G racea church commîttee accepts tender of Coleman ODIýoift, Mqiii ~nA i ,,mhior The Canadian Champion, Fniday, March 8, 2002-7 *OUR READERS WRITE Co. for a new stone church Town councîl hasn't prepared properly ___________for tarawth. believes frustrated reader 'Time Capsules' are gems of informati on extracted from past issues of The Champion and other publications to pro- vide a window into Milton's past. Explanatory comment is sometimes pro- vided ta place the situation in context. January 1895 The building committee of Grace Church bas accepted the tender of tbe Coleman Planing Mil and Lumber Co., of Burlington for the erection of the proposed new stone cburch on the site of the old frame one which will be moved towards the rear of the cburcb propersy and utilized as a sehool bouse. The new churcb will seat 300 people and will cost, exclusive of tbe seating, $4,985. The architect, Mr. Gibson of Toronto will supervise tbe building operations, wbicb thc contractors expect to bave completed by October. March 1895 Milton Council granted the free use of a roomn in the Town Hall, in thc rear of thc reading room, to thc Milton Mecbanics' Institute (later Milton Library). Council alto allowed free use of the reading roomn for two evenings a week from 7 o'clock tili ten, wiUi light and beat ta be supplied as required on Uie condition Uiat a competent caretaker be in charge during Uic evcnings. Yesterday as Joseph Johnson of Milton, was iigbtmng Uic fuse attacbed to a blast at Haliiday's bull, Trafalgar, a spark from Uic burning paper wbich he was usmng feul into, a pail of powder whicb stood beside hini. In the explosion tbat foilowcd Mr. Jobnson's cloUies were nearly aIl blown or burned off and one of bis bands was badly injured. Messrs. Stewart & Cross, electricians of Toronto, were in Milton on Wednesday of last week estimating Uic value of Uic plant of Uic Milton Electrie Ligbt Co. ta be taken over by Uic Milton Electrie and Power Co. April 1895 HenceforUi Uic use of Uic Town Hall for dnigparties wiil cot $15 per evening, te town counicil having rcvised Uic tariff last Monday evening. M3ilton Time Capsules Milton society young men compiain that the rate is exorbitant and that the counicil discriminates unjustly against tbem, as it has made a practice of allowing certain societies and orgarizations free use of tbe hall for conventions and other meetings. As dancing parties do nos usually break up before two or threc o'clock in the momning, dancers sbould not object to paying a little more than others do for the use of the hall, but ibere is a big différence between $15 and notbing. AIl sbould be treated alike and wbenever the bail is used, except for corporation pur- poses, a fair and proportionate rent sbould be cbarged. Last Saturday as the workmen were moving the Grace Cburcb a large section of the ceiling including laths and timbers fel down. The lcctern, or pulpit was beneatb tbem and was badly damaged. Tbere were tbrec little girls in the building at the time but fortunately tbey escaped injury tbough tbey were badly frightenied. Tbrougb the kindncss of the trustees of tbe Old Kirk of Scotland (then at 62 Main St. later moved to, Mill St. and converted to a house), the Churcb of England services will be beld there for the present. May 1895 Delegates frasn Oakville, Acton. Campbellville and St. Ann's met in Milton and formed a county basebaîl league. Elected Honorary President was Col. Campbell, Milton; President W.H. Storey, Acton; Vice-President J. Kelly, Oakviile; Secretary-Treasurer T.H. Blacklock, Camnpbellville; and Executive Commrittee members Messrs. McFarlane, Dalton, Muilen and Weir. This material is assembled on behalf oj the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dills chair of research, who can be reached bý e-mail atjdills@idirect.com. Dear Editor: 1'm happy ta, icani Uat aur town counicil bas finaiiy pulcd their bcads out of Uic sand and dccidcd pcrbaps Uicy sbould rctbink the timing of Uic building of Uic rail- road underpats as Ontarioatnd Main streets. Tbcy now feel il sbouid be movcd abead t fcw ycars. Howcver, l'mr appalied that by their own admission th'cy bave no plans in pltce and htve tbsolutely no idet bow tbey will procced. This, ts cvcry other Miltonian except aur counicil knows, sbouid bave been donc ycars ago wbcn traffic flow wasn't as greai and cspccially whcn tbey bad a customu by-pass in place befote Lobiaws wtt built. Now it'Il cost us ail mucb mare not ta mention Uic logistical night- marc in an area already drcaded and dctpised by ail. i offer iti short bistory letton to illustrate wbat htppcncd ta me and dazens of other saxpaying citizens at about 4 p.m. a couple of weeks aga. I trrivcd at Main and Ontario streets hcadcd souUi, întcnding ta turu lcft Howcvcr, a train wtt passing througb and traffle wtt ta backed up that onîy northbound and southbaund traffle could move - cverything cite inciuding cat and wettbound traffle on Main, of course, wtt at a compicte stand- still. The train wcnt by and whcn Uic ligbt wcnt ta advancc, I hardy but bas donc noUiing ta gel infra- made my left because Uic Iight as Nipissing remnaincd red. Wben 1 did, 1 bad ta figbt Io get into the right lane ta 1 could get ta Loblaws, because of cvcryone cisc finaliy sumning right from Ontario. Auyunc contmnuing wcst wouid be unabie ta tum lefs and even doing s0 would bave slowcd down traf- fie, making alrcady infuriatcd driv- ers' maddcr. We wclcomc the residents in aur ncw subdivisions, but consider yourscivcs iucky shat a private builder is doing the job. If it wcre Uic Town of Milton you would bc driving on mud paths far inta next ycar wbcn sbcy (Town) cventuaiiy did a feasibility study ta, sc if it rcaliy nccdcd ta, be donc yct. 1 alsa feci ta sorry for you trying ta sim- piy get in and out of yaur ares as yau fight the traffic retumning ta the Burlington arcs. Then, ta make Uiings worsc, yau will bave ta deai witb the destruc- tion of Dcrry and Tbampsan roads wben the Town fmnaily gets around ta it. Milton continues ta, grow witb absoiutely no concemr for aur prim- itive infrastructure. It's time for a wboie new town counicil fraru Uic top aIl the way ta the bottomn. Wc nccd frcsb blond - people with carunln sente shat look ahcad knowing wbat the future plans are and then prepare propcrly for thern. Tbe Town bas known for ycars Uiat tii this building wtt camning structure even rcmoteiy in place before Uic onsiaugbt of aur new citizens. Roads arc dismal; making a left turn at most ligbts is ta short that if a truck is Uiere you are out of luck. As i mcntioncd, Derry and Tbompson roads, twa of aur main arteries, arc still basically two lanes (only a uite widcr) - just as Uiey werc 35 ycars ago when 1 lirst moveil ta, town. Main Street East stili bas no ded- icatcd lcft tumn lane, and the Go Station is oftcn impossible ta, get oui af in Uic cvening. and wc bave fcw ta no recreasional places for us common folk. Severai ycars ago Uic Town bucklcd wbcn a petition wcnt out against a proposcd bowl- ing alley Uiat wouid bave liquor as mast now do. i can guaranice you that Mass of those wbo signcd the petitian wouid bave been among the first in lme ta join Uic clubs and perbaps even pop in for a quick nip or twa. Tbis was an excellent location witb lots of good parking, even tbough it wasn't central. i'm sure Uic resi of Milton looks forward ta alI Uic rebuttals this let- ter is sure ta receive explaining wby tbings arc nat bcing preparcd for; why l'm wrong in Uiis anaiy- sis? Why wc the taxpayers' must continue ta put up wiUi these erod- ing conditions wc continue ta psy for. Andrew Wlloughby Tremaine Road Famlly responds to story about 'Mexican Joe' Dear Editor: This is for tii the people wbo wcrc burt by the arti- cle rcgarding Salvador Castarteda (Mexican Joc). Joc was neyer alone in this town. He had a daugbter, grandchildren, nieces and many, many fricnds. 1 don't know for sure, but he may even bave had more than Uic anc cbiid. That't why whcn 1 look at oe's and my beautiful daughtcr and rcad that he bad no family or friendt bere, it burt. Joe was able ta sbare bis life with a fcw people wbo didn't knaw ail of biru (like bis co-workcr wba took bum home). They shouid be giad that Uiey were able ta for the last 25 ta 30 ycars, be wili always remain a character. Credit is duc ta bis sympathetic co-workers and ta anyonc who took lime out of their day ta say hello or give bim a smile. Remember, good works arc their own rcward. Lastiy, as 1 look down Main Street and sec Uic many people who wcre bis frienda, wc hope they know that Uicy did make a différence in bis life. Consuelo and Linda The famlly of Jose Salvador Castaneda 17 ComrilS.-itn N(utbhn F 17 Commercial St., Milton, ON (Just behlnd KFC) ~ABIN 2URNTURE 48 Vear FamIly Padtion QYuallty eHme Furnishlngs IHorsj I~Mon.nCiO5edI Tues. & Wed. 10-6 O01 lThurs106l YO flIFri 109I (9 5)Sat. 10-530 (90) 87082,01Sun. 12-4