ZAK'5 , yWekend 3~h ~PHARMACYI - Fe Oelvey . 10% Saaos Discount - Ad Dnig Plans Acoepted e WIlle Drug Infomatlcoi Avatai UaI"Ii l'At Z.&'. W. Car. 70 Main >t. E. 875-2424 A MetrolandCommunityNewspaper Vol._143_No._2 Friday,_March_22, 2002 32 Pages ~Eater Sunday. 31ri3 $ 1.00 (GST included) vAdujJt video store set to open amid zoning dispute By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion An aduit video store set to open ini about a week has Town offi- ciais scramblmng over whether the establishment is in violation of any bylaws. Tony Wang, owncr of Exxxotica Aduit Video, told The Champion he's within bis legal rights 10 open the adult video store at 42 Bronte St. hecause it's a commercially- zoned property. But Town officiais say zoning bylaws don't exist for such an establishment. "1 don't want to fight with anybody," Mr. Wang said. 1I talked tote Town and asked where 1 can put the store and they said nowhere. But I'm not in violation of any- thing. Hopefully we can solve tbis prob- lem." Mr. Wang said he applied for a licecng permit and a permit for thrce employeca fromn the Town several montha ago. The licencing permit was originally approved, he said, and he forked over $1,300 fee t0 the Town. But several days later, he was informed the zonmng bylaw doesn't allow for an aduit vidco store anywhere within the munici- pality, even though a Town bylaw exisîs for the Iiccncing of such establishments. He said he hasn't received lis money back from the Town. Until the store opens, the Town can't take action, said Ray Bartiett, zoning hylaw enforcement officer for the Town. "He (Mr. Wang) hasn't obtained a licence t0 open. So far, he hasn't donc any- thing illegal until he does business without a licence," he said. Mr. Bartietn said once the store opens the next step the Town would take would be 10 rcview the operation 10 sec if it's indeed in violation of any hylaws and then discuss any concems with Mr. Wang. Mcl lovio, the Town's director of plan- ning and dcvelopment, said there's no pro- visions in the zoning hylaws allowing for aduit video stores. "We have dialogucd with the operator Businesses surrounding the soon- to-open Exxotica Aduit Video store on Bronte Street are upset about the prominent location. and told hini of our zoning laws. He's stili insistent on movmng in." Mr. lovio said he's in the process of con- sulting with the Town's solicitor t0 sec if legal action needs to be taken. "We would want t0 deal with the owner directly t0 sec if he can comply with the bylaw. We wouldn't immediately take see NEARBY on page 17 Comment........ 6 NS Report ....... 8 Lit estyles..14-15 Dateline ....... 23 Sports ......24-26 Classifiled .... 27-30 0MMMf e Frtiay, UsVu 22. 'UM%'Li b'hqfl W q u'in Tre 'w d.'Hs # Lie h m* é b"Wi, 'N o FitR 0la hrlbtum' 'ThEaiqhx 'kkfluitt 1hn imortes f Chu c? si sthetfi utes lln doleave? and »re Li Ln rp Aren't 1 hurch W0 at Milton Di S.876-3586 0 léchurch.coé Photo by GRAH-AM PAINE Out with the old... Downtown re-construction got down to the nltty-grltty Wednesday as workers started tear- ing up the sldewalks. The three-and-a-half month project wiII see a downtown section of road straightened, with the creation of seven additional on-street parking spaces and improved lghtlng.