~Smoke-free bylaw too hurtfui to businesses and groups: opponents By MURRAY TOWNSEND Special to The Champion Force smokers to buts out and you force us out of business. That was thse message relayed to thse Milton Smoking Bylaw Review Committee Wednesday night at Hughi Foster Hall aa concemned groups and indi- viduals had an opportunity to air their con- cemns. Councillor Rick Malboeuf, who chaired tise informai public session, said the man- date of the committee waa to come up with a consensus and present il to town counicil, which will vote on it in late April. There was a counicil resolution to make Milton smoke-free by May 30, 2002, but Councillor Malboeuf indicated tIsat now, at Use very lest, there wilI be changes to Use existing bylaws. What's yet to be deter- mined ja, "how much of a change, how far we go and how quickly we go." Ahnost everybody who spoke represent- ed a bingo interest. Don Corker from the Knigjsts of Columbus noted Usas in 14 years Use organization raised $400,000 for Chari- ty from bingo - and paid $55,000 in license fees to Use Town of Milton. Rita Ward from the Milton District Hospital Auxiliary told of how $217,000 had been raised from. bingo since 1990 to benefit Use hospital. Del Oxford spoke on behaif of Use Navy League and said how Use organization had become self-supporting bY necessity and how bingo had put 300 kids througis its program. NU. Oxford is also Use president of the Bingo Charities Association. "It would be a fatal blow o Use hall," hie told TIse champion. 11Other communities, Usat have banned smoking have shut halls." Guelphs and Kitchener-Waterloo are cur- rently 100 percent smoke-free, said Mr. Oxford. "We're getting Usese people's eus- 1 tomers in oui hall, and it's onlysa short dis- tance ftom Isere to Use Mississauga- Brampton aiea." lnstead of tryiisg to get money from Use Town for programrs, Mr. Oxford said Use organization is putting monl into Use Town's cofferi. Take away bingo and Usat reverses. Mosit of Use bingo representatives favour a by-law exemption for bingo and Use addi- tion of Designated Smoking Rooma (DSRS). But Usat's not good enough, according to Burgess Hawkins, public IseaiUs inspector for Use Region and a newcomer to Use smoking wars, having just taken a spot on Use committee two weeks ago. Despite Use overwhelming evidence of Use gond Usat smoke-filled bingo halls do for Use community fmnancially, hie agreed Useir focus la on Use physical heaiUs of Halton reaidents, nos charitable concema. He said of DSRs, "Mhe IsealUs effeet of second-hand smoke is stili severe, Usat's ose main concemn. Unfortunately, it's a toxin. DSRs basically concentrate the problemn - and people who have to go in and service Use ares aie auhject to smoke." Roger Mason, who's on Use commiîttee and representa bars and restaurants in Milton, is in favour of doing nothing at Usis time. "MIe only way is an absolute total level playing field." If people can't get what Usey want here Usey'll go where Usey cana get it and take Useir dollars and patronage out of ose comn- munity, suggested Mrn Mason, alan noting Usat people here will lotie jobs. DaI .5 GLP STR00 873199 E Sate à Suna 2:00 .m. j> BEAUT1FUL MIND Delly 6:45 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 2:00 p.m. 40 4DAYsSI4ONIG'Is n~ Have You Always SWanted to Enhance Vour Appearance? Now is the perfect tine. Wehave the solution soith state-of-the-art laser te holog in a quiset, comfssrtable and privale office settsng. The Casadmon Champion, Fniday, Match 22, 2002-11 .-Marindate Gardetïs tnovmng along (MMCR), which operates MartilxWe Crarduis. Nit Clements q"ared befoS couricillors te seck approval for construction of the non-profit residence te bc kc4ftd ai 45 Martin $t Ibe 774mit rewSx Win pro- vide howdrg and com fur seniors Who Can't liie, Wqmdmdy bw don't roqilifiré a owiing hmbe cwiùumlcm , Mr. Clmients sMd the boud of directors for MMM wal apply loi a budmig penvut as soon as tows CoU5iQl SpjxQv« Ste ConS- Atccla*o aupusfby the plan- ning and devekoprnent dMpat- mn ods to bc i beou fSIIe ==i be l iqpv i gr-ted MMRrw- -ie $9Md neeed o o nsj s1tev1bPttWoni Martindale Gardens is one step, clScr to b,ýý reality. Couacillors on tbe lown's adn"stration and planning comrl w1ariniouly approvcd Ille developuient of the 77-"te, fo«-stm", aw;Xod-liv- ing fwilùy at NIOUMYs Meeting- "%%*te here, we're ready to e lt*s belen a long baul fer a com- muney group te set to this p9bro sw BM Cieulcm. vice- ch* of tW- Ntitun Millennium commwùty Residences Mlla sqilip5eu wt t>1 a&~vfertlee 5.ss resers e fl gsta limR quanhlies. Ns dealers pieu. Milton Mai 155 Ontario St. S. <(905> 693-9207