S - The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 1, 2002 SCOMMENT THE VeADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Caudian Champion, puiriisired eoety Tuesday and Friday at 191 Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Main St. E., Miiion, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), ls ose of Tire Metrolard Printing, Pubiiiiing & Distribuiing Lid. group of suirtari compaties wirich irciodes: Ajaroickerig News Ativertiser, Aiiston HeraidlCoarier, Barrie (905) 878-2341 Advarce, Barry's Bay This Week, Boitart Enterprise, Bramton Guardian, Goardiat, CoiiîgwooiiiWasaga Connectiot, East York Mitron, Frit EUtorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advocate/Countt Rouies, Etoiricoke Guardiao, Fiamborougir Pont, Forever Young, Georgetown ItdepetdenlAcion Free Press, Hlton Business Times, Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Hurosia Business Times, Kingstot This Weeir, Lindsay Tis Week, Markhim Clsiied: 905-875-3300 Economisi & Sun, MidiandPentanguishete Mitron, Miton Shopping News, ClassifMississuga Business Times, Mississauga News, Napanre Guide, Circulation: 905-878-5947 Nasoagaweya News, Newmanie/Aata Era-Banne, Notrtbeiad News, Ian Oliver Publisher Hockey News, Oriiiia Toitay, iOirawaiWitbiy/çiariflgtotlPot Perny This WePeterborough Tis Weeir. Pictot County Guide, Richmond Neil Oliver Associate Publither HiIi/TiortiiiNauoirat Liserai, Scarirorougir Mirror, StouOnviiir/Uoirridge Tribun . JiIi Davis Ediior in Chief Adoîertîsîno is accepted or tire condition tirai, in tire event ni a typa- Karen Smith Editor grapiricai erron, tirai portion oi the adoetiîsito spaceonccopied iiy tiro erto- tenon item, togeitter with a teasonairie aiiswatco ion signature, wiii nt ire Wendy McNab Advertising Maenager charged fon, irai tire balance ni the advotisemet wiii ire paid tor ai tire appli- Steve Crozier Circulation Manager cable raie. Tire puirnisirer renonnes tire nOmh in canegnnizo advertisnmenis or Teri Casas Office Manager dcie Tlm Coles Production Manager tire Mn Caenaien Chiropon ns aeeopnilare Preduot Councillors deserve to get pension plan Many mnemrbers of our town council have served the community for more than a decade, or even two. Though flot always making popular decisions, our local politicians have stood for what they believe will best serve Miltonians. Because of this, we support a decision by town counicil this week to give counicil members the opportunity to take part in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retiremnent Systemn (OMERS) pension plan. Municipal politicians across the province have long been contribut- mng to the pension plan - mncluding our representatives on Halton regional counicil - and Milton counicil miemrbers deserve the saine opportunity. As reported elsewhere in this newspaper, this isn't a "gold-plated"' pension available to anyone who wins a three-year seat in office. The OMERS plan is only available after two ternis and, as witb any pen- sion, is calculated based on the contributor's annual salary - wbich would put couniciliors in the neighbourhood of $1,000 a year after retirement. Like themn or not, our lclpoliticians work bard to keep the Town of Milton running smnoothly and they deserve a pension just as any other salaried staff miemrber does. OUR READERS WRITEr Too bad we couldn'-t tee! prîde for our polîtîcians like our OIym plans: -reader Dear Editor: As the 2002 Winter Olympico set- tde into history, Canadians will rejoice wihh a warmn feeling of pride in ail of Bbc thletes that representeti Canadas. For 17 days, billions of people throughout thc world watcheti anti mnarvele t aheb abilities of somte 2,300 ouhshantiing adbletes - who representeti Canada on a global shage. Whether or noh Bbey reachet ieb podium, these athlehes - who rate amnong Bbc worlti's athletic elite - matie each and every Canadian wahching awfuliy prouti. Ins 2004, we will enjoy the gent of elite Canadian athleteo will once again inject another dose of pride into the people of Canada as they represent our country in Athens, Greece. We can't expect ho medal each and every time in every atbletic dis- cipline. However, when a Canadian cains a bronze medal our pride level rais- es several notches, when it's silver our pnide level surges anti if it's a golti our brain appropriately tuant hto mushi for a short perioti. The Summier anti Winter Gamnes provide aIl Canadians witb an opportunity ho experience the national pride. Ain't it a shame the people of Canada couldn't expenience that samne emotional feeling of national pride in their politicians on September 11, 2001. Let's hope it neyer reaches Bie point where the years of dedication, discipline, training, practice, bumnps, breaks, bruises, and etc., endured by our atbletes are simply Useti up ho offset humiliation anti embharrassment caused by our politicians. Ken Cyr Lauîl.rAiWue Just don't look ait the needie and you'll be alright Circle Match 21 on Bbc calendar Milton. less. Not only ditheBb actual blooti donation part Thah's Bbc next time Bbat just a few mrinutes out of Bbc process hake a lot lets time dma 1 initiaily of your life - anti a lithie discomtfort for those thought - a mere naine nmutes - but Bbc dis- (like myseif) with a low threshold for pain - cmn comifort was practicaily nil. make a difference ho somenin neeti. Okay, so 1 got a little light-heaied. wbcn, l'mi refesning of course ho giving blooti, somne- against my better jutiment, I took a quick glance hhing I hadn't seriously considereti until after Bbc ai the needie. But then t was lying tiown anyway, September il attacks. Like juot about cveryonc so wbo cares, rigbt? cIse on Bbc planet, 1 was struck wiBb Bbc urge ho Actually, about Bbc only feeling 1 hati upon offer anmte kinti of assistance - anti donating a departing Bbc Milton Seniors' Activity Centre pint seemeti like Bbc hast way Bbc average person was guilt - for having mentally builh Bbc whole coulti do an. experience up ho a much bigger ordeal Bban ih Juat one problem Bbough, 'm kinti of scareti of turneti out ho ha. needies. Diti I say scareti, I mieant frighteneti, ter- Andi guilt for receiving sucb appreciation - rifieti, petrifieti - weil, you get Bbc ides. froun both nurses anti volunteers alike, ail of But bcy, you've got ho suck ih up once in a whom go ho great lengBbs ho make Bbc expenience while anti st O)ctober was one of Bbose occa- as easy as possible - for so little of mily timre. sions for yours Bruly. MWe foliowing night ah a weekly Merchanha' As it turneti out, my fears were radier grounti- gamne 1 ran inho a regular fan who'd seen nie aht Up hl Front the clinic. Sensing Bbat 1 was a first-timer - gooti gucss - ha asked about my experience, how 1 bantilet Bbc needile anti whah promptet ie co go in tbc f irst place. As it turneti out, bc's been a blooti donor for moist of bis life - baving matie 148 contribu- lions. Just Bb"n about all tbc people wbo've haen helpeti - or even saveti - by thia one indiviti- ual's actions. Yet insteati of focuaing on biroself, ha chose toi ask me questions anti make a few gooti-natureti jokes about the commion fear of neetiles. 1 gueso it's always Bbc people who do Bbc most Bbat are Bbc leash seif-cenherei. Weli Bbere's o way Pi'm going ho catch this fel- low sports enthusist now, but the least I can tio is'foow bis gond example anti continue what 1 stauteti. 1 urge ail you potential donors ho do Bbc samne with s quick trip ho dbe seniors' centre Tbursday, Mar. 21. You can book a time ho make a donation between 1:.30 and 8:30 p.m. by calling Canadian Blooti Services ai 1-888-871-7201. Just doss't look ah dbe needie anti you'il ha fine.