Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Mar 2002, p. 4

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4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesdav. March 19. 2002 SRERWQOD SUIRVEY SECONDARY PLAN STUDY N»flCE OF INTENT, OI'PORTUNImIS FOR PUILKINPUT AND SECOND PU8UC OPEN MOUSE/MEETING MASTER TIRANSPORTATIONITRANSIT PLAN STUDY Notice of Intent/Backgroumd Ibe ToSw ofMilton and thse Rego f Hltn aveberiSECONDARY PLAN AREA involved in tise Halton 1Js5an Structure Plan (HUSP) -a strategy for RD maasaging Regionalan local growth for thse ext 20 par In laion101 t tepro- foi poseti growth, thse Milton <>biniaPlaiPimidss ~ STEELES AVe É5suvR _ hectares (4940 acres) of !\t aditionsal laid for new growlls, wisich is refer red to as thse -urban Expansion o0 14 SIDE Aiea". A plan for theo pisa- ing of thia new growtis was ratlfied by Milton Counicil and Regiossal Counicil in DEMYV RD. May aid Jatte, 1998 rcspec- tively. T-he fîra phase of rosidentWa developinent in thse Bristol Survey L Secondary Plan Aiea is cur- rently ussderway. The Sherwood Srvey laid (se attached map) represent Phase 2 of thse proposed res- BR/AW s RUss~a idential developmrent. In accordance itis th poli- Special Study Ares cies of the Milton Official Sherwood Survey Secondary Plan Ares Plan aid HUSP, the Town - indian Creek Subwatershed Boundary of Milton is currently preparing for the development of the Sherwood Survey laids throssgh the preparetion of a second- ary plan aid supporting background stssdies. S" Arm Thse study aiea includes two areas, witisin thse Milton Urban Expansion Ares. The fsrst area is beussded by Hligiway 401, Pens Rond, tie. C.P.R. Uine, and Tresaine Road. T'he second area ia bounided by Main St. W., tihe C.N.R. Uine, Desry Rood, Regional Road 25, tise mid-lot lisse betweSi Derry adi Biitannia Roads (known as tise mid-block arterial) aid Trentaine Road. The Study Aiea aIso includes laids within tise Niagara Esearpinent Plan aiea, tise designation of which is ctsnewly usider appeal to tise Provincial Cabinet. 'hlese laids are bounded by tise C.P.R. Lisse, tise C.N.R. Une, Main St. W. aid a Uine isetween Conscessiosa 1 aid 2. 'Me purpose of tise varions sttalies is as followsl: Tlie Slserwood Survey Secondary Plan is being carried ont in accordance with Sections 17 aid 21 of tise Planning Act, aid tise policies of tise Towns-of Milton aid Region of Halton Official Plana. 1Te secondary plan will provide detaied policies on matters asucis as laid use, urban faim aid design, transportation, aervicing inclsding stomnwater management, aid otiier related issues. The Master Transportation/Transit Plan will define s functional road network witisin tise Study Aiea aid identify any major transportation improvemente and transit opportusities for implemen- tation for tise next 15 years. The Plan will alto include guidelines for land use planning and urban design, detailed roail standards, and s plan fer the integretion of transit service. Ini addition, il will idcntify tise need and justification for aid locations/configuration of a possible new inter- change with Highwey 401 snd associeted approach roads ta service tise Study Aiea. The Master Transportationfliansit Plan (MITP) is being camred out following Phase 1 through 3 of the Municipal Class Envirnmentsl Assessment proceas (Jssne 2000). a" Aua: mbe study siaa tiste saine as that for tise Secondary Plant, but also includes consid- eration of tise foilowmng adjacent transportation facilitica: Trentaine Road fions Britsnnie Rond to Higlsway 401; Steelea Avenue frons Trentaine Road te Branle Street; Jamses Snow Parkway front Regional Rondt 25 westeily to Highway 401; Malis Street front Trentaine Rond to Broute Street; Fiait Line (Broute Street) fron EsstanialRond to Dersy Rond and a potential new interchanlge wilh Higlsway 401. 'lise above-noted studios ame being carried out in accordance witis approveri procedurea contained in the CaasEnvsonsenlalAssesstnent for Municipal Sewage sud Water Projects. These studies wil paid gneaguidancwithrspect o snwter dnviioentt51 manemet. lby sl ais iealuste vasious sOiimwaW aînsagemiist abtd seri mg sbaleis fe dmSoeosssy plua ues, aid wlreeonad a ptsredi niomna ansti tmwager mngmn evc asnd Waatwatu Sorvielssg Master Plan, wlsicin ta onjtsnetio sn iste SeondafY Pla mi bo usoti as a basis fordeveioselent in tise Slserwood Survey Seeosidary Plan Ares. 'lie Parka Master Plan Updste is iseing carrieti out as pant of tise preparation of tise Secondary Plan and in aceordaisce eitls tise Leisure Services Action Plan (1995), tise 1999 Action Plan Update, anti will update tise cuirent Parka Maste Platn (2000). The ptepose of tise study la te pire- pare a dotailed Parka Master Plan as a ais for thse dcvelopasent of tise Sherwood Survey Seconiary Plan Ares. Publie Input Public conisultation la an essensial conspossnt of thse preparatiosi of tise secondary plan asnd selat- cd studios. Members of tise public wising to obtain furtlser informiaioni witls respect te tise sec- ondary plan proparation aid background studes sould contact Mr. Bill Manni, Projeet Co-"rd- nator. Information, as it becontes available seUl ho poated on tise Town's seohaile at sesw.towss.ntn.oss.c. <uder Town Hall Deparrsens - Planning Policy - Carrent Projects - Sherway Survey linI). Membiers of tise public wiso selis 1 participate in tisese undesltakingsand requis'. notification 0f public meetings or other niattera related to tise sludy, sisould contact Assgela lasane, Policy Plainer ai (905) 878-7211 ext. 2307 or at tise atidress rsoted bolose. Writtes suisusissions regarding tisis secondaiy plan procesa and tise varices background atudies are wel- conte at aiy tie aid sisould be dirccted te: Mi. Bill Mann, Manager, Planning Pouly planning assd Developmlent Departanont Te O Milton 43 Barown Street MRto, ouitarlo, LqT 5HZ Tel: 905418-7211, ext. 2304 Fax: 905-876-5024 Second Public Open flouse/Meeting - Sherwood Survey Secondary Plan and Master Transportation/Transit Plan The public is invited 10 attend tise public open bous and meeting as follows: Place: Miltos DistrIc Hgi Scisool Cafeteria 396 Wllialns Ave, Date: liaenay, Mareck 26, 202. Tase: Opu Houa 5-7 p.. Meeting 1-9:30 pa. Purpose ofC Meeting: mle meeting will provide ai overview 0f tise gesseral secoudairy plan study process, tise resulta of tise backgroundi reacarcis 0f tise relatod studies, and will sHow tise public thse oçrportunity tu revsew sasd diseuss DRAFT options for tise Socontiasy Plan ares. %o tIse Master Tran partamo.JTaaslt Plass (MTM'), tbis meeting weul ho considercd Public information Contre <PIC) 02 in thse Enviroussestal Assesasent Procmis. Ibe alternative planning solutions sud rond netwostc alternaives will ho presened for s'.view aid input. Backgrorund & Option Report: Copies of tise Background aid Options Report for thse Siserwood Survey Secondary Plan Study will ho available for pick-up on Marck 19,2082, lit tise Plansning & Development Departmnent counter locateti et tise Town 0f Milton (Annex Building), Upper Ploor, 155 King Street, Milton (next 10 Milton Town Hall). Copies seil also be available at tise open hossse/nteetng. ___________________________ Commenta o. tise Master TransportatiolrManslit Indian Creek Subwatershed & Plan: If you are unable to 16-Mile Creek Functional Stormwater & attend tise Publsc Open Homs Environmental Management Strategy Boundaries aid seisis t comsplote a comn- ment sheel or provide infor- f _ mation seith respect 10 the seork thst has been cotpleted Linn, Town Enginee, ai: Peter LIna, Tome RAgInee COMnnnllY Servies Tu"se OC Me". 43 Dreta Street Milton, Ontarts U9T SH2 Tel: 95-878-7214uiet 211 w01ftnonubiszaWM sinsat to thieit Pesos Ln, Ton Bginoeh ApHi 2, 2M8 4

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