The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Match 19, 2002 -21 vMilton rep hockey program makes a major corneback, thanks wo changes By MURRAY TOWNSEND Special to The Champion And the award for comneback of tise year goes to... Milton minor hockey. Lat season was a dreadful year for the rep teams in Milton. Mont of the teams were cellar dwellers in their leagues, tise playoffs were a complete bust, and one measly team had a record over .500. A number of suggestions were made as to the reason for fine drop in quality, tise mont common being that the population had aged because there hadn't been any new development for so long. The future would be brighter it was thought, but flot for a while. It didn't take long at aIl. One year to be exact. In tise regular seaaon in the AA age group of Tri- County, thse midgeto were 19-7-2, the mont wins in tise league; Use bantanis were 14-10-4, good for fourth place; the peewees had a wmnning record; and the atoms were 13-7-2. Some other teanis did- a 14-7-3 mark by the bantums and a 15-6-3 record couches ut the appropniate age levels. by the unoms. In tise playoffs there was yet more success. [n AA, the midgets are now pluying in the OMHA finals, the AA buntams went to tise OMHA semi- finals, and neyeraI other teamo were succensful. In the Tri-County playoffo two teamo have already qualified for the finals - the atom AA and mincir atom AA. Pretty itnpressive stuif, and it was no accident. And almont none of it was the result of kids mov- ing into the new developments in Milton. Tammie Parcels, vice-president in charge of tise rep programr, took tise time to explain nome of the changes fromn last year, as welI as defleet the cred- it toi neyeraI other people. There was an increaned focun on coach and player development to nturt, which included hoat- ing more chieis. She said they mncreased the level of communication, and determined fromn couches n't fare so well, but overall an excellent showing. what they needed and what they felt wasn't being In A, tise midgets had a winning record, in AE, provided to them. three of four teanis had wnîng records, mncluding As well, they were able to place the proper 1Midgets win series opener One result from the increased communication was that rep teams were allowed no carry fewer players this year, meuning weaker players weren't on teams because they had to be to meet the num- ber requirement. Joey Pedulla, a former Junior and Europeun pro- fessional, helped with the tyke to peewee agen; Grant Gooding took over player and coach devel- opment, with help fromn Dan Vipond, and did a tremendous job according to Parcels. She alno mentioned the help of Scott Anders and others that contributed to the increaned nuccesa tisat extended alI the way down to house-league where vice-pren- ident Mike White wan responsible for neyeraI nue- ceonful changes. More changes are in store for next year, but tise one year tumnaround in a tremendous achievemrent in itself. We can count ourselves fortunate in Milton that there are peuple to take tise initiative to create bet- ter programs for our kidn, with little fanfare or thanks. PIea>e fax ait of your team reports and sports story (905) 878-4943 anytime. We wisb to da orteninto the following in our current "2002 Annual Catalogue" PAGE 225- 6X7 EAIDIITOUEAL, Cp yreads: $6,99. Should read: $29.99. PAGE 346- OVERHEAD TH4EATRE. 35-2503-0 This item is discontinluet and has been replacet by: Mobile DVD Player with 6.4« invertible monitor, 35-2513- 6.$929.99 PAGE 378- M M RIE FOR ITEM 1 AND 2 Copy reado: $15.99. Shoulnt reant: $59.99. Item 2 -Pro Remote Starter Swftch, 25-1040-0 Cap> reants: $159.99. Slrount read: $15.99. We sincerely regret n - y meconenieence xe may have caased yoa. By thts time, Milton isad completely taken over thse garne, sonietlsing Usalt Barrie was nu longer mnterested in. Adamn Rutz, wbo, forechecked as if lie unvenled it, was robbed on several occasions, as was Galick, who kept appeanrng out of nowhere to tMr a rush sntu a two-on-one. Chris Coates and >esrek B$lasnchard bolli aent him in alunte witb per- fect passes and lie had another breakaway on bis own. The only way Barrie was going to get anlything by Strog was on a deflection, and they managed mo of Iboe in the tinrd period, une witb 23 sec- onds reunmg. Coach Amnie Pastels was clearly pleased with tise team's effort and coudsin't say enougli good things about thse way Strung played in net, andi how strong Use teamn's gualtending was witb him and Kyle Goertz. Partels wasn't isnpressed with Barrie's tactics, but maintained tisat Milton'e focus was un main- taining Usat foçus. He explained Usas it meant, "tnaking ttrong d-zune playe' and "mînimizing bugli pereentage chances." Pastels by nu means (binkn Usat Milton bas a hatnnerlock on Use series afler une gamne. Barrie in a talented teain Usat isn't gomng down without a figlit. Pastels says tie garne plan will lie Use sanie for round two toniglit in Milton at 7:30 p.m. aI Memorial Arena. "We have to outwork: Usern çvery shift, win Use une-on-une batties and bssry our opportuniies.1 -'Local rider to represent Canada Heather Manbert-Semiuk of Milton bas eamed one of three spots 10 represent Canada in the upeoming World Cup equestrian finals. Tise Canadian team will compete in Gennany during the first week of May against riders from more the world class Hendervale than 30 counitries. Equestri an Complex just outside of Manbert-Semiuk will ride long- Milton. lime mounit Just Julia -a 1l0-year- MnetSmu screti old Duteis Warmrblood mare owned MnetSmu screni by ber mother Janet Manbert, Ocala, Florida, training for the who's also the owner/operator of World Cup event. Tu ne-Up : Brake Service eSteering & Suspension 4 ...$6 95 e MOT Safety Inspection 4 cyl. 64a Computer diagnostics 6 cyl. $7495 e Tires e Auto Electric& 8 cyi ..8495 Charging Systemns a General Repairs -AA' peewees end season with tournamnent victory Tri County chumpionship play muy have eluded Usem, but Milton's AA major pee- wees refused to let their season end witb- out securing another piece of hardware. After nurrowly missing a berth to the league finals, the [-ydro One Winterhawks amassed four consecutive wins 10 tuke top honours aI this paot weekend's Godenich Lions Young Canada Toumumrrent. Milton clinched bis second boumumnent tite of the season by knocking off Mitchell .3-I Sunduy. Brendan Duke's rock-solid cage work and a pair of third-period goals allowed the local lads to triumph. Jacob Demursh potted the game-winner. while also lighting the lamp were Jeremy Brown and Alex Marshall. Andrew McLean aasisted on tise first and final tallies while single helpers were eecorded by Duke. Jordan Gleed and Mark Murray. Tise Winterhawks reached the finals with an identical margin of victory over Mississauga Sunday. Marshall, Connor Mitchell and Alex Yeoman scored in the semnifmnals while tending the net in fine style was Devin Plater. Before tisat, the eventual champs secured decisions over London (3-1) and Mitchell (4-3) Saturduy. Brown and Blake Frittenburg bunied tise biscuit in each game while also scoring were Demarsh, Mitchell and Alec Bemdt. Duke and Planer combined for an impres- sive 1.5 goals-ugainst average un the tour- nament. Tise AA major peewees finished Tri County round-robin play with six wins and two losses. T1hey fell just one victory shy of a bertis to tise championship finals. T'he Dçmance Shoppe 775 Matin Street, Unit#t3 Across from GwO Station 878-1 488 Lessns Continue! Next 8 ek Session Begins WEDS,9 MAR.0 20TN Beginner & Interrnediate Classes offered. Partners flot required. Corne out RIwiiome Fun & FituessI Please cal the studio for further Infai or to register fqe,4ý .00