Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Mar 2002, p. 6

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A sobering message AO4 on graduation parties 2SR. Parents and teenagers may want toi pay close attention to inves- K 0 r' tigating their insurance policies before holding that year-end- A t graduation party. The Halton Region Health Department recently held a work- shop - titled appropriately 'Party in the Right Spirit' - in an 5 effort to point out to teens some of the problems associated with holding much-hyped, year-end parties.W r Many high sehools have pulled out from organizing festive events and who can blame them? The risk is too high and the courts aren't looking favourably upon aduits who don't think they can be held accountable. Parents. too, must be prepared toi assume responsibility when their young graduate hosts a party. And seeking legal advice before the big bash isn't a bad idea either. Despite the lecture, we know our deserving graduates can still have a good time. They just must play it safe. *O UR R FADER S WRITE Campbellvlle-area rosldents should have declded If they wanted lquor store: reader (The followutg Iefter vxix addressed to Haiton MPP Ted Chudleigh Sdt a copy wafded wk The Champion.) Re: -Newi liquor storie for Ctunpbeflville. Yoia seenied ecited abaout itL Whso asked for il? WJsy dises yotsr pllty lasiAt on doiag thlnps wshut thinptoflhe elctate, fo eannpl, Ontario Hydxs pivatiza- tâcon? Comau otw votes as a "go away» to tise nasikd question, "Do ie snsident of Casnpbellville viant a liquor store in Canipbellville?" You would have received thse sme answer if you had asked about the alot nsehis at Mohawk Raceway. Ask us instead would we like garbae colletion, or do vie prefer thse ugly bins at Gluelph Une and No. 5 Sideroati. Psy attention, ans election is comng souse day. Jacklfuphy YflseHoe W*y +THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian OliverPublisher Neul Oliver Associait Publisher Jili Davis Editor-in-Chief Karen Smith Editor Wendy McNab Advertising Manager Steve Crozier Circulation Manager Teri Casas Office Manager Tim Cotes Production Manager The Canadien Champion. ttuttished every Tuesday and Fcîday at 191 Main St. t., Milton, Ont. LgT 4N9 (Box 248), is ose of The Metroard Printing, Publishing & Distributing Ltd. grsop of sohonhan companties wtncti includes: AjaoPickening Nens Advertîser, Altîston Herald/Comnier, larrie Odoance, tarrys Bay This Week, totten Enterprise, Brampiton Goardian, tiirlington Post, tanlington Shopping Sens. City Panent, City ot York Soadian, CnllingodlWasaga Connection, tast York Minon, toin Advocate/Country Routes, ttohicnke Soandian, Flambonough Post, Foceven Young, Georgetown lndependenilhcon Free Peess. Halttn Business Trnes, Huonia Business Times, Kingston TOis Week. Lindsay This lenti, Markham tonomint & Son, MidlandlPenetanguishene Micron, Miton Shopping News, Mississauga Business Times, Mîssîssauga News, Napanee Guide, Nassaganeya Sews, Newmarkt/hurora Ena-Banner SNohumberland Sens, Sot York Mienne, Sakoilte Beanen. Satilite Shopping News, Oldtimers Hockey Sens. Orillia Today, Oshana/Odsithy/Clarington/Poot Penny This Week. Peterborough This Week, Picton Coanty Guide, Richmond Hitl/ThornhittNaughan Liberai, Scarhorougtî Mîreor, Stooftille/iIJohidge Tribune. Advedtising is accepted on the condition that, nin tueent nf a typo- graphicat ercon. Chat portion nf the adoennising space occopied by the enno- neos item, together nîth a neasonahie attonance ton signature, nîli not be charged ton, but the batance of tOe advertîsement nîlt ne paîd ton ait the appti- caste rate. The pubtîshen nesenees the night to categonize adoeOîisements on dectîne. Thre Mitas Caenadien Campo in a Fieeyciahae Product Man -s comments flot mîsînformed, says reader Dear Editor: Regardless of what the Town worker thinks, the original letter writer was flot "uninformned." Anyone who drives that stretch of road from Thomson Road 10 James Snow Parkway can easily counit the number of road culs. Just total up the number of thumps as you drive over them. There are well over 30. 1 presume this is adding extra wear and tear on my car's suspen- sion as, like many others, 1 travel tis route twice a day, fave days a week. 1 know that I'm the one who wilI have 10 pay any costs related 10 premature repairs to my car. What should have been done? It may be fair t0 assume -based on the faet that Maln Street, wesî of Tbomson Road, is four tartes that ultimately it should be four lattes ail the way 10 James Snow Parkway. Why then, did the Town flot require the developers to pay 10 Iay whatever cables and pipes were required on the north side, put down a two-Iane road and divert traffic ons 10 il, then tear up the existmng road at their leisure? l'm ail for development, but tbere's no reason that we should have 10 be impacted by construc- tion in this manner. Edward Brooks Hayward Crescent Letter derails efforts of welcoming Miltonians Dear Editor: After having read a letter 10 the editor lat TUesday regarding new- corners 10 Milton and their family doctors, 1 suspect the author isn't a member of Milton's Welcome Wagon organization. MitIon's businesses, churches and community groups have gone 10 great lengths 10 exîend a friend- ly welcome to ail the new residents of this town. To suggest that 1 should "make the trip t0 the old ares" derails the efforts of these people. Many of my family's friends, relatives and former neighbours love 10 corne ouI 10 see us in Milton and find ouI what aIl our enthusiasm for the town is about. My family didn'î just buy a home in Milton, we came bere 10 live. While there bas been an influx of citizens in Milton, il sbould be noted that tbree new doctors will be receiving new patients in town very solon. There's also a walk-in clinie on Main Street that bas been Ibere for 6 montbs. It's believed that wbere people sec their doctors is also wbere they wilI probably sbop. Every effort sbouid be made 10 see that Ibis polential revenue is cbanneled int Milton's economy. Greg Nelson Auger Terrace Pud by Steve Nease

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