>ri 1 ini qlt:c i a stand ulone heavy du/y truc/r repair & body shon rer/aires an ACCOUNTANT current/y tara/ted in the third level o/ a recagniotd ac- cant/cg program. At leas/ 2 years practîcal eeperi- ence ntcessary. Wor/ring close/y w//h tht President, durits w/Il in- c/adn tînancial statement preparatian, do//y cash /low torecasto, bsn/r and G/L recucciliat/un. Wle offer a cumpetitive salary and an excel/ent bene- t//s package. lt/res/nf onu//cents cen mail their renamne ta: Rick Howi/ 8050 Lawsan Rd., Mi/ton, L9T 5C4 Fax 905-876-1717 email: rhuwiftt@ncr.comn MGNý an- fu/sc apepersan w//h strn omrct s/dU requred for patlm a/ionw/h paterit//i tai fll lime. Muet be a ma/li-tasteer. S/rancmue s/di a muet. P/eue foamelrd reuaedcaver lat- ter by Frde y, Marc/s 15, 2002 ta Bas 3020 cia The Canadien Champion, 191 Main Street, Mil/tan, On- tar/o, L9T 4N9 ENERGETIC, dapendable ctaanlng sipecle/ins re- qe/red for buey, houaeha/d cleanrrg serice. Va/ndle reuieÇ CIl907 3411 es/t for Jace. MANUFACTUR/NO campeny linin for day//me produclion warteer. Heevy menuet ta/sur is in- valved. Pleese ep%/yn persan w//h resumne ta 359 Whee/abota ily M/tan. Ha mfoOlowing reasonal fuit and pan t/me positions avala/r/e: Bocke Sbaop Superviser Buck Slaop Staff Ber Servera GofporsO.cncin Gireywing A *n Mly Maid reqluioca t fuilt ur and panre ine /eading ta fit ârne staff for relief pas/tion. Minimum 2 <laya per week. 1Drivera licence essent/at. Eierence prefered but e rwil train t/le rîgt persan. Ify uamhrdworlaii& depeat/ablanoet o e tfya ar e c 905-877-3a4ta4e3 The New Miliside Restaurant is currently accepting resume's for ali positions. Please apply in person between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to Stan. Are you an energei person. wIIH anr rrg In work on a fast paced ervironnieni? Wr arc curie iy accepl/ng applica- Wtiors for the fottow/ng: F/T. P/T Wa///reaaes P/T Store P/T Housekeeping Appty in persan: F/fi/r W/rerl Truck Stop 40 Chisu/lm Dr., M//ton MANAGER Looking for enthusiastic, self-motivated, self-starter to run a video store. Leave resume at Super A Video, F550 Ontario St., South, Milton 'I -4 Aftrnon, Eenng &Weekends Apply in person at M&M Meat Shop, 420 Main St. E., .Milton (beside I4arvey's) $1 5.05 Basue/Appt tsecadfinel MIJEF STAF FURSD Il trnondios aply Grbmat fr ses by&m udy acr1/2o ue/pr1/e, su/evisingon, 7t 4E2cYt Fax:9//5-333-9849 or email: hassmbuu@/rass.ca Wheieuala DI#Irbldionl COMPany Dow bil/cg A- --, G Ca Drivers for local 0e/ar/o deîlverima daya i omines Att appt/cas/s musi have a c/eau abstract, /rnow/edge o/tire GTA & gooti wr//tes & oral Eng//s/r 5k/t/s. We a/sa have upeningo /n our warehoose P/T- Mon-Sun. Hura may vary. S/adents we/come. Attracive Bene/it packrage, pro//t sharing company. Pluaaaupply la poman ar hy tau te: 2M2 Ss* service Mi., W., IlÊill. iaduor Ciean Air Services CUSTOMER SERVICE/ITELEMARKETER PART-TIME No se/Iing. Huurly wage plus bonus. S/rang communication and cu/omet service eoperience rtquired. Ruom tut advanctment. Fax resume 905-681-8300 attn: Ms. Stewart Operated under /icense agreement /0 Sears Canada/lc Jelco -Constrauttuon Ltd. has an openin o SHGP TECINICIAN Requirecaen/stsfn 5 yrs tnp; Heati & Satety knowl- edge; Smat/ eng ne compressors & construction equipment repair and service; Buiding maintenance; Manage tuais, equîpment and inven/ary; Deadîrne ori esnfd Must have /eam bu/lding oh/lus se/t mutivatur, ah/e tai /ead and direct; Va/ d drivers lIcense; Cunstruction euperience. Sabmit resume by tas: 905- 465-2585 or emai I elco@oftcanada.net p :rC:pTIONWSIOFFICc C/et/e Excellent camma- îA eadng faate er dbtr r ntlUtOrlk nicatrona and argan za/ranat ski//s. Gacd el eephie mengrndvdu-asforhefotowinPtiiton: manna AhI o pror mn' Workng knlWtOiJO of rsîîlsîtFP joelz@uttg/obal.oct Ir-sîde Sa/es Reprsentaive wit/r a 1postisec- Permanent, pr-ieRECEPTIONIST/ ondary education. excellent commun/cal/on partrimesklis and a track record of succena in sales. Ibis ADMIN. CLERK requireel for a aimuiti office. isa chfller-ging carer opportunny wit/r room Must have a p/casant tetephone mariner, for at/vancement w/t/r an established markt excellent command of the Eng/ish language 1.leader. and good working kaow/re/ge of Forwurd Restiuea ta: Speclelty Bait & Stad Excel and Word/WOrdPefet. 97 Brt Street N. A va/id drivers ticerne woutd be an asset. Milton, Ontario 3 days a week, flexible hours. L9T 2N8 Pleaae fax resuit at//en//on Maria ut Fax (905) 878-1249 (905) 878-3143. N o telephone ce/la pieuse. Bu ln t nT y t A large Oakville broker is seeking a ... thie areas 1 imporf Denier & Macean Perse l I» ramm Award winner is expandingi Jomn aur feam DOV OII *USSUVUIWoa in aur newiy renovamect tncilties. Dat.SIt7 AslsumtNEW & USED The SUcessful candidate must possess CAR SALESPERSON excellent word prooessing capabilities and We oiller excellent commission p/an, mont/r/y good commujnication skllls. and yearly bones, large nom & used lnventorY, Pleae repon t~ g0447.813 demo p/an, campany bene///s. tf yoe are Plese espnd y fx a energetic, ambitioas and look/ng for a remard- or by email tolu kf@ . îng career.. iA .Ai fanten<ir diatr//sutoer is currently neek- Cai Ed or Lau lot 9EW$5 -022 OFFICE ASSISTANT/CUSTOMER SERVICE Mm/seuccesafut candidate must be versatile w/t/s t/he abil/ty ta multi-taak. Dut/en would inctude: Annwen/ng p/sont, Cuatomer Sa/es & Service, General Clerîcal Dut/en. A goea command/r-f t/se Er-glish language and excet/ent computer skilln a must. Send Reaanea toa: Speclu/ty Bale & S//ad 97 Bron/e Stree/t N. Milton, Osntario L9T 2N& Fax (905) 878-1249 Growicg Oa/rvi/te tosarance brokerage seeka indîvîduats ti/til t/rn /0/10w ng puai/ina TECHNICA/. ASSISTANT tai tain aur Commercial Uises Service Team. Knowl- edge o/ Word, Excel and Agency Manager requited. LICENSED PERSONAL LIMES BROKER wr/h min. 2yra exil Ageacy Manager exil an ans//t Vince Tumenaun Dickersun Inaurance Brobers Ltd Fao 905-845-9149 emnait: vbridges@vincetutteitaus com On/y applicenta selected tut an inter-ve w//t te con/uc/nO BONUS!M ALCIassified Ads hLappear at...1 C ET YOUR MOTOR BUNNINS o HC ha the insids truckt onua variety af jobs with a o a major AUTOMOTIVE parts manufacturer in Milton. Avai/able positions inclade Machine Operaors. c Production Techniciens end Forklift Oporatous. C $1O-13/heur - All sabut are avai/able o OPE cO S Paleuse bring yaur SIN and photo ID. If you are /nterested hu unabte ta attend, or would t/te ta receive more information, please contact 14CH today. 11114-4111-1M0 * Fax: (416) 622-72589 www.hcrpsi.comi 9dNI1FTiNG AUTOMOTIVE JOBS MMT HIGII GEAI MCARE HEALTH SERVICES Accredited by the Cacadian Council on Health Accreditation is NUW ECIIIIIITIII11NBI Positions include: PSW, HCA, Homne Support Level 2 & 3. Student Nurses are also we/come tf you are interested in wor/ring in the Commnunity ot Ha/ton, please fax resume to: (90)1214829 A*.~ A1:11 Matteso Thac/rs to a/il who respond, /rowever on/y thoso considéoed tor positions wi// be contacted Part-timoe RN & RPN Hoalth Cars Aides & Personal Support Workors Required for Mount Nomo Christian Nursing Home to cover ail shifts. Must be able to work altemate weekends. Please fax resume f0 905-335-3699 job & Ca r r 2»02 r--- COMAN çODAY-rre T- 90-3244 905-632-6165 VON Ha/ton requirea RN tu pran/de nursing care tnt/rt Haltn com- menty on even/ngs Please app/y /0: VON Ha//un Branc/r 2370 Speers Rd, Oa/rv///e, ON L6L 5M2 A/t: Humas Resourcea, Fax: (905)827-3390 Deadlines: Mon. 0 1am for Tues. Thurs. @ 11lam for Friday MOVING & Pack/ng $50 a/t dames/c, $300 orr inter- natianal muaI book be/are 03C31/102. (905) 829- 1282; (866) 666-1313 I wi 1toncainadieancha/nplon.comf 110W best friend in 1 £eCanabiat Cbampion a rM*c rimccifiSul< 1. - 'E * *-U ueaDiat no uaieda L