'A A' midgets take 2-O Iead on Barrie in OMHA finals Winterhawks deliver decisive shutout win in game two By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Kyle Goertz earned his second straight shutout for the midget AA Winterbawks Tuesday night at Memnorial Arena. But this time around, perfection betwecn the pipes was simply a bonus rather than a necessity. That's because bis teammates - who required flawless cage work and an overtime deposit to clinch the semifinals - bcefed up their offensive efforts and brushed aside the Barrie Flyers "- to take a two-games-to-none lead in the best-of-seven OMHA finals. lIn front of another sizable crowd, the hosts struck before the contesi was two minutes old and then put a hammerlock on the proceedings with three second- period goals - including a shorthanded backbreaker by Julian Ricci. The Milton Toyota Winterhawks - currently riding a four-game win streak - spent much of period three killing penalties, but afforded their guests nothing even closely resembling a legitimate comeback win- dow. Kyle Burreil, Mark Galick and Michael Winiarz al had a goal and an assist while alto scoring was Chris Coates - who along with Scott McLauglslin and Brett Turner did a higbly credible job turning back the visi- tors' powerplay. Captain Connor Sweeney drew a pair of assists wbile single helpers were recorded by McLaughlin, Dcrek Blanchard and Adam Rutz. Although not quite stealing the show like hie did in gaine five against Stoney Creek, Gocrtz was every bit as sharp in a somewbat less demanding performance Tuesday. He matie a couple of dynamite glove saves early on and persevered bis goose egg down the stretch with a lightning-quick toc block. Milton chased the opposing starter from thc net with three goals on eight shots in Uic mididle stanza and overall out-shot the Flyers 26-24. The AA mitiget squad - now the flagship of the local hockey scene - travels to Barrie tomorrow aftempon for game threc. If victorious, the Wmnterhawks will have a chance to swecp the champi- onship series at Memnorial Arena Sunday at 8 p.m. If nccssary, gaine five wilI be played int Barrie Tuesday. A Tri County finals berth quickly slipped away last weekend for the midget A Wsnterhawks. StilI undefeated heading into their last two round-robin gamnes, Uic Winterhawks tinishcd with a bit of a whimper - losing 10 Dundas 4-2 Saturday and Brampton 5-2 Sunday. A victory in cither contet would have qualifieth Ue locals for chain- pionship play. Insteati, they pîsceti third. Sunday's defeat was particularly tough to swallow, since Uic hosts took a number of penalties as a resuit of undesired rough-housing wiUi the gencrally confrontational Battalion. This led to four powerplay goals againat and a disappointing end 10 league play. Sald coach Jiro Kosmalski, "It was reaily poor offi- ciating. They let a lot of Brampton stuff go and Uiere was jus a lot of confusion." Barry Kosmalîki scored on a solo effort in Uic second peniod and set up Uic initial goal, notcheti by offensive standout Josh Caswell. Milton bad a tough tune killing off its penalties Uic previous day - surrendering Uirec powerplay goals 10 Dundas. Thus an early lcad van- ished into Uiin air. Kosmalski seoreti fsrst in Uiis one, wbile drawing wiUiin a goal of Uic bosta in Uic second period was Chris Seto. Assista were registered by Nic Cashmore, Ian Komack, Andrew McMaster and Dustin Smith. Tini Johnston and Nathassiel Murray split Uic netniinding duties last weckend and were both solid to keep things close. The A midgets - who won three Urnes as many gaines as last season - will now look to win their third toumament of the year when Uiey close out 2001/0l2 play at their annual Milton Optimist Toumament March 31 to April 7. "Wc've really had a good ycar and are hoping to addt one more title before it's over," said Kosmalaki. The Canadian Champion, Fniday, March 22, 2002-25 Please fax ait ofyour team reports and sports story ideas to Steve, close, stie reprtsires mach 31/0 ý-,Mi1ton-based trio lead Burlington peewee girls team to' successful year A Mliltoi-basd trio bas helped thse Burtlngton Barracuda peewee girls teain reach next month's provincial qualifying.round by recently disposissg of Misisaga 3-1. Campbeliville's H-annah Mont waa between tbe pipes for thse win - which capped a perfet 4-0 round-robin quali- fying carnpaign against Mississauga and Omkvilie - while sinking the thid- period gatn winsser was Kilbsid's Nanoa Masciantoio. MniOaKm ammeofed VÉt ty play et "at aid of lI e miiias boss a diligent woSthoms ail season wbitewasb over Hamniltoni. Motn earned Uie shutoss and was narned tourisarnent MVP. That shutout was ber tiitls tbis sea- son, arhule ia league play ase led the confrence with a 1.54 goala-gainst average. That plus dependable play fromn Gonarsd Masciantoaio - who's b=eo one of thse tsaa's stiost reliable scoot tIsis sason - atlowed ie Barracudas ta finishtird ia tia regular semsapwih a roeedof 1444. Staliagos in i"iw fa=e Oakvill la a bestof-tbre sbawdowts fur the rigMt ta caoiupt d *sPtoVlçl *b0WQS Api 5 te7 a t4»* Yuo .s etice Ic Pa8q w41 Ne -Oou 9m ,tW& i DATE DIVISION TEAM SCORE TEAM SCORE -m Tmll AWESOME GAME PLAYED BY EVERVONEI 1AC M HIMM - MMO MMYM - NUAI PLYMOII- MUON FIRERGIEES CLUB MAR 16 PEE NIE! TON DENTAL GCWI 10 ROSS 0120W FRNDIMA 6 BRAWIS AMT RERUR 5 SCOOTR' BUACK WHC 2 HOME CINEMA tRO 3 DMIA CAR GARGE 2 CANADIAN TIRE 6 PRSSE LAW OFFICE 3 MARI17 NOVCE BAlAS AUTO RERYR 3 MIOPPERS DRUG MAW 2 AUSTEN NOBLI INSRANCE 6 NVTCI AECRIJITERS 1 GODUIF TNESS BLACK( 4 GOOOUPIFYITNESS RED o G00011 FITMESS GREEN 3 C00011 PITNESS BUJE 3 MA 8 SNO WKKP 5 MILTON CHMUSLR MM00 2 Ademisn R OLEDE MGpLNE FMORDS LINO 878-2341 'A' midgets' Tri County finals bid faits just one victory'short