Nearby business is upset *~oIt*MA.Tom pegal e«mc~ tes0tWt." ~*.4owem~wid*~. aMi. 'Ils ttit lIk# it', Ml~m awy. I does'l waastto have to ikive by itevery lime I goto woeic." Mr~ Wang, who owns two neher aduit video stores in Burlinglots and Hansilton. a'ecoetly sued tise Clty of Burlinglon anti five others for $600 millicesafterthemuniespalitydeesded lest fait 10 revoke tise vitico store's business licence for allegedly illegel- ly expendlng. Il I Sunday 1-4 p.m. FT~E~1 DOWNTOWN MILTON EXECUTIVE HOMES" CAVES COURT jffi~~ (OFF MARTIN ST.) LLOYD MOORE n attendance Re/max Blue Springs 905-878-7777 Saturday & Sanday 1-4 pm. CHURCHILL ESTATES- BROOKVILLE GUELPH LINE 5 min. N. of 401 $412,900 ail 11/2 acre Iota GARY THOMAS in attendance Ru/max Blue Spilngs 905478-7777 25 LOTS STILL AVAILABLE- 48 HOUSES SOLO Sunday 2-4 p.m. 11269 GUELPH UNE, CAMPBELLVILLE Campbellsille (Village of Brookville), 2 lamely home. Listed aI $449,900. WAYNE CASSON in attendance Ru/max Blue Springa 905-878-7777 Sunday 2 - 4 p... 568 WOODWARD CRESCENT JACK MCCRUDDEN in attendance Ru/max Blue Springs 905478-7777 2-4 p.m 1229 VALENS ROAD, FLAMBOROUGH $324,900 MIKE WELLS In attendance Royal LePage 905-8754101 Sunday 2.4 p.m. 110 111H CONCESSION E, FLAMBOROUGH $667,500 - NEW PRICE! VlCKI MILLER in attendance Royal LePage 9054754101 Sunday 2.4 p.m. 461 VALLEYVIEW CRESCENT $289,900 BARS LAFLECHE n attendance Royal LePage 9054784101 Sunday 2-4 p.m. 794 SYER DRIVE BARBARA CROWE in attendance Royal LePage 905-878-8101 Sunday 2.4 p.m. 1165 LINDSAY DR, GLEN ABBEY $238,l100 CATIIERINE GARANT n attendance Prudential Town Centra Realty 905478-9100 The Canadien Champion Fnday, Mareh 22, 2002-17 -Committee suggests historical society join LACAC to Iiax'e niore say iii demolitions The Milton Historical Society je taking steps so society supporters. Local Architectural Conservation Advisory ensure it isfl't Ici en the dark when it cornes to "We juet hope our proposai will help to avoid Committee (LACAC). changes made to historical sites. this type of situation m the future." "No one likes to tee our heritage disappear." Members of the society were frussrated they The proposaI includes neembers of the historical Previous plans to 198 and 200 Main St. wouîd weren't contacted about new plans b demolish the society to have mput into future site plans. bave seen the front and one side wall preserved 105-year-old building at 198 and 200 Main St. to "We juet want our say. while tIse reat of tIse building was re-constructed. make way for tIse Milton Bible ChurcIs. Councillor Cindy Lunau said it's difficuît to bai- Although engineers working with Miltun Bible Mirella Marshall, president of tise bistorical soci- ance ownership rights and community interest. Church said tIse walls weren't salvageable, tIse bis- ety, appeared before councillors Monday. "Hopefuily tIse owners will understand being toricai society's restorationist and stone mason "We aren't here to belay tise point," she told part of their cominunity is in their best interest." botb looked at tIse building and feit it could be councillors at the administration and planning Mayor Gord Krantz suggested merobers of the saved. committee, backed by severai dozen Isistorical bistoricai society migbt contider sitting on the Demolition is expected to take severai weeks.