Historical society wants input v in demolition permit process By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion hi Iight of flic dismantling of a Main Street building, the Milton Historical Society wants changes to Uic demolition permit proccss. The group is calling on Uic Town to con- suit members before issuing demolition permîts ta hsstoric areas. "We want Uic Town to work with us, to respect what we do and to include us," said historical society president Mirella Marshall. "If they need help or don't know about something - maybe we don't know elUier - but Uiey could ask. There are members in our group Uiat are very knowl- edgeable." The society's request carne after it was learned Uic building purchased by Milton Bible Church St Main and Martin streets was to be tom down to Uic foundation - a move Uic histoncal society says may not have been necessary. Previnus re-construction plans would have seen Uic front and one side of Uic building preserved. But architecta and engineer consultants working for Uic church advised Uic walls weren't suitable for re-use in Uic building. Adding anoUier group to Uic demolition permit process may slow things down a lit- tIc, but Mayor Gord Krantz doesn't beieve il would have a signifîcant impact on time- mes. "I don't have a problem (wiUi circu- lating Uic historical society) as long as Uic procesa doesn't get bogged down by anoUi- er layer of bureaucracy Uiat bas to be deait wiUi. They (historical society) carry a lot of knowledge and they're certainly dedicated to historic preservation." Several commenting agencies are required to sign off on an application vHearing to be continued The prelirninary hearing for a Fourth Line couple charged wiUi drug offences will continue April 8. Douglas Weil and Agmeska Wojyanowska appeared in Ontario court in Milton for Uic hearing laat Tuesday. The preliminary hearing, on which Uiere's a publication ban, will determine if Uiere's sufficient evidence to go to trial. The couple is charged wiUi producing a controlled subslance, possession of a con- troiled substance and possession of a con- trolled substance for Uic purpose of traf- ficking. fi per kWh CALL i %a v~ Are you ready for deregulation? Do you want the security of knowing that your electricity rate will flot rise no matter what happens n the marketplace? We are a new company formed by Veridian Corporation and Enersource Hydro Missîssauga Services mc. They have joined forces to bring you a competitive local solution for your energy retailing needs. Get ail the information you need at ~-v orcail I %§. 493 '-~. 5,,,,,., ~f C.). E..~îg. C...'p F.,,) ..oot ~ghI0t~d d,'00b..k,, o) t, o-o o-,, h~o,,o-d b,' lb,, O,,to-,o Eo-,,,g," Bo-,,.) h. ,,to-I oko5.o.ty (Looo-o~ No FR 2001-0013) hefore a demolitton permit can be issued, including Conservation Halton, utility companies and Uic Local Architectural Conservation Advisoîy Committee. The Canadian Champion, Tueaday March 19 2002-7 Correction i lic '.Oory .cgas.liflg tioo. \lî,,.jîï .~ .001 ,-.51. qOIR i Easter' concert in Friday's editton of The Champion contained flac 3 pan. concert shia Sunday will take $ace ai St. Paul'a Uaimot~tKîoxPresbytoeiasÇ2s~nth as stated. 'flac Chaupima mepcts tue era~' anti aay imioweoieaçc il may bave ~ ONTARJO GOVERNMENT SERVICES UPDATE The Ontario Publie Service Employees Union (OPSEU) is currently on strike. The Govemment ol Ontario has made a reasonable and responsible offer that is fair to employees and taxpayers, including an across-the-board wage increase o! 1.95 per cent m each o! three years and increases to address wage disparities hi key occupational groups by offering ambulanoe/communication dispatchers and scientists an additional increase o! eight per cent and nurses an additional increase o! 10 per cent. It is not possible to predict how long this disruption o! publie services wili continue, however, the govemment remains available to resume meaninglul negotiations at any time. Answers to your Questions To further assist you we have provided answers to the most frequentiy asked questions we're receiving from Uic public about: Government Payments? * Ontarlo Disabiiity Support Program recipients shouid receive their monthly cheque or direct bank deposit on lime. * Cheques wili stili be issued for the Guaranteed Annuai income Suppiement payments to low-income seniors. * Ontarto Works (social assistance) cheques will continue 10 be delivered bythe municipalities, which are not affected by this labour disruption. Driver's Licences? * if your licence expired on or after March 13, 2002, you can stili drive until the end of the strike. This includes ail classes of drivers licences. * if your licence is suspended, the suspension will remain in effect until the strike ends. * If your plate sticker expired on or after March 13, 2002, il musi be renewed. This can be done ai one of more than 280 private Driver and Vehicie Licence Issuing Offices throughoul the province; they are iisted in the blue pages of your telephone book. Payment is by cash only. Health Cards? * Your heaith number is stili valid. * You may be asked to fui out a health number release form by your doctor or hospital that they wiil use when filing with OHIP. Medical Treatment lor New Ontarians? * New or returning residents can access health services, and as usual wili be responsibie for paying for those services. The usual three-month waiting period appiies until new or returning residents are eligible for OHIP coverage. For up-to-date, pre-recorded iniormation on services, cali toIl-free 1-866-933-9233 or visit our website at www.ontarioservieesupdate.com o...