The Canadian Chamnpion, Tuesday, March 19, 2002 -27 3.3L, 4 sp auto powerwin- dows & locks, tilt, cruise, Aal 7 passenger seating, air cond, AM/FM CDb i st.#647362 Ra Cash price $34,488U . or lease for '389 p/month cl own 2001 a sCaman SE 3.3L4spd autopowrwn dows &door locks, tîli/cruise passenger seating i cond, AM/FM CD st#1 9374 ash price $22,388 3002 Doigo Dakota Club Cab Spott Plus 3.9L, V6, 4spd auto, 40/20/40 benc h seat, og lamps, power Iocks, power mîrrors, P. win- dows, tilt/cruise, wheel flaires, alum wheels, st#593371 Cash price $134,488 or lease for *319 p/month 0 dlown 3002 Chryslsfla spd auto, power CD, St.#181683 Cash price $20,788 or lease for $325 p/month 1down 3001 Crsr 3.21, 4spd auto, air cond, Ipower windows & Iocks, power seat, tilt/cruise, alum wheels, rear spoiler, AWffM Cass/CD, 8 speaers, keyless enrty St.#672943 Cash price î 2A41 4cyl,,sunscreen glass, keyless entry, power locks, 16n alum. wheels, speed con- trot, power windows st.#316974 Cash prie2EMAU- kmsefo 83 down 213,4W PJ "W af fl - À"WE SEILL SATISFACTEON1'w hAi ES 2.7L, V6, 4 1998 Usons Auto, Air, AMIFM, PS, PB & more. Ail with low kms. 8m mmVI par monhV Own it for 1998 Pontiac Sunfirs OT Auto, Air, Tilt, Cruise, Power Windows & Locks. A must seel 10 BO0W. er Month* uwn ii Tor Loaded with leather. OnIy 54,500 kms. + Ail applicable tex cruise, tilt, great condition. Stock # 216084 m S + Ai appioahi tex V8, auto, power steering, power brakes, N/C, tilt steertng, AMIFM Cass, bal- ance of FactoryWarty______ _______ mdmiiwBU WM mm, iate ta "dauo wv ns 0- .A.sE =paprafhi bused on 48 oUb i .Id1c = '.li Vuiedaeoss may not be axai u 88itan v 905-878-8877 81 ~ ~ ~ I ONAI ST] N. MITN one block north of the Milton Mail Vir-it im I SI Ilieffl-11-ýM*"Ili