T Milton Bicycle Club formed to help increase înterest iii cvclinay in town and vicinitv 'Tinse Capsules' are gems of information extracted from past issues of The Champion and other publications to pro- vide a window into Milton's past. Explanatory comment is sometimes pro- vided to place the situation in context. April 1895 Tbrougb the kindness of the trustees of the Old Kirk of Scniland (then at 62 Main St. later moveti to Mill St. and converted to a bouse), the Church of Englanti services will be beld there for the present. May 1895 Tbe Milton Bicycle Club was organized last night and a vety succesaful meeting was held. The following officers were elected: President E.W. Boyd, Vice- President John Dewar, Secretary-Treasurer W. H. Wilson, Capt. W.E. Dewar, 1lst Lieut. E. Yates, 2nd Lieut. A. Armstrong. The club wilI help to increase the intereat in cycling in the town and vicinity, as they wil lIikely have a series of races during the season. The first club mun will be beld on Tuesday evening, 21 st inat., leaving the town hall at 7 p.m. The programme for Tuesday June 4tb wben Lord Aberdeen will visit Milton 10 lay the corner stone of Grace Cburch, bas been arranged. His Excellency wili arrive from Tnronto by special C.P.R. train at 1 p.m. and will be met by the mayor and counicil of the town who will present hirn with an address of welcome at the station. The vice-regal party will then ptoceed to Judge McGibbon's residence (later Gordon Home nnw demolisbed corner Court and Main) for luncheon. The ceremony of the laying of the stone will take place at 2.30. At 3.15, ai the town hall, addresses wiJl be presenteti by the Bisbop of Niagara on behaif of the clergy and Iaty of Use rural deanery of Halton, and by the wardeii and counicil of Halton. His Excellency and Lady Aberdeen will then hold a reception at the town hall, wben tIhe citizens of Halton and neighborbooti will have an opportunity to be presenteti. Tea will be served at the town hall, by the ladies of the cburch, front 4.30 to 6 p.m. An entertain- ment, the proceeds of which will be appro- priated for the building fund, will comn- mence at 8 oclock. Negotiations are in progress for special excursion rate *s on the C.P.R. and G.T.R. fron Toronto, Harnilto.i Guelph, Brampton and Gait and intermedi- The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 15, 2002-7 SOUR~ READFR,-S WRffF Milton____ Reader says Milton town councîl should be Milto 4"0 replaced from top down; too much rhetorîc Tim e Dear ditor: meconaîstent mn point of reasoning ble source of incarne. Usea te Fniday, Mar. 8 edition anti contain language that ia, with- At Ibis junenare of Ibis lelter 10 Capsules of The Champion with particular out meaning, or intention. Use editor iî's neediesa 10 siale UsaI ate points to Milton and no doubt ihey will be successful. The town counicil has appointed a decoration commitlee, the church grounds will be decorated by anoth- er committec appointed by the congrega- tion and the town may be expecteto pres- ent a gay appearance. Milton is busy preparmng for Lord and Lady Aberdeen's visit next Tuesday to lay the corner stone of Grace Church. The town counicil bas appninted a decorative committee who will have a handsome arch erecied in front of the town hall and will supply evergreens free of charge to those who wish lu decorate their houses or grounds. Landlord Dean, of the Commercial, will erect an arch on Main St. opposite his hotel. Another decorative committee bas been appointed by the con- gregation of Grace Church and wiil see that the churcb grounds are suitably adomed with evergreens, flaga and perhaps an arch. Dinner will be served at the iown hall by the ladies of Grace Church from 12 to 1 o'clock and tes from 4.30 to 6 p.m. Citizens or visiiors who wish to be pre- sented to Lord and Lady Aberdeen at the reception, which they will bnld at the town hall after the presentation of addresses, Wi need only to be ready at the imie and place and to give iheir names to the A.D.D. who will accompany the vice-regal party. A handsome silver trowel bas been secured for the use of Lord Aberdeen in laying the corner stone and is on exhibition at Ibos. Wilson's shoe store on Main streel. As tick- ets to Milton will be issued at a single fare on the C.P.R. at Toronto, Galt and Guelph and ail intermediate points and on the G.T.R. from London, Hamilton, Caledon East, Guelph, Galt and intermediate points good to return on June 5 il is expecteti that there will be a large number of visitors and if the weather be favorable the day will be a notable one in the bistory of Milton and of tbis counly. (I later issues it was report- cd three to four thousand attended the lay- ing of the corner atone.) This material is assembled on behalf oj the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dilîs, chair of research, who can be reached by e-mail atjdills@idirect.com. by Andrew Willoughby of Tremaine Road. The subject manter couldn't bave been more grapbically presented Usan wbal Mr. Willoughby bas star- cd. It's high turne for Use cilizenry of Milton to conclude Usai Use whole of Use town counicil freim Use top dnwn be replaced wiUs Usinking people who will keep thse interest of the town as their foremoat responsibility once electeti. Il can be readily deduced Usai îown coundcil meetings coniain lois of rbetoric Usat docan't alwaya con- form to the lawa of logic and seem aeem to have adopied a pre- arrangeti style of theatrica that are reminiscent of Hollywnod's Abbot and Costello routines. They seem 10 indicale an arrangement of the age-old proce- dure of one member of coundcil being appointed to Use "gond guy- bad guy" routine for a specified perind of time. These theatries give Use impres- sion to any tbinking person of being s0 badly arranged ihat they are laughable and these "kids" would be well advised 10 try seling iheir script 10 some such faction as Use CBC's 'Air Farce', as a possi- well serveti by its elected coundlil. However, it does appear that those who we have elected aren't equipped with thse necessary acu- men and perception witb wbich to fulfli the task that we have an unwittingly chargeti themn with. The end- result to ibis malter is we can't continue to elect, or bave elected by acclamation, persons who are merely job seekers who now propose to have a pension plan to be paid by the Milton tax- payers - wbai nexi? Thomas E. LaPoînte Esqueslng LUne Man wants to know where slot money being spent Dear Editor: After lthe Town of Milton received Use first $5-million pay- ment fromn the profit of Use gain- bling machines ai Mnhawk Raceway, 1 ihink Usat everynne was happy to bear Usai charities were gning to benefli. I aaked around andi nobody seemed to know wbere any of Use money waa being spent. Several millions bave now been paid 10 Milton, and inm sure Usai many Miltonians would like to knnw where Uscy are or where Usey have been spent. One deserving case is, of course, Milton District Hospital, whicb neetis several bundred Usousand dollars. Maybe revenues from Use aloi machines could replace anme of Use antiquated wheelcbairs Usai are falling to pieces and enlarge Use nurses' station. I certainly don't believe Usai ibis money ahnuld be cacbed away waiting for an extremely wel and rainy day, when we have many deserving cases for which many volunteers spend valuable hours. An ilemized account of wbere the muney is being speni would be mice. Rodney Ramsden Ontario Street South Intermodal terminal opponent has question for MP (The following letter was sent ta Halton MP Julian Reed and a copy wasfiled with The Champion.) Dear Editor: Re: Proposeti Milton intermodal terminal. 1 underatanti that you're in favour of the concept of intermodal terminais on Use assumrption Usat Usey will reduce pollution. The facta indicate ihat there would be a tremendous amouni of noise, dusi, fuel exhaust and light pollution broughl lu Use area of Use proposed intermodal termainal, and Usen nngoing taxes for Use mainte- Wnuld you please explain bnw Milton and Halion could possibly benefit by having an intermodal terminal in your riding? Non A.L. Gent Tremaine Road Man 's comments misinformed, says Town worker Dear Editor: I reference to Mr. SmiUs's comn- menta in a recent edition of The Champion regarding Use poor con- dition of Main Street between Tbnmpson Road and James Snow Parkway, 1 suggest UsaI perbapa be contact Town staff to enquire why alI Use moat culs are in sncb poor shape. He will be bold of Use Town'a plans to close off and completely rebuild Usai section of roadway in 2002. Detaila are available Usrougb Use Tnwn's cnmmunity services department at (905) 878-7211. It's unfortunate Usat sucb tanin- fonmeti commenta are madie public. George Murdych Town of Mîton In Celebration of the Human - Animal Bond ý AnimaU(ospita( of 7v(iton "lKeisha"l Sutcliffe ... people helping people help pets (905) 878-8853 385 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario L9T 1P7 They say ton mucb TV is ot gond for you but I must admit im atidicteti to tIse Discovery Channel. It sîl starteti wben my mum solti the bouse anti we moveti mb Ibhis apartment. Talk about boring. No spiders on tIse ceiling, o bugs on the floor, no trees te, scratchb... Like wbere's the wild life? Mum bougbt me a cal- contin antisoanme new toys but tIse novelty soon wore off. After my recent aurgery 1 couldn't wait to gel home. I bati mumn wrapped arounti my little nId paw. She bugged and petted me even more. Wben mumn went 10 work, ase put me in the spare betiroomn witb alI rny stuif. And for my amusement, abe left on the Discovery Channel. Me-ow!!! Big cals, wild doga, fish anti birtis! 1 gave up trying 10 get tbemn nut of thse box anti insteati juat enjoyeti watcbing tbemn play and eat eacb otber. By tIse way, I've since progreaseti to cartona. "Hey mumn, bring back some more catnip, will you?"