IS-The Canadman Champion Fnday, March 22 2002 WhoDoeslt... HOME imPmov~~mrs - s o s SonîIng Milton & Area for ""'q HEATIN & COOLIJ LTD. (905) 87S ~ over 40 years w O inion 7 SALES 'INSTALLATION * REPAIRS ~ High-Efficiency Furnaces, G Air Conditioners, Gas Firepaces -4821 1~3 Steeles Ave., Unit #7, Milton I O Spedaizingin 4~E3EE~Z~S Castres Fltkd UDELREX "l'o' ~~l'sd sud ALUMINUM LIMITED Eatawaoe Suteras Also VialSldia~ S.ffl4 Fiels sud Sesauiuu Aluaulaaa, Thiugh ail 877-5383 between 9am & 9pm 5 VEAu WRIT~EN WARRAIITYONWORIWANSHIP LU ALTON fl0M 9C Smmvicu 15-875-0915 Imutallatiom mmd ServId.g ofs Stoves, Drgeru, BBQs, Watsr Heston, PIreplaces, Pool Heateru, Patio Keaton, Yard Lampa Etc. Lîcensed & Regîstered Gas Contractor c- * - e- CLEAN CUT HOME IMPROVEMENTS Licensed General Contractor Free Estimates Ail Work Guaranteed Additions * Basement Upgrades - Bathroom Upgrades Custom Homes * Decks Drywalls Electrical * Fences Framing Hardwood Floors * Kftchen Upgrades Plumbing Renovations Rooflng Please Caîl Jason - Celi # (416) 818-5920 * MILLp~ Custom Carpentry Ltd. COMPLETE RENO VAlIONS ADDITIONS * REC ROOMS Dave Miller Tel.: 905-878-2552 Oeil: 905-691-2272 D&~ C~4t ~ e 93eck~ * fTence~ *~I)esign Layouts Dan Nadalin 905467-8084 Milton, ON 5ee "a Concept; CaL'inet~ $150 n KJtchen & Vanity Cabfnete FRE Archltecturai Accossermes Stom FIxt&ime wutb a new kîtchen CUetOfli MlIfrwVi* 7O5Main EastUnit#3 878" MIA I ~iI1 [fif >UA~ Loik'L't~[sL .U GRimais Inismiors Paîntîng, Wallcoverîngs, Dry Wall ~ Repairs, Tapîng, Bathroom Renovations, Fînîshed Basements O.allty Work * bblasomablo Pricos * Fris Estenatu Waums 9OU-78-3006 Business wkhout advertising is like wiuking lu the dark Yoii know what yen're doing but nsboily else does 4$;-"- T. advertisc lu this sceden, pIeuse cmli liane ut N547~2341 * - les- R&R Garap~yt Doors - Electsic Openers Sales, Service mmd lnstmllatlen Windows, Enkrînce Doors, Stonn Doors, Patio Doors TEL: 519-853-2114 (ACTON) HOEM MAINTENANCE SERVICES Plumbing & Electrical Repairs Reasonable Rates *,05475,4m7S * Basement Living Areas * Bathrooms * Compete Additions Floorîng References Stan Avaîlable Upon Request e e a Ceramw fies * Hardwood Flooring Roc beau * Steel Studs * Oecks Dathreom Remodels * Orop Ceilmus (905) 876-4023 Sta. -OS Over 50 Years Experience Commercial & Resldential jj. HARDIMAN ROOFING CO. LTD Tel: (905) 876.0958 4252 Henderson Road Res: <905) 878-3447 R.R. No. 1, Miltan Fax: <905) 876-0036 LOT OXI Fre C: 1-877-667-4958 SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Robert Noble Ltd. 180 ft of hose for crossîng lawns 3 radio dîspatched trucks to serve you Dont wait for trouble - Pump before it's toc latel (Shouid pump at ieast every 3 years> N ever use coloured or doubie piy tomiet paper (519) 853-0500 Acte. Answering Service 878-6869 OVER 20 YEARS EXPERiENCEi o o Core's Wefl DrUUng 0 Pumnp Service * WeII Rehabilitation * WeiI Cleaning * Fiow Rates * Water Treatment * Reverse Osmosîs Drînking Water Systema * UV Sterilization Systems Telephone (905) 8784515 (Ask Jor Rod or Jerry) 264 Bronte St. S., Unit 10, Milton ON YOUCANBEIN THISFEATURE FOR $1l.95 CALL DIANE 905-878-1341 EXT. 117