The Canadiani Champion, Friday, Marcfi 22, 2002-27 To Ou Vald ClaWlo CUstoWMm pý tori odey Frid v ri Ma h ?9 ?f0O, BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY * Helen "Pete" Varlev * as they celebrate m Petesý 39" birthday aqeini Fris!.,, March 29--, 2002 - Jin us for birthday cake and cofTe from 2.400 p.». - 4.40 p.m. Birthday wishes only please DORSET Park. Two atorey 4bedroomn bnick/atum 1 +1 bath on lot 11 1.50x77. Good condition w/2001 windowa/patio door. Newer deck, garapge door, new ehingles, inferlocking brick driveway. Finihed R/R wl F/. Gaa furnace & A/C. 3 yeara. Own water heater/aoftener. $239,900-no agent. 905-875-4671. OAKVILLE Southwest. New on Market! Lovely 4- bedroom houae. Quiet Creecent. Stunning cuetomr kitchen w/grandte counter-topa, hardwood & ceram- c floora, new bathroom, jacuzzi tub, large deck, pool, mature treea rn backyard. Many upgradea -more' Priced to selI $299000. 905-847-5625. PERFECT fit for 2. Newly refurbiahed 2 bedroom bunglow.Larg Kilridecountry lot. Private......... Impressive 2774 sq.ft. t -year-old Charlesron home in Rockwood. $314,900. Ceramics. 9 fr. ceilings. Barzotti kirchen. Great room with cathedrai1 ceihing and gas fireplace. 2 1/2 barhs. 4 be. Main fi. office. 5 pc ensuite with jacuzzi. Main fi. taundry. 2 car garage. A/C. Psvecl driveway. Many upgrades. 519-856-0060. 211-934f/Ori-i-f-0J WORKSHOP for Rent, 900 sq. feet, heat & hydro. (905) 875-1615. SINGLE Profestonal........... Offices avaîlable with shared reception, and INCOME Tas Prepara- ail aervicea included tion from $25. Netfile for Superb location wî quick refund. Will pick Parking. Central up/deliver. John, 905- Milton. Cali Mike INCOME Tas Returne Morgan 905 639-8894 prepared. Caîl Steve -e Welwcod 905-876- 4279. $$ GOVERNMENT Funda $$ Granta and loana information t0 1 bedroom apriment atart and erpand your Available My 1. Quiet buainess or farm. 1-800- Main Sitreet building. 505-8866. Stove, tridge, diehwaah- ENTEPENERS er. First& laat. $700 Buaineaa People- Ear n da tuh~o Friclay29-5 6 figure income, weekly psy, webeite, Master- 2 bedroom apartmenf Card (no pre-qualifica- avaitabte May 1 or earli- fions) with Intemnational er. With balcony, utifies business. 1-866-251 - inctuded. No doge. 905- 5169 Ert. 1631. 876-4682. $900.00/ LOCKSMITH businesmnhy for sale. Weil eafab- 401ITRAFALGAR. liehed. Good cuatomer Country. Big, bright 2 base. 905-878-9683. bedroore basement apartment. Privafe en- Moe trance. No pets. Firetst. Available May Buies 1laI. Single mature pro- Pportuities fessional. $780 inclu- sive. 905-875-4513. rçgI aa--M" room apartment. $600+utilities. 519-853- 5080 or 519-853-5352 APARTMENT for single pereon. Privafe sundeck over looking 16 Mile Creek. Central vac, c/a. 905-878-4773. DIPLOMAT Apte, Mil- ton, 235 Ontario Street North. 1 and 2 bed- roome. Newty renovated in quiet building. 2 ap- pliances, ufilities incird- ed. On site laundry. From $845. 905-875- 4989 LARGE 1 badroomn spt. in house. Self con- tained. Shared iaundry. $800 inclusive. Refer- ences. Caîl 905-875- 1273. SCENIC Rockwood. Spacious sunny, I -bed- roorn apartmenf. Est-mn kitchen, large bath, ce- ramic-tiie floor and broadbom. 519-856- 4900. SPACIOUS 1, 2, & 3 bedrooma. ,Freehty p be, biht Com- high-riee . Wetl-main- tatne. Convenlient loca- tire. 905-333-9846, Noon-8 pm. pets. References. $1200/month. 905-878- lr 5 i\ 7 .l'~ 6437. C T ~ . S~~ HOUSE for Rent 2 bed HERE HE 16 - P lermon, Chnis & Amie (Griffin) rooms- Downtown Mil- are thrilled ta announce the birth of their firat ton. central air, +Utii., born, Huntor ChrIatopher, weighing a healtfiy No doga, smali yard. 7lba, 7oza on March 4, 2002 at Kingston Genera $1050. Cati 905-878- Hosit. The deli hted Grandparents are Judy 9577, Grffin & Gary Thomas and Wendy & Bob MAY i at, 1 Bedroom, 1 Pieraon of Milton. Eecited aunte are Liaa Griffin, Studio, open concept, Ketty Piereon and Great Aunt Margie Stewart. targe living room, targe Proud Great Grandparenta are Jack & Loreffa windowa, propane tire- Stewart of Gananoque. ptce cat, targe pa- fîo Separae entranoe. Very quiet. No amok-- ing/pefe. 10 minutea North of Mitton. $825. 1 -GOOD Friday Morning Breakfast on Mardh 29th 519-853-1237. ýfrom 8-10:30 arn. at Eden Mille Preabyterian - I Church. Admission: Adulta $5.00, Chitdren 12 & un- der $2.00. Preachootere firee. GUELPH Record & CD show, Sunidsy March 24, M ý ~10:30 f0 5pm. , LPas ODa video's retated memora- 3 B.R., A/C, quiet com- bilia over 35 vendora. Ramada Hotet, 716 Gordon plea, new carpe St. (opposite Univeraity of Guelph) Admisaion windows, 4 appliances. $3.00. Availabte: April 1. $1,175 +utilitiea. 905- 878-7072. S A 0 3 bedroomn townhouae, S A & O 2 car parking. Available~ « mea & May 1. $940/monthly. i ssa McCuaIg 416-622-1308.P MILLSIDE TOWER 82 Milîsîde Dnive, Mifton 1& M edreorn Apte. Deluxe Building Ideal 01ld Town" location 2 uppliances Launidrv facilitaes Utîlîties inrluded On-Site Resident Managers Open 7 dayo. Same da approval cat: (905> 876-1249 IFree Specîîl IReprt.Save $$$I Visit L22esinfocoj ter oeoroomiensuîte. Parking, laundry, cable. $625 inclusive. Cati eveninge 905-203- 0027. ýWLCOME* WAGON -New in town? *Gefling married in 3 months or more? *Havirrg a baby? *Establishing a new business? PLEASE CALL US Community Watcoma Linda 905-854-1563 Doris 905-332-4799 Elize 905-693-0313 Baby & Bridai Tracy 905-876-4330 Bkskoudaacalol Lin 905-854-4100 Don't Forget the Holiday Deadline! Wed. là 1la.m. for the Fn., Mar. 29 issue Kumon helps build students build a strong foundation for the future with improved math and reading skills, strengthened study habita, and increased self-confidence. Find out more about Kumon'a convenient and affordable, remedial and enrichmenf programs, corne to our Information Nlght: Wednesday, Mailh 27, 2002 from 7 to 8 pm Hugh Foster Hall, 54 Brown St., Next to Clty Hall For more information, cafl: Vour Milton Kumon Inatructor Mrm. M. Bonrelil, 416-818-4288 or cali Kumon et 1-800-ABC-MATH r2KUMON MATH & READING CENTRES I IT ONTEW BA SU O ,O BIRTHDAY