established LCEBO guidelines. To facilitate the sale of beverage alcohol products, operators wilI be required to enter into separate commercial agreements with the LCBO and domestic beer suppliers. The succesaful applicant will also be required to participate in a special LCBO server-training program to ensure the responsible sale of beverage alcohol products. Agency store contracta are normally awarded for a five- year term. Since 1962, the LOBO has authorized more than 100 agency stores to serve communities which have request- ed service but where the local population is too small f0 support a regular liquor or beer store. These agency stores are operated by local retailers in conjunction wvith their existing retailing activities. Operating an LOBO Agency Store provides a retailer wvith an excellent opportunity to increase revenue and attract customers while providing local residents with beverage alcohol services. Agency stores also deliver economic benefits to the community in many cases through job creation and increased customer traffic for local mer- chants. lnterested applicants should write or fax for further infor- mation to: Manager of Purchasing, ILOBO 1 Vonge Street, Suite 1404 Toronto, Ontario M5E 1 E5 Fax: 416-864-6853 Inquiries must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on March 27, 2002. The submission of formai proposais will follow. LCBO The Source for Entertoining Ideas SKRABA - The family of the lote IMary Skraba <Van Grunsven) wîshen to Iexpress a sincere thank you to ail friends,f neighbours and relatives for their floral .7trib=utes rond art of kiadneus duriag the 1 recent lo1 o oui mother rand omu. A - -special thanks to the Hole Rosary Pariss .~communitya eopecially Father Dose rond,ýý L Father Danien rnd Sheila Edwards for -- the gift rof musi. We aIse appreciate the extra effotrt made by the staff rot- Allendale, the Pallatissecare volunteers. Chris Harris for the loeely luncheon rond the McKersze Kocher Funerl Home.. : Me se Ranun fl t aine Restaurant- Camnbellivlle. Sentimental Val. ae. 416-233-3525, Reward. SYCHI Stlhne ,Ca id Hal ptoa ttra (005)567-8166 Rd /glinton arsSreetovilie. M Miasiauga cuiid. EG.E giaduato ui equivalent. 0v transporta- Sl Mlain Streor lin roquired. Country prnpory. Non-smoking. Eo- Sat. March 23 podoenco and encollent reforoncas roquired. 519- 8Dam - 2 pm 746-556,Moving -Lots of staff famiture, RAINBOW Village Dapcsre han tiraded upaces avoulable for chuiorn 2 1/2 10 5 peas Qualitp child RELIABLE Dapcaie avoulable. Wilson & Woodard ~ ~ ~ ofvi tares. Piesse col 905-876-4978. Wu w OUfIw dui rq ______ g StéWhu WANTED Part-Tino Caregivor Mature support p ott caro neoded 3 mominga/woek for aged couple, Mil-Cd -41frM Inn. MunI have oco transportation. 005-842-4167 sfter 1 :00pm. I Wanted Live-In Careiver An expesitnced Live-te Casegivet for born spport cars of aged couple oves 75 years of age. This pesen would bs required to live suwitb the couple. Gond saluty is assused. tnterested appLicantu contact Box 3023 do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street, Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 NMcKersie - '-ocher JuneraU Horne Dedicaied te mettine vour needs since 1953 Deug Kocher Caon Moh Ade oh *24 Hour Service *Pre-arraosgment Options r *Grief Counselmng Services *Cremnatoon Services 114 Main St. Milton 878-4452 FIRST cut Atfaffa/Tinothy hap. Round or square bales. Clean cheat ntraw Merrpbrook Farmo, 905- 878-6237. DAYCARE available in si at oi >549. inciuaes carpet, Paot & insiisssnn raiu my homo 6:3Osm y ards) Steve, 905-639-2902 Bpm. Meais provided. HAY and Staw for aie. Square bales. Sleeleo New Msttsmny develop- Ave., Winaton Churchill Olnd ares. 905-826-1408, men. 905-203-7056. 1-877-218-2448. DAYCARE Availabte. andlovng 5iO Enel-WANTED Al-China, Silver, Crysta, sewing ra- lent referenceo. Pn- chines .Doukon, Moorcroft, Oulo, Glass, Watces, lice/C.AS. checks. camera/ sudso equipment, dois, paintingo, coileti- Home inspections by bies, eslates. John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 Heallh./Fire Dopait- menlo. Receipta piovid- TOP PRICES PÀID $500 FOR A CUP ed. Childs Drive. Spots FOR 8IOORCROFT ROYAL AND SAUCER!! con't lsl long! Cai DOULTON, lES IC Shellep caps & aucers Laude 905-875-2262. As etu 'sh«W on edsshl needed: Oainlp Blue Antique furniture, DAYCARE s peara silver, c"an heusebold $50, Dainly Mauve experionce. Nutritnous furniture. One itm or $100 Dainlp Black snacks, outloor play, the whole estai. $500. Triangle Han- lots of topo and crains. Coodntutensesserbyss1 dIed Shelley $100. ReceipIs. 905-876- Other Sbelley $35- HOMEDayare afe M*IiiI~ needed aI these prices. HOMEDaycre. afeDilI Hellan Antiques happy environmenl for;~ f~Fx8626 905-041-1420 collect fan and tesming. Encol- à cx862 lent reforences. Cail * a a Soupa 905-875-1736. "! g NOTICE 0F PUBLIC AUCTION MORSE: Sotd under the Inokeepero uct. Description: l6bb tburoughbred mare-cheoloul, JR/AM Jumper section 1 & 2. PE M UIMM:Brent Huoton todebtedooso: $6243,40. LQCAIIIIIII 5244 Il Side Rd. R.R. #6, Milton, ON Wittow Ridge Faim is tocated une rnad Nuith uf Hep 5, and une road West ut Hcp 25. 1111IIIIIIIIIE:DI 2nd April, 2002 aI 7pm. AIICTIUIIL Mr Don Stewart. Mr Stewart and Wittoc tidge Faim reserve the rîgbt lu ad/ourn the sa/e if in their opinion the prices do nul rellect fair market value. For further into. cuit Mi. Stewart@ 905-81145-4881 or Willw Ridge Faim 905-400-4421 $500 lorsa Cap and Saucer! Shelley caps & sucera neodod: Do nty Bite $50; DssnIy Mauve $100; Os nty Black $500. Triangle Hsndted Shelley $100 Other Shelley $35-$7500a 0nly Shelley neodod aI 1thtes poices. Bill Hogan Antiques 905-641-1420 coilect. INTERHOP, Instant Dial Accesu. 3,000 popos, Cana- d/USA web solutions. 24 hoar suppor. 1-877-688- 8126, or www.interhop. net 1991 4-door, Dodge Shsdow, sufomatic. As is $11000,00 firm. (905) 854-2611. Position availabie un a Fhysiolherapy chiri in Milton (Milton is 1/2 hour wvest of Toronto and 1/2 hour east of Cambridge/Guelph) Physionherapist Assistan, Aide, Kinesiologist required toi a tull limne position. Fan resumne bo: 905-876-3737 Email info@Iicrc.ca Gasoline Industry Management Wearr looking for a self-menivared pensen ne oves ses the daily operation of a busy service sta- rien type envirnmeon. Managesial skills you must possess include the abiliry se tead yous staff and encourage tbem se previde rhe besn service te nhe public. A wosking knowledge of encri and basic com- r unrss an assen but for mandatoey. Wr une oo.ýl fora mature pesson winb the desise to become bis or bsn own boss. Salary is oegotiable witb experience in eitber the gavoin indosnty of some type of management back ground. Piease send a reume to Box #3024 c/o Tht Canadian Champion, 191 Main Se. Milton, Ontario, L9T 4N9 Senior Parts Consultant MitnT ota is tooking fior an experienced nniiu o manage and/or co-maae *their parcs depaînmenc. Pîimury resçsosii_ * mies include crowing the deuiership s wboie- suie and retail parcs sales. Successfal candi- idates must have a proven crack record in an 1aucomonive deuiership. Previous Toyota, Reyncolds and Reynolds and Bell and Howetl ex p sience an asset. lnterested candidates are as cd ne tiorward their altion no Chfis Gornan, 100SteeLeo Avenue, Milton, Ontario L9T 1 Y4 ac 905-875-1516 E-maiL- chrto@msleontoyota.com EXTRA... EXTRA.. CLASSIFIED VAILUEI 1-awkîns Animal Hospital Additional Fuil-Timo and Part-time Veteninary Assistant required. References required. Please fax resumne to: 905-875-6853 COST ACCOUNTANT The Indeka Group is the largent distribator and mar- keter of branded fnnisear lot Canada. Our cnntinued gineith bas created an exciting opporlunity for a Coul Accoantant. Qualifications include: Esperience witti standard costing & variance analysis, strong computer ukilin, utilizing Microsot otfice. Tan or mnre yearn ni accnunting exp., combined euth en- rnllment in the CGA program. An enthusiastic team plaper whn cao handie deadline uriented, multiple tanks. Pieuse sutimit yoar resume by fax tn: The Contrnller, The Indeka Group 2120 Bristol Circle, Catinille, Ontario L6H 5R3 Fax: 905-829-5067 Onty t/rose individuaiu selected for interviews wIli be contacted. BELL/Il TOUCH COMUNICATIONS NAMILTON/URUINGTON IOAKVILLE In Touch Communications is looking for enperienced Corporalo Account Eoeculioes whn can inîroduce Belî's business services, tu business owneru offering t/rom a cuutomized telocommunications solution lbrough Cellular, Internet and Vuice. We wilI prouide ungoing training and ail applicable support allowing pou lu become succsfuu. You must bave 2 pears minimum outoide sales eoperi- once in prospecting new customers, cold calling and goneraling leado. Qualities for Ibis position include; being able lu drive sales, having a high energp level and a commitmenl 10 oucceso. If you thivk you have what il takes, we invite you to attend our JOB FAIR MINIDA MElON 25, 2M0 Holidai Ian, GuelphLine (Barlington) ~ tam-5pm DELITT Contracting lnground Swimming Installa- tion Company la iooking for laboarers for flal time empînyment in Oakville Mississauga ares. Own transportation isoan asset. 416-771-2301. FARM help & sod laping April-November. Tractor eopenience an asse. Drivers license a must. 905- 878-1011. FULL and/or part-tine help wanted in oui Perenni- a & Cul Fiower Wholesale Narsery. Flowehil Forma 9315 Tremaine Rd. (north of15 sideroad) Ph. 905-878-4734. Please apply in Poison. JANITORIAL - Mature Peinons required for Lighl- Dufy Cleaning in Mifton. Fine Nighls Per Week, Mid- night 10 7:30am. Oualified Applicants muaI hans Neal Appearance and Transportation. Fax Resume 10 (905)637-7033 MILTON Cafeteria looking for midnighl saper- vioor/cook. Muat be reiiable, have 2 peas cafeteria short order cooking eoperience. Muat have own transportaion. Rate $1 1.00/hi. Aiso iooeing for gen- eral help aflemoon shift. Must have 2 peas cafotor- ia eoperieoce. Please fax resames t0 905-876- 1519, Attenion. Kim Foeilei. ROYAL Ontaio Golf Club reqaires greenskeeping staff for the 2002 sesson. Experience nol iequired as lraining a prnnided. Applp in person or send ne- oume loROpal Ontario Golf Club, c/n Turf Depart- ment, 6378 Trafalgar Road, Milton, Ontario LOP 1 EO. WANTED lotemationa Distribatora for Formua 88 ResidenliaPçCommercia Cleoner & Degresser. Cail 705-942-4882, www.geocities.com/cashinypour- pocketcs/ Drivers/Car Movors Roquired Fuli-Time & Part Time (P/T on a caîl in basis as sequiied in Ostiville) Student positions availabie - Oisn "G" Licence Auto & Stick Shift exp. - Driverso Abstract 1 i ear driving exp. Work references requiîed Fax (519) 944-2075 or email:windsor@renaparson.COM Only those qualified will be contscted N 101,