Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Mar 2002, p. 7

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vxSpecial services under the direction of Epworth Leagues The Canadian Champion, Fniday, March 1, 2002-7 *OUR REA-DERS WRITE Church next Sunday morning Halton Crime Stoppers chair offers thanks 'Time Capsules' are gems of informatio n M*tto those who'4ve made program a success extracted from past issues of The M lo ls Champion and other publications ta pro- Dear Editor: nesses Usas sponsor variaus aspects gently supporsed aur pragram. vide a window intato n past. Ti e 2 4~ Crime Stoppers is one of Use of aur progi-ams, and Use many Crime Stoppera of Haltan cele- Explanatory comment is sonietimes pro- mas t coat-efficient proais avail- media playera Usas put aur message brated as has 14th annual general vided ta place the situation in context. (a s ls ~able soa caor nity in its efforts ta out in front of Use community with- meeting and election of its board o Caps les oci- carevent crime and ta apprehend out fail on a daily, weekly ai- directara; Februasy 25. January 1895 Special services under the direction of the Epworth Leagues will be held in the Methodiat Church next Sonday. Sunrise prayer meeting at 7.30 a.m.; testimony meeting as 10 a.m. sermon ta yoong peaple at Il a.m. by the paator; maas meeting as 3.30 p.m. ta be addressed by Rev. Mr. Haddow and Rev. Mr-. Mitchell; addresses ta young people at 7 p.m. by J.S. Deacon and the pastor. A choir of 50 voices will lead the singing. Evangelistic meetings wiil also be held each evening of the week, except Saturday, as 7.30 p.m. There was a poil for election of a school trustee in the East Ward yesterday. 'Me candidates were Rev. P.T. Mignot and Thomas McDowell. As the latter is not par- ticolarly well educated, as bath are Conservatives, aa Mi-. Mignot is chaplain of the local lodge, Sons of England and master of the Orange lodge and his oppo- nient an ex-Orangeman onder the ban of suspension, it was expecsed by manty that though Mr. Mignot did no canvaasing bie would be elected easily. 15 tumned out, bowever, that he was defeated by four votes. The resoît is accounted for by Mr-. Mignotas friends thus: A week ago st Sunday in alloding in bis sermon to the deatb of Sir John Thampton he denounced the "Protestant bigatry" whicb manifested itself in the abuse Sir John received during bis lifetime on account of bis change of faitb. (Sir John Thompson was Prime Minister of Canada as the time of bis deatb as Windsor Castle Dec. 12, 1894 a few minutes after hie bad been swom in as a memrber of the Privy Counicil by Queen Victoria. I 1871 be cbanged fromn Methadism ta Roman Catbolicism.) This gave martal offense ta RRPA. bigots and led them ta work and vote against Mr-. Mignos, wbile on the other band as leasi one Roman Catholic votera; was canvasse] by an Orangemnan and tald ta vote againsl the clergyman because bie was ar Orangemnan and Mr. McDowell gos tha vote and othera of the samne kind while Mi Mignot received only one. If this explanatian be true with sucb a ti peculiar combinatian againat him, Mr-. s Mignot did well ta held bis opponient down y ta a majorisy of four. February 1895 Milton Council: The commnittee did nos recommirend a full compliance witb the demnands of the Underwi-itera' Association relating ta faremen sleeping in the fi-e bail. March 1895 Halson's efficient and shorougb-going public school inspectai-, J.S. Deacon pre- sented bis usual comnprebensive annual report ta tbe counsy coonicil as its last meet- ing. Ail that bie said was mass satisfactory except bis statements in connection witb the condition of school buildings and sani- tai-y arrangements. He complained that in somne scbool sec- tions, thougb hie bad repeatedly directed the attention of trustees to the fset that the school closets required cleaning and disin- fecting, they bad been neglecsed and were in a dangeraus condition and a constant menace ta the health of the people. I tbe diseussion, wbich follawed the inspectai-s remarks, school sanitation was the princi- pal sopic. Dr. Webster took the lead having given the sobjeet considerable attention bath as a physician and as a public man. He sald shat the bealth of the pupils was endange-ed nos only in the way pointed out but alto, by neglected wells. He said thas too little water was taken fromn Use seboal weils as ail times, but thas during Use sommier bolidays they were nos used as ail and in consequence water becamne mass unwbolesomne. At Use end of Use diseussion Use inspectai- sald Usas in future be woold report ail cases of negleet of school sanitatiasa ta Use local boards of beaUs. This material is assembled on behaif of sthe Milton Historical Society by Jim Dilis, chair of research, who can be reached by e-mail atjdills@idirect. com. The programn is cast efficient due os the formaI and informaI partner- hips that have developed over the 'eai-a. The four crucial pannrera that nake Crime Stoppers work are the ~olunteera that make up the board if directors and operate the pro- gi-am, the police services that work with the programn ta utshize the tips .o bring about ai-resta, the volon- teera that ralse the money either bhrough fondrassing events or bosi- operation. l'in sruly aware of the values that each of the partners haa brought to Crime Stoppera of Halton, having served on the board for eight years with this last year aa chainnan. 1 wish ta take this opportunity to express my appreciation ta each of aur partniers. A special shanka goes out ta our coordinator Lee Ami AnseIl of Halton Regional Police and the board of directora; that have so dili- edged the efforta of ai our partnera in a suitable manner. But 1 wish to have those expres- sions heard or read by aa many of out citizens aa possible to furiher awareneas of Crime Stoppers of Halton and its benefits to aur comn- muruty. once again, tbank yoo ail Sa much. R.F~ Hilton, chairmaf Crime Stoppers of Haiton Milton in dire need of bigger retail sector as weiI as some other facilities, stresses reader Dear Editor: Wow is Milton growing. The new developmnenta Usas are going op east of os are what, 10 minutes ta Mississauga and 10 minutes from Milton? Decisians, decisions. Wbere do we go? Let's go ta Mississauga, tbere's mare of a selection. 'Mat my friends, is a no-bramner. Milton docsn't bave moch ta offer. Before long, Main Street is just going ta be Use main street ta ges yau tbi-ough Milton. We bave a lot of posensial on aur Main Street with al the original buildings, if you look wbere it's situascd. We've reconstructed Use Mill Pond. It's beautiful. Look as Victoria Park in front of aur aId jasi (now Use Town Hall). It's gargeaus. Main Street i-uns between those swo attractions and is going ta be under con- struction soan anyway. Let's do somesbing with it. We have always been oui- nwn ltsle communisy, We alto have ta keep Use shopping here ta survive. Wbat my family bas experienced Usis last little wbile I fmnd pathetic. We bave a son wbo is planning a wedding. He and bis fiancé went ta Usi-ee local stores two monUss ago ta boy soaling, shot glasses and gold pesas. They fmnally went bsek ta ail Usree stores ta find out what was gaing on because Usey hadn't beard any- sbing, only ta frnd out Usas nos one of Usese stores bad placed their arder. They were reaily upset. Unfortunasely, Usere go Usose sales and any future ones. They are now gaing out of town. Pul op your socks Milton if yoo want ta survive. We are nos a competitive cominotuty. D. Heroux Eflot Crescent Reader says thanks for donation of new glasses Dear Editor: I want ta say a very big and beai-tfelt Usank you ta Use anony- mous peraan wbo su generausly arranged foi-me to ges a new pair of prescription songlasses ta replse Use pair I lost as Timn Hortons on Ontario Street a few weeks aga. Just after my original letter was published in The Champion asking received a phone cail advising me Usas ail 1 had ta do was go over ta Use mail and choose Use glasses I would like to wear and tbis won- derful donar would psy for Usemn. It makes me feel very blessed and also very lucky so live in a car- ing place like Milton. I will Usank tbis kind peraon and rememrber Usas, despite ail Use things we read about selflshness and mean-spinted folk, Usere are samne very special angels around oS. Thank yau, wbocver yo are, l'mn sa, gi-ateful. Doris Brown Aiiendaie resident o~1 Westburne+WolsCICy[30 t* ~ Plumbine e Waterworksa e PVI Hydrncs e HVAC e FIre Westbunle Wolseley Ontaflo announces our newest location at: 533 Main Street East Milton Phone: 905-876-3100 Fax: 905-876-1280 OPENING MARCH 4.,2002 Proud to be part of the Milton community!

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