28--The Canadian Champion, Friday, Mardi 1, 2002 efOeiePimur, rAti se l hn attn LIVINGSTON, Merv Royal Douloru. Heathems Antiqueu. corhdcertial r ieve ery f rc-ic.irt 11.. t IL LS. away su denl MaviU201 WANTED Ail-China, Silver, C.rystal, sewing mua paua e ur suderly tch 2oe , 21. chines ..Doulton, Maorctoft, Quilta Gass, Wstches, lbokur eou nts to ast ou camera/ audio equipment, datte, paintiga cottecti for part of us went witt you,",etts orlTay953127 uhersMiay o al you home.- Se aadiy misse by WHOfe Helene and duhoNoieSuaan and Dbbl andason-aW&mand grandchiden. AUCTUON SALE S'UNDAY. MARCH 3. 2001 AT 10-00 A.M. At Hume's Austion For i 93t3 4th Lie, Moio n For Mr. & Mms. Bob Heard feoert y et Milton plus additions Large Sole: Furniture, glass, china, appliances The Family of the lte lite irnstr & househotd ettects. wcud lke a tankevevon fo oiifs ~ DOIOERTY'S AUCTION SERVICE kind suante, ftowers, cards, food & AUCTIONEER: PATRICK DOHERTY menoorial donations during Main Detailed Listing at www.auctionsflnd.com/ doberty hospitai stay & alvo dur/ny her limerai. Speciai thanks ta Dr. W Koslowski & staff; & nurses of Milton District Hospital fo hi L. rFIREWOOD Seasoned Harriooi $70 12' face- Also ta Doug, Judy, Andrew & Caroline -Z1cord nsi. GST & Dat. 1/2 bushcotd 12" or 16" $110' -~of McKersie-Kocher Fanerai Home for . S uhod$20+GT9578251 their wormn & compassionate service. Extra special t/tanks fo fFather Mark Curtis for his love, caning & heart-wanning suords ai comfort. T/tanks to ait. Your kindness wuil oiways be remenobered. INTERHOP, instan DalAsea 3,000 pop's, Ca- We tur.gevNom & sre iss,~. nada/USA web solutions. 24 haur support. 1-877- oCarset Training & Skila Upgradlng Cenlpneized Notice toi Credtors Pregratms* ite .Fmtte oftAntonio Brusadin, lare of Hatton To assure your future His, Ontario, Decsed. sussent set us at Creditons or otisers loaving daim aguinst tIhe above The Halton Job & Estate are required to send full particulars of suds claion to tise undersigned on or before Marrcs 19h Carter Fair on Mar *19 2002, afrer which date the aosets of thse above HALTON BUSINESS Estate wifi bc distributed having regard only to INSTITUTE daims doat have been teceived.1 Pxecutera of te Estate of&A Brimadii, 7 Ekdeerry Ian., Carfiule, ON LOR SHO M r ý 6-yesr-old & 3-yesr905 6 Must have car. 8 a- 6 pm cily. Drop afl and pide up from achoola. MattMy/ Haethame Village arma. 905-203-0302 REUABLE Dayoste availabla. Wilson &i Woodward armai. Please sali 905-76-4978. . u i MSOLessona Lean se Piano, Gwitar or Bas f rom an expnrenced AVME erofesavanal bibc . For low irconreseniors 906-8disabledadults Clasaifd Houra .Launtiry e Vacuuming M i ordy1 Frfday e Washing Floara 9amto5pT e *Cttaning Kits& matis washer, drer As apartment set.nra- ranty. 905-637-832 BLACK Entertainnment Unit with s glass door, $120. 905-875-0395 CARPET I have severat 1,000 yrds. af new Stain- master & 100%/ nylon carpet. Witt do ivingracra &i hatl for $349. Inctudes caipet, pad & instattation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 xnIlnstallation Firmn servis- iffl, andi Gumlphn rMqires: oight Fitterli mr Super- ghts &Fite/Welders. Pet- 1 ratasFut benefits. Pleasie i19)053-3077. Or e-mail ha: uttieapmhomne.cotn Career Person Wantcd If yotire vibrant, well-groomned and lilce dealing with Iots cf people, and yotere look- ing for a casser, nos juat s job, then we would love te have you in cisc health carsl centre. Apprex. 25 heurs per week. Mature pernon. Above average remnuneration, Cali Monday, Match 4 between 11:00 arn - 1:00 pin. (905) 876-1888. S We are a dynamic, community-bosad Sworhplace, rrt-for-prniit, chitd cae centre andi Sheridan Crîlege ECE student placement rite. Co e W are seekîrg an EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ta meet tht naeds ni or childrer, infants thrnugh pre- schrrl, and their familier. Reportirg ir a Board ni Di- recturs, tht ESt supprtu 14 staff caring for 57 child- rer, Doily operotior ot tht Centre is this perrun's sie resporoihility. A thrrough krowladge ni tht ONA, passion tr tht field, and common rense are essential. Th hast persrn wiii haro o degret iv chitri siodies, or or E.CE. diploma, 8 years ouperience in tht field, ircluding toperience sopnrvisirg otheîs. A.E.C.E.O. certificatin would ha an arret. Tht ital candidate hou 3 yearr enpeîience marogino a similor centre. Ar equioalent combinatior r? educalion and experierce may be corsidereri. If ynu erîoy people at oit ages and stages and euuld like tu lead oui team, write ru us tellirg us ail about yourself. Please fau ynur crvering loere and rosume by March 22, 2002, tu 905-568-3512, Attentiun: J. Smith, Chair, HCCC Bourd, Rt. #HC-2002-12-ED Yo telephnne catis pieuse. We thank a/t candidatesý for tlreir irterest. Only those selected for an interview wli Lie cnntacted. COLLECTION OFFICER The Miniutry et Finance. regtanat tax offtce, collections and comptiatice section, seeks a bilinguaf indhtdua to conduct debt-collection activities. You veill collecI provinciaf-tax arrears and returns by investigating/resohtng non-collpliant antd delinquerit taxpayer accounits, negotiating payment arrangements and initiating appropriate legaf action. Location: Mississauga. Qualifications: proficiency in English and French; gaod knowledge/ understanding of collection techniques and practices, bankruptcy administration and debt-security instruments; good understartding of accounting methods anld principles; strang intet-personal and communication skilIs; effective research and negoliation skills; experience with personal and mainframe compuaters and related software, Le. WordPerfect, Lotus; ability to wark accurately and meet deadjiries. Salary range: $19.45 -$21.56 per haur Resume and covering lutter muai be received by March 8, 2002. Quoting file 2444, uend ta: Ministry of Finance, Humain Resaurces Branch, 33 King St. W., 281 FI., Oshawa, ON 11H 8H5. Fax: 905-433-6588. 1 '-1 * NIL.NIqIoe MEIT IELLEfl * catalogue work, fasn- ion/hair shows, T.V. $1-90 per hour. 905- 336-5455 iAZ Drivers Wanted. Home evenings and weekends. Boom ex- pecean asset but wd ri.Top rates paid. Group insurance. Cai 905-693-1800Oor 1-800- 268-3973. FREE trsining. Drive 4 Us. School Bus Drivers Wanted. CeIi (905) 877- 4448. Lsidlsw is an equal opportunity Com- parny. District School Board 2 Positions SAvallable SEONARY SCHOOL LIBRARIAN EffleCJY DATE Tuasday, July 2,2002 hAUIT: As par tht Collective Agreement. JW SUIMUNV: Under tht supervision ai tht Schaol Principal, tht Librarian is ta pravide ail stu- dents with an enrichad lîbrary anvirasment contais- ing a aida variety and range ot materials that will invite inteltectual growth. The Librarian wiii assist studants in acquiring tht skitls needed ta take futi adoantage af library rasaurces. «iLUFWI / WWDTkgàgMaster oi Library and Information Science dagrea tram an sccredited University ar equivalent as detarmined by tht Superintendent, Human Resources; Ralated library experianca: Excellant organizationa and com- munication siis; Excellent intarpersanal skilîs; Knowladga of automstad library systemrs, CD-ROM, internat and sseciatad computer technologies: Commitment tai respect tht philosophy and traditions ni Roman Catholic Schaol in tht performance ot assigned dulies. Thase positions are covered by tht Collective Agreement betwett tht Bourd and tht A.RS.S.P. Those interasteri in applying must submit thair rasumne, evidence ot a satislactary tuhtrculin test (datari within the last year), and s currant Crimînal Records Check (datel within the last 6-mas.), va lter than Friday, March 15, 2002,10o: T.M. Davis, Admin., Employmmint Servics HaRo. Cteolle District SuImIel Buad N2 Driay Lame, hlinhten, ON Ili 41.3 L.G. Piavasan, AI Bailay, Directar of Educatian Chair of tht Bard Atla Vae Lines (Canada) Ltt. ( P.. Bx 970 Oaklville ON LSJ 4M7 FMOght Rat. LAit., " Seeking individua with minimum 3 years freight rating industry experience. " Muat have good organizationat computer and interpersonal akilla and be abte to handle a large worltoad. " muat have ability to work independenty and bea part of a team. Intereatec/ applicants should foiward i-esume to the attention of:, Ma. Di Parsena Revenue Audîting Deparmrenî e-mnail: dparsens@atlaavnllnes.ea Senior Restaurant Accountant Working in a tast-paced and deadtiro-oriented envi- ronmnnt, Von witl be rnsponsihte for tht fli accourt I inn cycle loi a numhtr ut restaurants. Your responsi- h/lton witt inctode FS preparahion ard analysin, cash tftuw mgmt arnd budgt preparation, an wett an super- vision ni a jr. accourroant, Yos are pîuceeding towards a prolossirota accoont- rng desigrahior (minimum 4th trotl CGA or CMA) andi Von hare o minimum nf three yoars relevant work erpe- nercoe. Expert krowlodne of Microsoft Excel, Word ard Accpoc jsrequired. You have ercellent verbal and enterte commurication skitir and possess tht ahility Io prioritizo, mutti-tasit ard soit-manage. Fnrward resumne by March Bth le: Manager - Reataurset Aceeatlng, SIR CGRP SM81 Sout* Servie Rd., Suite 200 Surlingten, ON LîL 5Ll, Fax 1105681-0394 E-mail: Jebs@slreorp.eana VON HNALTON k M.EXCUTIVE DIRECTOR Victonaen Order of Nurses, Halton, is an nnovative charitable or- ganization Iocatedi in the centre of mhe Golden Horseshoe, aervic- ing approximnately 380,000 reaidents of Burlington, Halton His, Milton and Oakvtile. Through the profesalonal administration of 355 emptoyeea and 700 volunteera, arnd annuel revenue exceed- ing $8 million, mhe brsnch provides client-focusedi health and sup- port programas of exceptional quality. These include Viaiting Nurs- ing, PrivatelCorporate Heslfth, Alzheimer Services, an Adult Day Centre and Volunteer Support programai. As the succmsful candidate vou will be: " A visionary. innovative leader veho enjoys worlcing with an empowered teamn of managera, staff and volunteers. " An excellent communicator and human resource manager with a participating style of management. " A strong financial administrator whth excellent strategic and operational planning akilîs. " Oualified et a Master Degree level in aither Busines Administration, Health Care or equivalent. " A seaaoned administrator with five or more years in senior management including demnonstrated succesa in business developmirent, marketing, and quatity aervice. The ideal candidate would have experience in a community health setting. " Able tobuild atrategic alliances wilth govemnment & community service providers. " Able to, work with a volunteer Board of Directors and provide mhem with mhe leadership necessary to compete effectively in mhe dellvery of quallty health care aervices. A two-ear, renewable contract will be offered by mhe branch. The position sa available August 12, 2002. Confidential consideration will be given to applications received until Marcti 28, 2002 by: Dimiu MicLeod, Vice Preeldet VON Canadca Centrait Reglon 124 Merton Street Suit. 500, Toronto, ON M48 2Z2 amat: contrSlOvon.C We wish to express our appreciation te ail applicants for their interest and effort in applying for this position and advise thet onl' candidates selected for an interview wil! b. contacted. HEALTH AND SAFETY SALES EXECUTIVE SafetyCare Ins. is an internattonal campany - which praduses and distributes tls own range of- Safety Training Videatapes snd Manuals - Warking aut of our Burtinglon office, wie provide companies thraughaut Canada wîtfr quality sids 10 help train thair staff in Irealtit snd safety. We ara looking to add ona more sales persan to aur successfut tesm. The position invalves selting aur praducîs ta existing sustamers as wall as davelaping new business. AIl the salas Find thejo activity is dont avar tht phone. Tht persan wt ara laaking for dats not naed spesifis qualifica- yuv ly tions, but rathar shautd ha able ta damanstrata waMted in i a stable histary with a persan- aI ar business backgraund that indisatas par- sist-anca and datarminatian. Wa affer a basic salary, plus cammissions and lsfid hath banelits, with patential f irst yaar earningsi af $30,000- $40,000. If Ibis pasitian intarasts you, pleasa cali: Ed Aasman at SAFIETYCARIE INC. (905)631-6070