.6-The Canadian ChamDion. Tuesdav. March 19- 21302 PeeWe Bantam Midaet Born ln '8-0 87- '884,85, '86 ReniStration Fees $75,00 for the IISt chid (Mldget $85.00) $50.00 for the 2nd chlld No charge for additional chidren of the same family Parental non participation tee - $25.00 Parent or Guardian MUIST BE PRESENT at registration to sign release. Please bning a copy of each child's birth certificate. Late registratlons may flot be accepted If team or teams are ful. Please bring last year's unifonn when you corne to register. Campbelioille Minor Basebali needs executiof members, coaches, umpires, scorekeepers and sponsors. We welcome our participation' Ceneral Meeting: Monday Apeil 8Mh, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. ait Lions Hall Questions or Information - contact Steve Smithl (905)>854-2158 9vakç tfii. 9votfrs rDay Special ricu fer flow rnuch you caîe by plauing anl adin our classiîued bcCtloii. NME____________ M u fflMust be20 W" eu le' he ChFor $10. + OT - $10.70 MESSAGE: Pamd in oMvno by su, chou, Yuo or Mastosord. DOadw.s Wodnesdoy, May 8, 2M et OOP.M. Wl appor in dhe FMa>s May 10, 2002 edido ECasb HliCheque Il Vso IltA/C Cvt Coed No ________ ExiyDe- Who Does h..,t FA$T CA$H REFUND$ Ina ifl s3 Heurs* 4iIig Same Day Service lu E-file Ralph Delicata a Assocates (905) 87-33 Prlosluaa be.kku.pao à accauatlaa ServIra ais. avalabi Evealas &oe wuekaad flsâet avaIsIW. N*agIMOss puloocid but ut houfsar. Some rsfctions ma#, appi,. 190 Main St. E. Milton Open Baily 11um to 7pm Who D)oes lt... WH DOSe I THIS $POT COULD BE YOURS FOR 905-878-2341 EXT. 227 Jan's House-SittrLg 9M Service We wiII take cars of your Imm and your Mu BOOK FOR YOUR HOLIDAYS NOWI SNOWBIRD SPECIAL e dally e weekly e lve-in e pets e hars: FULLY INSURED d Visit our wabta... wdww.JansoueuIting.co* Who D)oes It... WH DOS I THIS $POT COULD BE YOURS FOR $21195 CALL PlANE 905-878-2341 EXT. 227' IT'S TAX TIMEI PERSONAL & SMAU. BUSINESS RETURNS PROFESSIONA1LY PREPARED, REASNABLE RTS. (905) 875-3752 ACCOUNT By NUMBER Fully Computerized Bookkeeping Services Will pick up and deliver. Cati Elaine (905) 878-9560 MILTONAE SPICY INDIAN & CANADIA CUISINE Ail Yon Con Eat Buffet Special Fuature hipfiM PvetO Chioken, &eet, Goal or Vegetable Breakfast & Luncheon Specials OR-M T*hE-OUT le% OFF SENIOIS UNECAL IF YOU WISH TO LIST YOUR INCOME TAX SERVICES CALL DIANE 905-878-2341 EXT. 227 "Last Stop" Computer Clinic Can't seem to get help sorting out your computer? PC Trouble Shooting Software Installation / re-installation "One on One" Training. Cali Russel 905-875-0372 WH iOE e THIS $POT COULD BE YOURS, FOR $2.1 95 CML DIANE 905-878-2341 EXT. 227 To advertise in thi section, please eaul Diane at 905@878m2341 see Pa9e 25 ý«M om44 Blusiness withotit advtrtising is lke wikhg i the dark Yeu kiow what yoii're doeug -vbut nîedy tise dees!