24-The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, Marcir 12, 2002 GRANT 1 MCareer TrManing& Terry Compaterized who paaaed away Pregrams" Merch 13,1985. oesr orftr Gane are the daya wue aaed ta share Taeniysrote But in aur hearta pou are atwayn thare. soccess see on at Tihe gataa af memory wiii neyer close The Haltan Jobr & Wie misa pou mare than anpane knowa Career Fair an Mar. 19 With tender lave and deep regret HALTON BUSINESS We who lave yau wuili neyer forget. INSTITtITE Soil mlssed byTracey, Kelly, Kerry and -ails VAN DER GEER, Frank In lovi mamorp Of Frank Van der Geer toirlai died fragicalip as Match B, 1996. Ha neyer falied Iodad iris basf, His iraart waa fiee and tender, Ha lived iris Ide for tiroa ire loved And tirosa ire lovi remembar. Ha would nof wrirh for norrow Nor woetd ha wrirh for feaes But lent tai ie remembeed Bp us firougirouf tire paes Always remembered wlfh lave by yaur family. ( i would like ta thank myfamy friende. neighbaurs, members aite SWomen s Institute andRvJh -'Benham for their visits, telephone i cal.n, flowers, cards and food during & -,my recent illness. Thanks t0 the ~ - doctors, nurses and volunteers at fMilton District Hospital for their care. Ç We iih to thank ail our - friends, neighbours, family that came toi tour SOth ananiversartl celebration. S Each and everyone ai you - made our day very special. ~ f Biens you and thanks. Ellen & Lorne Mountamn Fînd tire job you'va alwayt wanted ln clastifieds. different shitas new, 1__ and esisting Adolescent1 Residentiai prqrama in Haltan/Peel Regions. Hamamakers/SightD UA. ait Esperienca in VU resîdentiai seftîng an111V. asset. Past aecondarp ni educatian in Chîld Cane or reiatad tield required . Fan 905-527-9923. LEASING CONSULTANT Reqaîred full time for Buriigtsn's tinst spart- ment community. Varloas administrative duties, leasing of apartmasts, updating ail systema and deaiing with tenant concernas. Shauld be esperi- nnced with Microsoft Oftice. A background in salas or marketing an asset. Fleaible mark schedaie la inlde somne eveninga and meek- ends. Toi loin aur tanni FAX resumne wlth caver lester tai: 905-639-099 DANCE TEACHERS Tire Wortd Famaus Arthur Murray Dance Studios are laoking for individuais mith an aut-gaing personatitythat enioy people, muaic, travel nnd a vibrant morking envi- ronment. If this describes vOU and pou are loaking for somethinig different than n 9- j ob, this couid be for YOU. If pou quai- ý ify me wiii train pou for pincement in aour Oakviiie studio Mienne Caîl 905-849-707 Customer Service Manager- RAPII AID Wn are laaking for a dynamie indiaidual la iead by ea- ample, in pravidina excellent costamer service 10 oor clients. The saccesotai candidate woald ire a coachr andi team leader ta lira costomer service staff. Wark- nu ciosaip wirh tire Directar of Sales, Ibis persan ai ensure qaality correspondence lv bath internai and nalernal clients, underlanri tire appnrtunily tsi sains withîn a cuistamer service envirasmrrent, andi continuai- ly look for ways ta imprave tire levai af costamner sera- ce ai, Rapîid Aid. A minimum ai 5 years proven work experience in Coolomer Service iv necvssary wilh pre- vios supervisorylmanagemenl experience a definile assai. Slrang communication nkiiis andi araanîzatioaa ski are essenfiai in Ibis raie. Rupîd Aid is a inactin manutacturer ot irsflsd packs incate i n Misssaaga i area. PIeunse emal yemsr resuom ln confidence te: i Cuehre.geI@yIputIic5c - - e în .0. -avîl thi -eeb Shart Notice Auction Sale 11.111, Milton, i zîmgroîîîd on Roîbert Street, Miiton Fo lbcn .Saen a.nd Additionsî 1,uOilctuOiaonoo- i..r, ila & priai vii.ls Mslciiv&vîbp.kedi îii., i ie~,M_'p,,Anii, irnîi.e -t691-7355 custamer Drlvea. Prafessioal. Resales Orleated. Sappartie. Tai Player. If these words describe you, let's taikl As part of a global fami pravîdixg thn worids lendîng ceetate ceiated finani and informaioan secvices, we simpiify and nupeefite tire wny ceai nsate transactions are claseef witfr bIle insurane and other înnovntîve services. We became the global mlera by focuoing an aur cuatameco' needa. Along thre wny we've inenrned that being tcuiy innavabive mens thut aour people have ta On empoweced ta, anticîpatte and reupond ta thase needa. Thatir wtt> we are cammifeef ta creatîng n work envicasrment tiraI offeco chrallenge, purpose, and growtir w th n a tenm buseef cultre. Coordinator, Lender Servces using ralinnef communication and sustumer service sius, pou arli ireip derermîne tender nendo andi implement nea pracnxses. Ensuring lenders are provided wîth upprnpriatn information, matnriais. and agreements, pour attentiun tn dntaîi and negunizutinnai abîlities are Ingeai ru tris rome You GORU5Make it wil lasewia i i in en.'.a .' ........ auidelises for programo, proposails, user guides, agreements, and reports. AUTO ICHAD6oNDeadline oriented, pour reai nsate background is supported iry reinteri noperienoe and tiuency wîtir a variety ut business reiated software. SALES & lEASIN OLMI&lease appiy in wining in confidence lui NEW & USED To leasa or peethasa HR DeBrimn Fis aade i 410 STEELES AVE. pour car or truck .&U129 Cntanlaua i Suit 900 A FAMILY BUSINESS Hwy 25S. at Derp Rd. W CA.NADIA.N Fax: 1-87756-72 WITt4 FAMILY VALUES el-TJ -mail: hr.an@flratm.cOil W - BJY- SLL -LEASE 878-2---- ë IL LAPGEST SELci .. - W.; t5vk fl 4,1 to v i.- 5510 VtHICLES IN MILT myi ne ost gb Mo> 875-2277 IiL¶ i&. wI w vv* fi .stcanadl i Il MLFmbIm.Z Me m à IN 1E.F MANAGEMENT BOARD SEGRETARIAT INTERNAL AUDIT CONSULTANTS Ima chaiienging apportuni eaist ta make an impact in a multitaoeted, cantinuausy ciranging enviranstent. As a ieading-edge prafessianal internai audit group, mie wark with aur gavemment clients ta ttelp ttnem manage their risies and achieve thir objectives. You are a self starter wtio can maork independenty and in a teamn enviranment, providing assurance and consulting services ta yaur clients at thie Ministry of Tranisportation. Location: 301 St. Paul St., St. Cathiarines. File MBS-252. Qualifications: demonstrated experience pianningleading projects; knawiedge of risk-managemeflt principies, internai auditing, program evaluationi, consuttingl organizational improvement processes/techniqufs, accountabiity/controllffrship principles; strongly develaped communication, negotiatian, presentation and interpersonal skilis ta deal eftectively mith ail management levais. Less quatitied applicants miii be cansidered at a lamer salary. Salary range: $53,927 - $66,164 BUSINESS RISk CONSULTANTS Consider one ot two challenging opportunities ta provide consulting services tai thre Ministry of Transportation audit cluster. You miii: plan, iead and facilitate contrai and risk-assessment exercises; develop and implement self assessment tools; develap and provida training in risk management. Location: 301 St. Paul St., St. Catharines. File MBS-254. Qualifications: ability ta facilitate large meetings, coniduct tocus groups, manage prajects, identifylresearctr/analyse complex business problems, make sound decisions independently, acf mitti dipiamacy la difficult situations; demanstrated experience using a variety of program-evaluatian techniques, such as condocting surveys, interviews and data analysis; experience praviding cansulting advice; excellent communication and presentation skilis; strong clienit-service orientation: excellent knomledge ot central design and risk management; knomledge of computer applications. Less qualified applicants miii be conisidered at a lamer salaiy Salary range: $53,927 - $66,164 Resume and covering letter must be recelved tri 5 p.m., April 2, 2002. Ouatina the apprapriate file number, send ta: Management Board Secretariat, Human Resaurces Services Branch, 86 Fl., Fergusan Block, 77 Wellesley St. W., Taranto, ON M7A iN3. Tel: 416-327-3812. Fax: 416-327-3892. E-mail: resumes@mbs.gv..a. Only those applicants selncted for an interview will be confncted. ASSEMBLY Sirop Manager: Wa raquira a "Handns On" sirop massger for axer growing asnemby sirop. Tira ida candidate will ponnean genaral knowliedga, of equipesaint assamblp, irydraulica and ns capable orf managing atirars. P lase tas pour resumne ta Klhmer Manufacturisg Ins. (905)876-3791, Attention: James Gardon. AUTO Clan Lobit Ila looking for fuit timaf part time car defailara. Noeaxpariance seceusap. Wili train. Applp witirin f0 925 Main Street. FEMALE compasion raquired for aur motirer, who 0usf turned 89. Har aigirt and irarng are failing, bof her mmnd la as activa and alarf an tl anar waa. Vie 1are looking for a lady companion for irar vitro as rail- able, trustwortirp and caring tint la available an weekanda. Please calti for mare dat ails if interaafad and ak for Walip or Hashier at 905-78-6217. FREE training. Driva 4 Us. Scirool Ban Drivers Wsnted. Cati (905) 677-4448. Laidlaw la an aqua opporfanify Companp. HELP Wanted Wilaitf/aitrenu, cook aspenasnce preferrad. Applp in persan, Bumpros Restaurant or caI 905-693-6247, ask for Bn or Tm. MILTON Cafetansa iooking for midnigirt super- visar/cook. Mont ba reliabie, hava 2 pears cafetaris sirart order cooking axpariance. Mont irave oas transportation. Rate $10 .00/ir. Also looking for gan- erai irelp sirernoon sir Mont bava 2 pears cafeter- ia eprnc.Please fao resumas ta 905-876- 1519= :enin Kim Foeller. ,î9eý Now hiring tire following Food Service positions: Servers Cooks Dishwashers iPlease fax resume ta, 905-826-9454 Attention: Rosa 11 I [o QiltbIlQ a1ilP01-C 11 aLSIID ONTEITRE MAINTENANCE 1 HOUSEKEEPINGI loir new lonin c iale laci sn Oakvitie. The succeustul applicant aill be responaible for tire irunds-on main- renonce oI tire tacility as vueil as aupervision aI irousekeepîvg& iaandrp deptsn Saiary: 34K + besef ils. FAX RESUME TD ll.slt cues DlV. -Affn: Phll visen GOLF CLUB toai Staff .Snack Bar *Kifches Hf ipers/ Hoaneperon/Cooks SiB & weekend worr. Fus: 905-845-«19 Email: sgc@idirfcf.com me are pleased to annoonce tire opening ut sur second location. We reqaire Fft.& P/T: HAIRSTYLISTS lWitir min. 3 pro eap. ESIHETICIANS RECEPTIONISTS ASSISTANTS Pleasa catit Judy at 905-336-3333 F/T Moyeri Loglstlcs manager reqoireri fac Piano Haase Bîriîngtn i Ouailications needed: self starter, cieux abslracr and aine 10 lit pins Compensation based on qualification Pieuse fa resume ta: 905-631-1929 Now Hiringl Stecchino's talian Eatr Milton Chef Prep Cooks Dishwashers Witers/Witresses Bartenders Cashiers/Hostess Management PIeuse fax resumne ta 905-875-2091 ONLV Pinsn indicate tire position tirai yau ar e appiying1 for and a phoene number airere pou cas be reacired dur buines iruS. COLONIAL TUER SERVICE Tmc wodoe&àom Acria huchet opeuter PIJLLTIRMEPSMON DEQUIER esperience preferred bal wrll train. vie vîfer campetrtive salury plus eseendeel iealtinsuurasce. latereated canidtes cafir 905-877-8591 ar fan reaume ta: 905487346M2 LOWVILLE GO0L F C LLiB Requires the falîowinq staff far the 2002 seusan *Bar/Service Manager e Greenskeepisg Staff tu Bar/Service Staff a Starters/ Marsirais a conks tu Beverage Cart Staff Fax resumne te: 905-335-6311 or applin npersan Suit. March 91h lham-2pm or Sut. March lUth lliam-2Pm 1-1 1 ii-J -i , ý , 1:1 1 ý ýý ' , 1 , ý 1 1 1 1ý' 1 ýA 1 ý 1 1 N '11ý 1ýý 1, rý ýý1sî11