14-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 19, 2002 i roiiessionaÏ AL- Drivers Required Local and Inter GLOBALe.COM- Provincial Superior Services 905-849-8081 Canada ta US: 1-800-898-9907 Montreal, Texas, EXT 235 Califomnia, Florida Mississauga-London-Oakville FULL-TIME LICENSED TECHNICIA required for late model car deaternhip, nome Iight traîler repaira. Will consider 4th or 5th year apprentice. Benefit package & competifive woge. Please phone Carl for appointment 905-877-2261 or Fax 905-877-0380 PARK MOTORS SALES Production Classrfie Hours Mort Quality Monday to Fniday Control Mgr 9 am to 5pm for manufacturing co. located in Mifton. Vinyl entrusion 6 experience an asset. Previous management (.3 experience necessary. Fax musam to: , INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN Medl Purma PtcaM a Ieading pet food manufacturer loae nMississauga is currentiy recruiting for a LtCENSED INDIJSTRIAL ELECTRICAL for maintenance and projecf work. This is a unionized position operating on a 24-flur, 5 day bonis. The work wiii inctode troubieshoofing, maintenance, [Opa); and project wnrk involoing: " Power and automated contrais for facility, pmncensing and packaging equipment; " PLC hardware/ software for aotomated nyntemu; Power distribution, I ighting, communication, monitoring and alarm systemo for the facil ity. Candidates mont be licensed fodustrial Electricians with 3-5 years industrial eoperience. PLC knowledge and enperience is essential. (Licensed Constroction & Maintenance Electriciano with apprapriate induntrial enperience may alsu be considered). Thle rate ut puy sutl pragrens f rom $22.35 fa $25.31 per flur, plus shlift premium siffi a bi-weekiy shift rotation aiong wif h an excellent benef if package. If you are inferested in this position, pleane sufimil resomne nu later than March 22, 2002, ta. puinacuioU.«c or via fax fa 90&5&M-5 fWu thank ail inieresled candidates, however, only thoot sellected for an interview wiil fie coofacl No telepon inqoiries please, Tbe Indka &Wu flan an eocellent opporfunify for on eoperîenced dynamic indivîdool in our Cakoille Headq uarf rs. You su)l ca-ordinale thle planning and schedulîng aI innenlory silfi the Brand Manager lu ennoie iflaire- quired largel and deiivery doles are met. Commoni- cale stalus n a fîmeiy bonis la management You wili ose the planning paramefern uned in thle boy- îng procens, la ennure 1h01 invenfory leveis support cunfomer order requiremenin, Yoo wil alun use weekiy reports la mainfain aur lien- ibiii ta meet cflanging custamer needn and laine witfl Major accaunits. EDI enperience witflin o distribu- lion enviorment preferred. Monitor and report on supplier pertormance la super- vision and management. You have a degree or diploma in une ut the fliowing, business, operatîons, and maferiais management ta- geffler witfl at leant fflree yearn planning/ ncheduiin.g experience. Mont have excellent teamsork, communi- cation. PC and organizatiana skilis. Pleaso tax resumo 10: 9W5829-5067, AtIn: Oporatifans Manager ASSEMBLY SHOP MANAGER We require a "Hands On" Shop Manager for our growîng assembly shop. The ideal candidate wîll posseas general knowledge of equipment assembly, hydraulica and is capable of managing others. Please fax resume fa: (905)876-3791 Attention: James Gardon KLIMER MANUFACTURING INC. OFFICE ADMIN- Dulles nclude: AIP, A/R, Bank Reconc., Gov't Remit., Reception & Clerical. Must be well organized, self motivated, 2 years experience. Psy commensurale with experience. .M.Morris Design Ltd. Tel: 878-578 Fax: 878-0451 amorris@cmmOrris.com www.miltoncanadianchampion-com Find the job you've always wanted in üHt(aabia (aînOon classifieds. Pick up your copy today.> SCanabian Cbamptoe 191 Main 8OtrIf Ra% Milten 905-878-2341 BAH Sdder nHonbyMuoteq 00 PT avnocara oceo IJoin Dur Heaith Care Team! [prelerred. (905) 878-8885 Mon.-Fr. INSIDE SALES (7SF Surface Preparation is fOre world's leader in the design and manufacture of equipnaent for industrial surface preparation. We are currentiy looking for a candidate to fi11 an Inside Sales position. Duties of this chalienging position include the preparation of cost estimates, equipment proposais and equiposent concept, drawings. As our ideai candidate, you have 3-5 years of reiated experience, strong computer skwis (Windows and Microsoft Office 2000)) and a proficiency in AutoCAD 2000. A Mechanicai Engineering Technician or Technoiogist is preferred. Please forward your resumne to- USF Surface Preparain 1219 Corporate Drive, Buriington, Ontario L7L 5v5; Fax: (905) 319-7881; E-nmi toetulis@uspg.com Cali *. Cha m-ploos Claislfleds aund place Vour Osarage Sale for oly $1869 plus e.11 1 A free êlarage Salle Kit ls iwiclded to hdp make vour sale a IIuge scoeas!l Naire Dame ns currentiy recroîting ton part-iunie HEALTH CARE AIDES " Wîlflîn tfie pflosopfly and minsion of fhe Muther flouse, and under tfie guidance af [fie Regisfered Nurse, [fie succesnfui candidate(s) will assînt sn tfie provision ut direct resident aie. " Ooalified applicanis wili bu gradoales of an ap proved Heaif f Care Aide edocation prugram siffi eoperience siffla geriafrîc population and able fa work eveuîng and nîgflt shlifts. " Saiary range $13.61 - 15.42. Pieaoe suimit reume lo H. R. lJepartmenf: 1921 Snake Rd., Waterdown, ON LOR 2H0I emailh psconsult@cogeco.Ca NOTICE 0F PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE N.. 1 Derry Road (Regional Road 7) Improvements Fif th I.ine to Ninth Unme (iass Environmentafl Assessment Sliudy The Regional Municipal ity of Halton has initiating a Glass Environmental Assessment to consider a wide range of options to satisfy future travel demanda on Derry Road from approximately 1 50m east of Fifth Line to Ninth Line (sele map below) In order to best address existing and future operational deficiencies associated with this segment of Derry Road, a number of road improvement alternatives will be examined as part of the study including wîdening, new road alignments and improvements bo intersections, among others, The study wiIl define the problemn and consider, evaluate and detail altemative solutions and design concepts. The study la being conducted in compliance with Schedule C of the Municipal Glass Environmental Assessment (June 2000), which la approvedi under the Ontario Environmental AssessmentAzt. A Public Information Centre (PIC) las pîanned to provide further information to the public and interested stakehoîders and f0 receive input and ____________________ feedback on the study f0 date. The map beîow shows the approximate The PIC la achedule for: 1 limita of the study area. Wednesday, March 27, 2002 Milton District High School 396 Williams Ave., Milton (Williams at Commercial) Open House 6:30 p.m. ta 8:30 p.m. <Presentation at 7:15 p.m. In cafeteria) Those atiending the PIC wilI have an opportunity f0 meel the Project Team, review the aeudy scope and dincuas the issues relatent ta the proîect, including alternative solutions, environmenta considerations and the assesament of evaluation criteria for the alternative solutions, If you are onabte ta attend the PIC and msif ta fif ouI a comment sheet or require additional information, please contact Mns Ana Gall, P.Eng., PTOE, Delcan Corporation 154 Main Street East, Hamiton ON L8N 1 G9 Tel: 905-525-2554 Fan: 905-525-5710 Emnail: axnatlthielcan.com Mn. Nice Zeras, CET, Prniect Manager Ext. 7632 zerxms@region.hafton.on.ca 1nn ii çs î,sniiJ Mînnh 8,2002ý 51Ié Brnt R, .-, ,avle O G L MOUY MAR Provides a fui) residendial cieaning service. One âmne cleans availabie. Letus tke are of aflyour spring ceanfing neds. F-or ano cost, no obligtion, in borne estimae, pirase cali 877-3443 Mon, afferdable than yon tOis8é Subject Arel, 0diet7 N w w w . u s f i 1 t la r. c ýî Il M- Il m