The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, Marcis 19, 2002-9 I - -;- es ~ vCommunity support key quality un ~Busîness ofYear Business Man of Year nominations nnmin~pg r~i1Iv By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion lt's not ail about business for tise Business Man of lise Year award nominees. Communiîy support bas proven just as important. Nomince Bob Wilson of Bob's Auto Sisop bas sisown bis support for tise Milton communiîy regutarly during tise shop's 24 yea~s in operation. He makes consistent donations to local cisarities and sponsors local sports teamt. Wben asked wbat ise tbougbt of bis nom- ination, Mr. Wilson said ise was "temfied" by tbe tisought of receiving tbe award and isavmg to make a speecis. "I've neyer been able lu do Ibat (public speaking)," be laugised. Founder of tbe Gorrud Auto Group, Jim By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Tise 2001 Business Woman of tise Year nominees 001 onty impacted lise business sector, but isave taken a broader rote in tise betterment of tise commnunily. In addition 10 iser sales representative duties witis Royal LePage for lise past 17 years, nominee Joyce Ftagevik isas been involved witis fundraising for lise Milton Leisure Centre and Rose Ciserrys Home. Sise was also involved in tise organiza- lion of tise Festival of Countries in tise 70s and still actively participates in tise annual Milton Santa Claus Parade. "1 couldn't belseve il," Ms t-tagevik mod- estly said of ber nomination. "I do tisese tisings because I like tisem." Fellow nominee Barbara Sîarr moved 10 Bob WiIaon Gomsan also found isimself on tise nom- ination list. Gorrud Ltd., wbich started in Elmira in 1961, came witis tbe Gorman family when tisey moved to Milton in 1971. "Il all started from a hobby, a passion really for autumolive," ise explauned. "I've always tried to keep a low profile. I neyer expected someUsing like tisis (nomina- tion)." In addition lu bis business operation, Mr. Gorman bas also aclively participated in tise betterment of Use community. He has organized charity fundraising efforts for Mîlton District mu Hospital, tise Terry Fox Foundation, tbe Bîg Sisters Association and ~ Huly Rosary Cisurcis. According su bis nomination form, Jim Gorman the tisird nominee, David deSylva of H.D. lnvestments - wbo couldn't be contacted as of press time - was the lead panner involved in tbe establisisment tise Drury Park bousing developmenî currently under construction. Tisrougis tbat development, Mr. deSylva arranged for tise donation of 14 acres of parkland to tise Town as welI as fmancial contributions to several local cisarities. owner of Vincents Art and Antiques m Campiseliville. "t'm exciîed I lisink - it's (nomination) wonderful," sise said. "Il makes il feel like iî's aIl been Joyce Hagevik Marilyn Goodale Barbara Starr wortis il." own in 1995 and immedialely became Wisen not aI iser sisop, Ms Goodale is nvolved wiîis tise local Uniteil Way - of working 10 better tise community Ibrougis ber involvement in tise Campiselîville Area s'isicis sises currently lise president. Business Association. "I just like iselping people." sise said of Tise group - wisicis folded several years ser nomination. ago, but was ce-initiatcd by Ms Goodate- In ber business hIe. Ms Stan is an attor- nul only promotes local businesses. but bas sey and no stranger 10 providing cisarities also successfully lobbied tise Town for md community groups wiîis legal advice. flower beds, Cisristmas decorations. and The tisird nomince is Marilyn Goodale, garbage cans in Campisetîville. Community Awards Gala next month Award recipients will be announced aI Tise black lie event will be iseld aI Use Communily Awards Gala - isosîed by Granite Ridge Golf Club (9503 Dublin Use Milton Cisamber of Commerce Line) starting witis cocktails aI 6:30 p.m. April 6. followed by dinner and lise awards. AIl nominees will be isonoured. Tickets cost $65 eacis and an availabte by contacting Peg attise Milton Cisamber of Commerce office, (905) 878- 0581. A A .~.AALAA~1%1L.> 1 ~4AAJ caught off guard 5v RICHARD VIVIAN Tise Champion Five local businesses have risen b tise top Ibis year, receiving nomiusatiosss for Use Milton Chamber of Commerce Business of Use Year awards. Nominations are aplit between two categories; 25 employ- ces or lesa and more tisait 25employees. 25esnployees orleas Candidates un tise 25employees or leas category mehide La Rose Italian Bakery, Two-Stage Inssovation and MeKersie-Ko<~iser Funeral Home - spokespersons for ail of whieh saxd tise nomination caugist dsem off guard. "I was surpised to bave our conspany nominated. We're ais indualsial automation androboties company and tise otiser nominees are more knmm publicly tisait we are," offered Tersy Sharp, president oflWo-Stage Innovations. Two-Stage la a relative newcomer to Milton, starting up in 1998 wiUs elgist employees. Since Usen, demand for producta bas lead to an mcreaaed staff of 17. Tise eompany was also recentiy ranked 22nd on tise liaI of 'Canada's Hottest Start-ups' by PROFIT magazine. La Rose co-owner Maggie Lizzi bld The Cisampion tise iseard of tise nomination afler retuaning frons a holiday - a pleasant isomecoming, aise tard. "Il waa a complete sisock." The bakery bas been a long-lime staple of Use While Oaks Plaza on Bronte Street. Ms Lizzi and ber husband, Cosimo, purcisaaed tise bakery in 1982 and have expanded twice wiUsin Use plaza. lise McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home is also a long-lime operator in town - isaving been founded by Lacisie McKersie in 1953. Wisen Doug and Judy Kociser purcisased Use business in 1977, Usey decided to keep Use established McKersie nanse and add Useir own. "Its a family-owned, family-operaled business and we've put a lot of our lime into Use business. Il's nice to sec UsaI reeognized," commented son Andrew Kociser. More than 25 employees 'lise two companies nominaled in Use 25 or more employ- eca calegory include a local manufacturer ami one of Miltois'a busicat reaidential developers. Rozul me, bas been manufaeturing insulation in town since 1988 anti bas grown lu include 143 enaployees. "ibis la an exciling lime of growtis for Mulots ami Roxul * - BUSINESS oit pq. il »Charity work front and centre for Business Woman of Year nominees 4<' n INDusTRIEs LLL i I Easy to Chu * Mahiimnu. Fr.. * Uf.lIm. Wwruily Beat the Rush, Cail Today! (905) 876-3016