22-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Marcit 12, 2002 Viscontis' Gold Ice team takes bronze at nationals Sisters help Brampton club move Up jour ~poLS p oîn W year-old Melissa. "We juit performed for ourselves By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion There was no coming home empty-handed this lune around. Determaned b rebound front last year's disappoint- ing seventh-place finish at the junior syncbronized skating nationals, the Brampton Gold tee club - which meludes Milton sisters Alicis and Melissa Visconti - fortified its collective efforts earlier this month in Kitchener. Asti in domg so, the 20-member unit - in just their third year of existence -jumped up four spots to cap- ture bronze. Said 15-year-old Alicia, "I neyer cried so hard in my life. It was juil antazing." The Viscontis' Gold Ice contingent beat out eight teains, several of which are much more establisited, lu reach the podium. They missed site silver - witich wuuld have earned them a tnp 10 worlds - by only a few points. Quebec's Les Supremes took second-place honours while securing the gold was Burlingion tee Image. Brampton was a model of consistency during the two-day national showcase, grabbing third spot for titeir short prograin and then matciting that placing with their lenglitier routine. I think we were more focused titis year," said 17- and didn't wony about medals. We ikaird front our hearts and juit tried 10 do the best we could. That's how we approached every competition Ibis tesson. Their pbilosophy certainiy met with favourable results. Gold tee reached the podium in five of six events and suuck gold tbree tintes - including at tite Tri State intemational Isat month in Michigan, where tite girls delivered near-flawless execution in titeir final bine-up to nationals. Remarked Alicia, "There were aloi of new girls Ibis year, but we really came sogether as a teant." That cohesion, she noted, had aloi lu do with newly- appointed coaches Jodle Joncs and Stephanie KIcin - who helped ikipper Wendy Degrasf mmpleittelit a whole new routine that features more chailengtng open blocks, in which ikaters cross ihrough one another wilhout using their arrns. "The new coaches really helped," added Melissa. Bramptons medal-winning performance affords lite teant an intemational assignntent for next tesson - likely to a competition in Europe. lis the meantime, the girls will close out ibis tesson witit a few exhibition performances later titis month, including une ai tite Air Canada Centre during inter- mission ai an NuL oldtmmer's gante on Esater Sunday. 'AA' atoms are stili unbeaten iting defender for ttc initial deposit and converted a Photo by GRAMAM PAINE Alida (lotI) and Moussa Visconti proudly dlsplay lb. national bronzO modale they won recently with Brampton Gold Ice. Tt fit sti w' e', il Tu Milton Youth Soccer Club il Will be holding its Final Registration on Saturday March 16, 2002 k from 12 pm to 4 pm at the Milton Mail Space is limited Spots will be filled on a first corne first serve basis. (No early birds please) Players are to be boni between 1983 to 1997 - Birth certificate required for furst urne players. Milton Youth Soccer Club is in need of coaches for this upcoming season. It only takes 2 hours a week. The challenge and rewards are priceless Whether you have coached before or are new to soccer we will be there to help. For more information caîl Martin Warner at 905 878-5698 r STEVE LeBLANC te Champion fri County finals play is a ituge step doser lu tition now for tise major atont AA Winîeritawks. TIse Wallace Pontise Buick-sponsOred teant bol- :red titeir itopes for a citantpionsitip bertit with a sll-rounded 3-1 decision over Oakville Sunday 'coing at Memorial Mena. A spiriled defensive effort and two goals front Mark somion fueled the victory - witicit lifted Milton's n County playoff record to 5-0-2. Overail, Taylor Prestidge had une of bis casier unes between the pipes - facing lesa titan a dozen sots-but lite crafiy nemminder did make a ituge but- rfly save early in tise middle stanza to persevere tite teal lads' slmin lead. Oakviile fntaily managed to beat itint in utc final six sinutes of play. creating a partial icreen un a well- laced point shot. The Winteritawks scored once in cacit peniod to ecure tite win. Titoinson made a nifty move pasi avis- Notice of Liquor Licence Application Tite followîng establîshmrnt bas applird to tite Alcoitol and Gamîng CummîssIOfl of Ontano for a lîquor licence under tite Liquor Licence Ad: Application for a Sale Licence Sleel's Grill & Pub (tu be knuwn as: Steccitinus Italian Eatery) 500 Steeles Avenue Easi, Milton (inctuding outdour ares) Any resident of ttc municipality may make a written submissioli as to witetiter tite issuasce of lite licence is in ttc public inîcresi itaving regard lu tite needa and wisites of lite tesidents. Subinissions musi te received nu later titan April 13, 2002. Please include your name, address and iclepitune number. Ifs petition is submitted to tite Commission, please identîfy lite designaîrd contact person. Note: Tite AGCO givra lite applicasi details of any objections. Submissîotis tu te sent lu: Licensing and Registration Depaniment Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Onlarlo 20 Dundas St. W., 7~ Floor Toronto, ON M5G 2N6 Fax: 416-326-5555 E-mail: licenslng@agco.Ofl.t~a short-range rebound for goal number three, while noiciting the gante winner on an odd-ntan rush was dependable iniper Scoti Stover. Wler Lafontaine assisted on botit of Thomson's goals while leading a highly mmpressive blueline unit waa Jeremy Price. Millon delivered a perfect special-leants cantpaign Sunday, killing off ail three penalties and scoring on its only powerplay. Two nights carlier againît Flamborougit, tite Winieritawks itad a last-minute goal waved off ihat would have ailowed them to squeak oui tise win. Instead, they had to seUle for a I - I italemate. Brayden Aitraitant and Brian Hunier set up Kyle Johissun for tite lune taily. Prestidge was rock solid in lite cage. Milton travels tu Guelpit iomorrow nigitt and close out round-robin play ai home against Ancaster Sunday afiemoon. Historic race nrns Mardi 24 lluere's mtiii tinte 1ft ~ - u~ for tIi. anuitaI AuuiUot W~. Eay' iuad uioe, whicls i~ chcdule4 for Siasday, Mareb 24 kIfanuilloeI. Arosutd the Bay' la onu cf tIse oldoat nsonaag eveasta aitywhs~ 5' Nolih Asuerica - ss~joylsp 1îog- yearbuutoiy. Race meenorabuia dat- ing bock to tise titan of tlsêoeOISwy wiil be on display nid &vaitablc for perumal by mli hsosc wlse sp opel TIse Ru~0lflg Cçpup8uy, 118 1~SLgtomkvuk. leglaatatkm for di. eveat cm b. dçisc lu p~uoms o~ by çauinh lb. Rsauin c~, Gang McK~moes aI (903> 815-195L Race cazirian wuli k accegtad up outil MarrIs 23. auunberofcliltioe for bo~ begki- -