Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Mar 2002, p. 20

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Canadian Champion, 2002 e 20-The Tu~dayMarch~, It's as if the referee isn t human ~ff i I s b Sdn Ils alinosi bere, raee fans. Moisawk R.acelrack's 2002 sprmg season - eoxnplete wîib niglatly action five days a week - wiil begln Thursday witb a poat tinte of 7:40 p.oi. The Campbeilville oval's 4e-day ichedule wil be hlghllghted by aIne speelal eventa, ineludlng the Sprlng Paeing Champîonsbip Final Saturday, Aprill3. Molaawk offers live raelng on Montiay, Tuesday, Thuraday, Priday and Saturday eveninga. A special Sunday night progrant has been addecl for May 19 to lie la wltla Family Fireworks Night. I knew asd asked hum bow hîs tram dud. 'We losi," be replied. "Tbe referee screwed us." Not eniirely unsympaibetie. I asked biru ibe score. "6-1 Ub. yeah, okay, you cas defmiiely see wbere ibe referee losi ibai gaine for iberu. Not 20 minutes laier, I waicbed ibe end of a close gaine witb teains I wasn'i lavolved witb. The teain loslag 2-1 was buzzing around ibe net la ibe final minute. A shot from ibe polai appeared 10 me 10 be deflecied by a bigb stick before il went mb ibe net. The fana of ibe teain ibat scored went crazy until ibe referee consulted witb bis linesmen and decided Ibe goal wouldn't count. Let the Games Begin! Suninier Youth Hockey Registration BoysIGIrls Reqlsf.r Onlinel ww~ oe~ co~ Team Parlty Ages 7-17 & 5&6 year old Instructonal hockey FUN TIME It's Affordable Bring a F'riend & PlayI ~I. ARW Brad/Judy (905) 451-9275 YOU CAN GEl: * Lifeskills workshops * Work placement * Level i Apprenticeship Training Cali 905-681-1140 or 1-866-244-7244 www.ymcacareerdevelopment.on.ca TIIIS PRDJECT US FUNDED SY flUE GOVEIINMENT 0F ONTAIIIO DELIVERED IN PARTNERSHIP BY: e i The saine fans went crazy again, but ibis turne against the referee. Tbey pounded on ihe glass, they called hlm naines, they used language thal would make a irueker blush. Afier ibe gaine in the lobby, a grand- moiber held court and announced over and over again m a loud voice ibat il was 'dis- gustlng!" Leas tban an hour after Ibat, m a gaine a teain was losing bandily, the fans of one îeam were going berserk. One parent walked around 10 ibe open area m ibe glass by bis teain's bencb ahaklng bis fiat and screaining obseenities ai ibe referre. la ibe stands, anoiber irate father was announclng 10 evetyone ibat the referee was "stupid." Veins were poppmg oui of bis head wbile be stomped around. The referee abuse bas gollen 10 be 50 commonplace ibat I'm aciually shocked wben a penalty is given oui and nobody yells a ibing from ibe stands. lis rare, very rare. Tbe only gond tblng I can see is that it's also rare for ibe players ibeinselves 10 actu- aIly complain wben given a penalty. Tbey dont gel personal or swear because ibey know ibey'U be given a misconduet. I did ibe limekeepmg at a bantain gaine this past weekend la a penalty-fîlled con- test and not one player complained to tbe referee about ibe penalty be was given. A couple were mad at ibeinselves and a cou- ple were mad ai ibe opposing player wbo caused tbem to take tbe penalty, but not a word to tbe referee. Naturally ibe parents were jumping around like monkeys inside a cage, but I tbink ils tremendous progress ibat tbe gaine bas controlled itself to elirninate tbat type of tbing witbin tbe garne for tbe most part. Controlllng tbe parents and fans is a far different story. Its as if ibe referee isnt a buman bemg. Tbese saine people wbo give tbemselves frer reign 10 say anytbing tbey want to ibe Milton Miner Bâsebail o I Registration on Saturday, March 22, 2002 from 9am to 4pm at Tonelli Arena Players between 5-21 years. blilton Minor Basebail is in need of coaches for this upcoming season. Itonly takes 2 hours a week. The challenge and rewards are priceless whether you have coached before or are new to basebali we will be there to help. For more infonnation cail Sandy Tellier at 905-878-3560. I o, LOOKING FOR PEOPLE 16-30 YEARS 0F AGE Catch ail the action at the House League Day of Champions on Saturday, Man 30. - ~ face to face. People arent beld accountable for wbat tbey say so iberes notbing stop- ping thein. A story I beard, wbether it's true or not, involves a mas consîastly yellmg at as mdividual player on ibe ice. saymg ibat be was as idiot, was a lousy player, didat know wbat be was dolng, etc. Wben the boys fatber angrily caine to ask hlm wbat be ibougbt be was domg. be sald tbat be tbougbt it was okay since ibe players faiber was yelling ibe saine type of îbing at bis son, wbo bappened 10 be ibe referee. Referees are pretty tbick-skinned. I tblnk tbeyre supposed 10 aci as if tbey dont bear and dont care, but it gets 10 ibein. I tal.ked to a AAA coacb wbo used 10 yell at referees ail ibe time, who sain be sees fewer and fewer problemi froin coacbes, alibougb ibere are stOl some wbo blaine everything tbat goes wrong on ibe referee. "I don't do it asymore," be told me, sug- gesiing ibe abuse foin parents is more tban enougb. "We're golag to mn lato a big problem if we dont bave referees for our klds. "Tbeyre ail trylng. Put yourself la ibelr place. How would you like somebody con- siantly beratlag you no matter wbai you did?" One of ibe iblaga ibat bas worked wiib coacbes la tbat referees go over before gaines and latroduce tbemselves and sbake bands. A real live buinas belag, imaglae ibat. We expect ibein to be, but referees aren't perfect, asd nelîber are asy of us. If we make a mistake, bopefully somebody isn't golag 10 be yelilng and îeiling us bow stu- pid and lacompetent we are. If ibey did, ai least we would be la a position 10 defend ourselves. We get caugbt up in ibe beat of batile, and mosi ail of us are guilty of yelling at ibe referee ai one tlrne or anotber, includ- ing myself. That doesn't make it rigbt. la faci, lis an wrong. Heres a suggestion. Tbe next time you go b yell sometbing at ibe referee tbink of wbetber you'd yell ibe saine tbing if it were your son reffmg, or your busbasd. or faiber. And tblak about wbetber or not it would be okay witb you if somebody kept yelllag ai your son or daugbter thai ibey were lacompeteni bockey playera.

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