Dateline Dateline s a free listing of coming eventa only. Tise col- umn s available f0 local com- munity groupa f0 aasist n pro- moting their future events. Only charitable or non-profit commu- nity groupa may use this serv- ice. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity cioseat 10 tise date 0f the occurrence although more inseriions are possible if demand la 10w. Notices for Dateline should be handed n at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to RO. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, faxed f0 (905) 878-4943, or e-mailed to mii- toned @ The final deadline s noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Dateline items will flot be accepted by telephone. Friday Mar. 22 - 23 for purchase Fnday from I to 9 p.m: and Saturday from 10 arn. to 4 p.m. Saturday Mar. 23 The Women's Information and Support Centre presents 'Healing Power of the Mmd - Tibetan Buddhist Perspective ol Healing' attise Halton Regional Centre from 10 a.m. to i p.m. Tibetan Buddhist nun Venerable Dekyi Lee Oldershaw discusses how to trans- torm stress, anger and illness and how to develop more compassion, wisdom sud peace of mi. The cost of tise presentation is $15. To reserve a seat, calI (905) 847-9104. Sunday Mar. 24 Grace Anglican Church presents 'From the Cradie to the Cross , a service of music and dramatization at7p.m. The Milton Cisoristers presents 'Requiem for Essier' at St. Pauls 876-2401 or (905> 689-0646. Monday Mar. 25 Grace Anglican Churcis holds Milton@Prayer at 7:30 p.m. Residents pray for tise town and its people. For ifonnation, cail Keitis at (905) 854-0207. Tise Brampton/Mississauga Tourettes Syndrome parent sup- port group meets at Grace Anglican Churcis, 2476 Argentia Rd., in Mississauga at 7:30 p.m. For ifor- mation, cati Chantai at (905) 607- 6316. Tise Halton Huis Quilters Guiid meets at Centennial Higis Scisool i Georgetown ai 7 p.m. For information, cati Wendy at (519) 833-0483. The Milton Breast Cancer Support Group meets at 7:30 p.m. For location or more information, eau Bars at (905) 875-4940 or Carol at (905> 878-0655. Tbesday Mar. 26 University Women - Milton and cost $12, or $10 for seniors and $6 The Adult Education Centre District holds us annuat book sale for children aged 12 years and isolds an open bouse from 8 a.m. to at Milton MatI. Books are avatiable under. For information, catI (905) * sea DATELINE on page 31 The Canadian Champion, Fnday Marcis 22, 2002-23 I Interested in a career in ~1 I LOOKING FOR PEOPLE 16-30 YEARS 0F AGE YOU CAN GET: * Lifeskills workshops * Work placement * Level i Apprentîceship Training Cail 905-681-1140 or 1466-244-7244 THIS PROJECT S RJNDED BYTHE GOVERNUENT CF CNTAUD DEUVERED IN PARTNERSHIP BY: Y oe NOPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FROM 7 A.M. to il P.M. Fred and Livio Bonin invite you to visit them BONIN'S ESSO SERVICE 5 Main St. E. (at Bronte St.) 878-5323 FREE POTATO ceurs ici CAEAM WEOMSOAY TO te. ~. ~ SUNOAYOt&Y ~ 25* E... G.. ...d OU P.od..t, 5k.. Mi... R.p.k. .J.g MIik Toba...- k. C.g... k..d Sob D.k*. C..f..oboe.v Ph.. 26< Ca. W.ah o. i"'~4 i~4e fn~ced. we4e i~4e ~xame 1oda~/ Q~cc1 ~~4#~9 die /zai~4ed. a~e ~e~/ c~1/a~p~f 30& 4u~da~j, 2~ce~ Love, Vour Family