Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Mar 2002, p. 8

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$-The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 1, 2002 HIGH SCHOOL RtEPORT IISHOP REDINO RIGI SCEGOL MArk U&fwbIS DATELI1NED.T E.C. D.D.T Bien SCEGOL Megan nouer Lyndey Jones Rob Parker HEY! Do YOU like WINNING?! Do YOU like HOCKEY?! DO YOU like WINNING HOCKEY?! Well flot only were yos treated ta two fun filled and esciting gold medal matches hetween Canada and the Uttited States; yon aiso saw the most exciting anid fus-ftlled hockey match in E.C. Drury histoty! That's right yau hockey hooligans, last Thursday the E.C. Drary Boys Hockey Team defeated archtisals T.A. Blakelock in a thtilliag match that as left tied 2- 2 after overtime. Yes sir, it ail came down t0 the dreaded shoot ont. Strong in the face of fear and thte utmont pressure was the Sparlan's goalie ion Sweetland, who saved the day.. literally. AIl-stars Esan Jeans and Travis VanLossen pocketed two goals ia te shootoat (ns the Spartan fans chaated their mnmes), leadmng 10a mach- deserved win for thms dedicatesl competitors. This anexpected dommnation oser Blakelock lead tse hoys 10 their tonghest match of thse season on Tsesday after- nmon. lI tse Halton Semi-Finals, Dnnry met face Io face with Lester B. Pearson, and raisedl a linle helI on ice. lI Use end, despise an oserly aggressive game and a strong desire te wis, Dnsry let their 2-0 lead slip tona two-goal defteit. However, fans and players alike all asdoshtedly agrer Usat Usis hockey teasots ai Doary wan anprecedested and anforgettahle. Way 10 go gsys, yse made Dem)y vety promu! Thusday must have heen a day of victoties! 0f course we'rr talldig ahout Use PlfENOMIENAL prfrmalnce offéerd Sp hy Use Dntry Reach lean. fthese yoang reacheen; came, taw and CONQUERE, coming away #1I in Use league. Ibis dis- play of ttftttite ksowledge has only strengthened Use hold Usms Spartans have on Useiz first place raaking. The sent toarnansent wll he Use finals where yos can het Usey'll he dmwther alselîs on! Ibis week Usere wets more Usan junt wiaiter sporta making Use headlises! That's night, Usis week we reporters trsselledl froth Ue cool ice of Barlglon, tai Use sansy heaches of.. Toronto? Stmprisisgly enosgh, on Wedneslay, memhiers of ai Usree girls solleyhall leams heoke ont Useir tank tops and Usongs (sandals Usat is!) to compote in an indoor heach solleyhall tournament in Toronto. This touraaent featsred coanUnss lentos from Use ssrroanding ares, and prossed to he the perfect endisg tai a ssccessfsl season. Wr hope yos dida't forges yosr sanscrees, ladies! As if Usere sasn't enosgh sporting sews araisd Drnry Usis pasl scck, Use srestlers jsst had to np-and-lense for OFSAA in Thunder Bay! Under Use dedi- cated aind desoted eye of Coach Jarosiaski, Use 10 wresUers are saire in make Drtary history Usis wrek. Breakiaig Use Lossie Parking record (held os Mosday in suppot thUeir teamt for OFSAA) wilI usdeniahly paisse t0 he a small dlaim in comn- parison to Use recorda Usait silI he heoken daring Useir lime is Thunder Bay. Gos gel 'et hoys! Well Drnry, Usat's it for Usis week's edition of Datelise Drtaryt! We hope alI the fans Usat were aithUe hockey gantes Usis seek have regained Use usur of their voic- es, asd eses more so, se hope Usait yoa ail silI chock hack sent wrek for updates os our varions wianisg resalta! And rememher, faiUsful readers, esen Usough there's snos aIl oser Use grosnd and hiting winda, it's ail Tahiti in osr heurta! Mmmtom. Tahiti! Anyways. to close off this more relaned, laid hack edition of Dateline Drumy, we lease yoai with a qsote frin Hury Trsman Usat we Usink applies 10 this modest litle puhlication: "I oeser gise them hell. 1 jas! tell the triait, and they îtink ii is heul." e - - - - - ID 0 YOUN DWEC"@, Wha evr drvg cors sI ïô gg Most driving schools exiaf because people wanf ho pasa daiving tests. YOUNG DRIVERS5 edsts f0 teacis Une secrets and sis of ifetime Collisiorsfreé' driving. So we don'f stop when you've iearrsed f0 pass a test. In fact, ilnaf' where we start. Teaching over 650,000 Canadians how f0 prdici and peent collisions has made VI) the mont celebrated course in NorthAinerica. (And earreel us ISO 9001 registratios!) 4 DAY COURSE March 11, 12,13, 14 (9.3Oam -4:15 Pm) 4 WEEK COURSE Apsil 2, TSisday & Thursday Evening (6:00 pm - 9:15 pm) Collisionfré j Bei~ dds cofhlon avoldae, yon'fl get: *One-os-orse in-car training. Head-on crash avoidance and 8 oUner emergency mnaneuvers. 9 Anaiually re-trnained and re-certified instructors. boundaries. Additional i car (home pickup) -package available to students who ceaide outside Une residential boundaries of Miton. Cati us for a fr-ee vicieo brochure. And book a seat ait a free parent co-driving session! YOUNG DRIVERSeof canada ~Your licence to survive. !MII??R Pwww.youngdrivers.com 905.8754>48 Royal Report By Mark Laframboise and Ryan Pyne Sait in a necessity of lsfe. Yct many tn thîrd world countrtes have to travel large distances mcrely f0 obtain even one teaapoon. Ibis year for Lent, tise World Iasues clans iî collecting boxes of sali as sdli ns canies to provide ligist for thse Icîs forttanatc in thse equatorial courn- tries. Donations cao be brought to homerooto claanes for tce remain- der of tise Lenten neaaon. AUl are encouraged to gise generouaiiy. Laat Friday, flfty Bishop Reding ntudenti took part in tise Plgrimage of the World Youth Day Cross. The inadenti aanisted in tce carrying of tise crosn froro Loyola Secondary Scisool t0 St. Mattsew's Church where a special ittargy took place that evening. Tflanka to al ntudentn who took part li tars eventa. Thic Varsity Girls' Hockey tram travelled te Oakville Trafalgar te play their quarterfinal match recently. Unfortunateiy, their year came to an end i a lieartbreaking loîs. Congratulations ladies on your premier seaaon. Tise sprint; sports seaaons are alto beginning. Ail badminfon and noccer teams are ntarting tarir pre-season traaning. Any interentrd ina- dents may contact tac physical education departesent for more infor- moation. On Friday, Febrstary 22, tise cant, crew and directori of B.R.'s production for tise Sears Drama Festival travclled te Burlinglon Central te present Througia Darkeat Adolescences. The group accom- plished their brait performance to date an they claitoed tise awarda for Beit Actor, for Jordan Scarlet in his rtvetissg rote an tise Father, and Best Quick Line. "The foul use of your powers along uine of excellence." Definition of "happiness" by John F. Kennedy Juif1 Vondevalk HoIIy Cambruzi EmîIy Wiloughby ILTON DISTRICT liiOn SCUOLI The countdown ts on... only one more week until the March break we ail desperately need! here ai MDHS, aludents can be seen counfing the days to îheir fun filled week off Well if you bought a pizza combo in thse school cafeteria ins the lant couple of weeks you are eligible to win Une Wrestlemania tickets everybody's after. The draw date is today nnd winners will be announced in next week's issue. The neats are prime! Section 104 night by Une stage! Good luck f0 everyone that bas entered. Well, we ail know where Une fun is happening tonight. Yen it's MDHS'n notorioun nemni-formai. The Under the Sea Uneme should be a lot of fun for ail Unose who bought tick- ets. We have heard rumours of a bubble machine, so if you haven't bought a ticket yet, make sure you do today, before school ends. There are also going ho he somne amazing door prizes Unaf you don't want 10 miss your chance at getting. Junt a reminder Unat tickets aren'f sold at Une doors, so please don't show up looking to buy one. Did you pans your chance at buying a school ring earlier Unis year? If you did, don't worry your second chance has arrived. Jostens will be seiling rings March 4Un-6Un in Une front foyer at lunch hours. Ail Unose eager shoppers don't forget Une $40 deposit Unat you need te make your pur- chane. Check Une office for more info. SilKtsCetr Are you looking for somneUhng to do to take up some time Unat you dors't know what to do with, whiie at Une sanie time helping people ouf? Well if you do, Une SAA in hav- ing anoUner 3 ors 3 bankethail tournament, to raine money for Une heart and stroke foundation. The sign up dates are coming soon s0 linten to the annouincements for updafes. Fun and a good cause, whaf a deai! Congratulations go ouf to Une swimi teani, who are going 10 OFSAA. After ail Une hard work at practicen, Uney denerve if. The Mustang bail hockey toumnament was heid yesterday. Teams of 6 played against each other and Une Mustang teain ail day long. The first place prizes were Easton hockey bags. Well liais week ended in a parfy fhat I'm sure will be falked abouf for some monfias f0, cornte. Remember be safie, nof sf u- pid, but mosf of ail have fun at the Semi-fornoal. Before we go though, a special happy birfhday goes out to Ryan Burrsefrom Holly, who is turning 24 on March 3rd. M J

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