22-The Canadian Champion, Frlday, Marci, 22, 2002 t i. ~ USociete Canadian canadienne Cancer à_l.. du cancer Snciety edoual orat fron: * lugetn gCancer S With Care @ Roche Oclg WIth ouarlet Initreuiens as (7l' ~a ~ Espress Yourself Caffé 2fo;71ecial "Se cal" We have a wonderful selection of be - rs freshly grounti coffees or <Takinn car? on n îy.snth) Cappucrinos. Mochaccinos, Espresso, Laites andl Herbai, Eari 220 Main Street East Grey, Chai anti regular teas. 905.878-9009 276 Main St. 878-4171 Latin Ili9ht Every 2nd & 4th Friday of e imonth Next Event: (March 8 & 22, 2002) Latin Dancing ail nfht w 1h hour dance lesson Ladies FREE befère 10:30pm The Grand Chalet 324 Steeles Ave. Milton at Hwy 25 Cail for info (905) 878-7934 SPEOIAL EASTER BMRUO SUNDAY MARCH 31, 2002 11:30AM - 3:OOPM ADIJLTS $19.95 CHILDREN 1/2 PRICE The Grand Chalet Cail for Reservations: (905) 878-7934 324 Steeles Ave. Milton at Hwy 25 Karehe &i Dancing Tiaursday, Y"My & Çaturday Pitcher & Wlags Spaclal The Ivy Arms Tin Cup Saloon -March 23 (60's Influenced R&R) Mark Nelson March 30 3 MDM Every Thurs. 201 Main St. E. 905-876-1899 à QualftyCare service LA- uf!w j r e~ ~riservice cari be. C,~~i~ and see us. Tuesday 8:00 arn - 8:00 pmn Saturday 9:00 arn - 3:00 pmn Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri 8:00 arn - 5:00 pm For your convenience we shuttie in and around town. Cali for your service appt. For your information te -. 3st, 2002 655 Main St. E. Milton 905-875-3673 A Tradition of Value &Trust Since 1967 Colorsotal caner What You Need To Know Tuesdal, April 2. 2002 6:30 p.m. Displias & Rsfrashmants 7:00 p.m. Program Mu1t.. District Hospitai with: Pr. cuiche.t Sawkoet. M.D. Ioteralst, Milton District Hospital Dr. Jeffrey Klbasnik. MAD ouardl Surgeon, Milton District Hospital AUL interpretative services available. Rogister by fax: 905-878-0498 or cpop®Ialtnhaltcar.oncaby March 29 April is Cancer Month 1-888-939-3333 www.cancer.ca 1,ýý 1 zý. - 1 1 ý ýI Ar- ý.0Iw