v-Healthy eating program tèatured in area schools By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion lt's important for eidren to leani how to make healthy eating choices. In light of Nutrition Month, the Halton 'Food for Thought' prograni is running nutrition programs this month in four schools in tihe region. The schools participating this year are J.M. Denyes School in Milton, Tom Thomaon School anid Tecumseh School ini Burlington and Sheridan School in Oakvilie. The initiative is a combination from both thse 'ABCs of Healthy Eating' program by tic Canadian Living Foundation and tic 'Families are Munching' programn by Uic Thlunder Bay Distrtct HeaIUi Unit. "We'rc doing a presentation March 25 at J.M. Denyca School on gond eating and then we arc handiaig out charta," said Osyle Cruikshank, co-ordinator of thc nutrition program as J.M. Denyca School. Progress recorded Students wili take home Uic chart to record Uic fruits and vegetablesthUey con- sume for a week. Those Uiat meet Uic requirements will be given prizes, such as pencils and erasers. Students who submit chars wil be entered to win a grand prize. Darlene Edmonda, Food for Thought co- ordinator for Halton, said tome people assume Uic breakfast or snack programs in elemcntary schools are for children whose parents can't afford to, feed Uiem. "It's a universal Uing. Ail cbldren need to eat and cat healUiy." For Uie past Uiree years, Uie snack pro- gramn has been implemented Uiree turnes a week at J.M. Denyca Schoni. At Uic start of Uic morning recess, children are given a snack from two out of Uic four food groups. 'It could be an apple, or a bagel wiUi cream cheese. Usually it's a fruit and a grain product." Parent volunteers wiII corne in during Uic mornings of Uic snack days and prepare Uie fond, Ms Edmonda explained. Thse trays of food at placed by Uic exit doors so Uic stu- dents can take Uieir snacks out to Uic play- ground. 'Tie Ieft-overs are taken outoide so Uic chiidrcn can have seconds. t believe Uiere is "a need for nutrition programas in ail sehonla. You can't train Uic brain if you don't include fond." These days, Mt Edmonda said, chiltiren are living in "drive Uirough kitchens". "Thcy don't sec Uicir parents est break- fast anymore. I'm not saying Uiey're lousy parents, but people are usually ton busy in Uic morning to est and grab soneduisig on Uic way to work at Uic coffce shop. Kids can't do Uiat. That quaiity family ie irst CORRECTION NOTICE h - M2 - 2% M00 FiMe FM Uyw On page 8, the Athena ASF1 Speakers were uncorrectty advertised. The correct pnoce should read "$499.99 pair price." On page 22, the Microsoft Sideinder Force Feedback 2 was incorrectly advertised. The correct product is Microsoft Sideinder Force Feedback 1 on sale for $79.99. The MicroSOft SideWinder Force Feedback is available in store at the regutar price. We ancerely apologize for any inconvenfefle tis may have eaaased our valued customer. thing in the morning isn't there." Currently, there are 21 breakfast or snack H programs in the region, she said. ser. Other schools in Milton parhicipating in j the Food for Thought prograin include mw E.C. Drury High School, which runs a e breakfast prograin three days a week, and res W. 1. Dick School is iooking into the pro- T gramn. ute For more information regarding the Fond for Thought program, cati (905) 825-6060, cm ext. 7801 or (905) 631-0860. The Canadian Champion, Fniday, March 22, 2002-21 Hialton's health department wilI take part in asthma pilot project altoas residerîts may mmo tic able ta breaihe cas- tic region has been selectcd as anc of five coni- titica acrats Ontarioto take part in a pilot prai- aicd at reducing astisma asid asfisma attacks in dents. he 3-month prpgranm wiii develop andi dialib- scisoni curriculuim materias andi educatianal iphts anti activities ta local sehoals and ebulti oefs A provincial grant of $72000 wil alOw thc Haltn Region Heamt Deparement to wStk in con- junction with agencies in Peel, Hamnilton, Durham and Sudbury to dcvelop materials ta prevent and contrai asdunmL Atsas is tht ieadling cause Of hoeUUu for childrcr i n Ontarjo andi a significant cause of school andi woai àbsemtgeism, accordngtlaa healtb -epet Lpo TM/Ec At Sears, we are big enough ta have what you want... but smali enough ta care who you are. 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