24 -The Canadien Champion, Fniday, March 22, 2002 Haydar powers Wildcats to Hockey East championship By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Two down, one to go. Darren (Mini) Haydar's New Hampshire Univeraity Wildcats crossed another item off Useir to-do lit Saturday night as Boston's FleetCenter - capturing Useir firat-ever Hockey East title with a 3-1 vic- tory over arch-rival Malne. And UNH's senior capsain - who in recent years bas becomne a highly depend- able under-pressure pet-former - fueled Use charnpionship win by assisting on both third-period goals to, cernent Use tourna- ment finals. Saturday's triumph put Use brakes on a six-game playoff losing skid agast Maine. "It's exciting," said Haydar, who one night carlier collected a couple of points to, beat UMass Lowell 4-3 and ended Use weekend as Use Hockey Est Tournarnent MNP. It took four years but we finaily did is. We (seniors) knew it was our last chance and we had to make our best attcmpt. "At Use stars of Use year we had'three goals: one to win Use regular season, two to win Use Hockey East file and three, obvi- ously to win Use national charnpionship. We're two-thirds of Use way Usere." According to, the former Merchant, New Hampshire went rnto last week- end's final four feel- mg vety little pres- sure - despite being the number Recailed Haydar, "We kind of took a reverse look as things and said Danren Haydar 'We've neyer won this thing before, so we've got nothing to lose'." Showmng just why he's now officiaily M the rusning for the coveted Hobey Baker Award, Haydar delivered picturesque pass- es so teammnates Sean Collins and Steve Saviano for the gamne-winner and insur- ance marker respectively. His efforts on the go-ahead goal were particularly impressive, as he won a crucial corner battde while UNIt had the mani- advantage and shoveled it out to, an incom- ing Collins - who made no rnistake with a top-shelf wrister. Saviano scored in sirnilar fashion to punctuate a big forecheck tuirnover initiat- ed by Haydar - who sits second in the nation's points race with 74. He said, 'Obviously I've had a good year, but individual succcss cornes fromn team success. We ail work hard and t seemn te, be taking ail the credit." Modesty aside, Use local sniper is arguably tse biggcst reason why New Hampshire sits on Use verge of a trip to next month's Frozen Four. Ail Usat stands in Use team's way is a Sunday aftemoon victory over either Comeil or Qumnipiac, who'll do battle during Use NCAA Tournament's opening round tomnorrow in Worchester, Massachusetts. While he's corne up short in boUs cracks at Use national titie since joining UNH, Haydar's Wildcats now go in as one of Use favourites - and are 6-1-2 againat their posential opponents. That record includes an early-season win over Denver, who up until this month held top spot in Use national rankings. "They're a tighs defensive club, an we've juat got to work bard down low and nos make any mistakes," said Haydar of a pos- sible New Hampshire/Denver match-up. If succesaful Sunday, UNI- wiil advance to Use Frozen Four in St. Paul, Minnesota April 4to 6. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE vGolden girl Milton Skating Club's AshIey -upe proudly dis- pimys the frt-place trophy she recently earned at the Central Ontario Sectional Interclub Champlonshlps. Se. story on page 26. Get your votes in 110W for Mini Miltonian Darren (Mini) Haydar is arnong 10 NCAA stars in 1 Use rnning for Use coveted Hobey Baker Award, and local fans 'ii s AeyB a e i can help put him over Use top. The finaliat who receives Use rnost fan votes - which can be - Leads the nation at 1.97 points per gaine average cast at www.hobeybaker.com - receives one judging point -Posted career-high 17-gaine point streak toward Use coveted title. - UNH 17-2-O wlaen Haydar records at lest one goal Haydar is arnong Use favourites to take Use honour, having sat - Natned MVP of the Badger Showdown top Usree in NCAA Division 1 scoring ail season. - Named MVP of the UNR Conference Classic He cun'ently ts second wiUs 74 points - four of which were -Hockey East Player of the Month for November collected during last weckend's Hockey East charnpionship -Hockey East Player of the Month for Deceinber drive. - Nained Hockey East Player of the Week three ines The Hobey Baker Award winner will be narned at Use Frozen * Nained MVP for Hockey East playoffs Four Tournarent on Friday, April 5. ________________________ Milton, MOr Basebal Registration on Saturday, March 23, 2002 from 9amn to 4pm lat Tonelli Arena Players between 5-21 years. Mikta Minor Basebai is in need ofcoaches f&r this Wpojgsason. lt only takes 2 hours a week. The challenge and rewards are priceless whether Yeu have coached before or are new to basebail we will be there to belp. Corne out to coach a seam to earn comnmnity hours. F~or mme information-call Sandy Tellier at 905-878-3560. I