The Canadan Champion. Friday, March 1, 2002-11 xTown council may acquire code 1-- wu ila uve& of conduct; staff looking into i t 0 ~~ By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Ins an effort to clear up any perceptions of inappropriateness, a code of conduct is needed for members of town council, says Councillor Rick Malboeuf. "It's easy to say no rules were broken if there are no rules," Mr. Malboeuf told town council Monday, referring to the pre- viously-heated debate over the fundraising efforts of a member of council. 1I believe it la imperative we establish a code of con- duct." While supportive of the motion to mnves- tigate a code of conduct, Mayor Gord Krantz warned counicillors of the potential waste of time tha could follow. Coundil could becomne littie more than a place to argue each others' actions, he cautioned. "It could be easy to get bogged down with foliowing thse code of conduct," he said. "I've seen it happen." Following a brief discussion between council, Town staff were directed to inves- tigate what other municipalities have mncluded in their codes of conduct and pre- pare a report to council on the matter. No timeline was set for thse report. Coumciliors are currently held to restric- tions within the Municipal Act regarding conflict of interest and the town council procedural bylaw. O ÇN IN MILTON!O PC leadership debate will be televised Cogeco is bringing the debate to the peo- ple. Tickets to the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party leadership debate in Oakviile Monday have been long sold out, so thse local cable provider will bring the show to householda. Thse five leadership hopefuls - Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, Enviomment Minster Elizabeth Witmner, Labour Minister Chais Stockwell, Health Minister Tony Clement and former Finance Minister Emnie Eves - will vye for votes at 7:30 p.m. Then Cogeco will air a taped version of the debate at 9:30 p.m. Party members wiIl choose a leader and the next Ontario premier March 23. 'T'P 2,OO12 Cashback on the cash pucue fmst new n-stok 2002 Ford F-150 & 2002 Ford Ranger or choose 00/o* Purchase Finncn for à.36 mnonth tenu on niost nev n-stok 2002 Ford F-150 and M1 Ford Range. For Range - Th ol' FIISre h ol' l I ý ' n-oSai~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~1,1 2002F Io/e OMMwF.810 &800A8l8148210 muq0re0505150d1~0I0 alaaias(0010 M8844441010140 nul- 10 l~ %My85 ID 02500 eeolers F1ý50 98ey2aD nSO£ 50 ing-Smia aSaff M00 0WFm0 02100estna C 11a.8iO/54800850011181 C10048awaSlasm1 Tma0 5008 on U ofeai pdM000 pila bels, M114Sa 8406 "%ai80an ons ffl ai 10 in-5 lS 2002 FS100 01 8M0 GVWfr-sm4 &Çff*ieAalIDaS/G Ma48MM488Cier88 4-00/544818 SporITiai/5apaIIlaVSaSaiaai400aialaiin-lk 2001 FSeresaaa M8500 and Esffl lo a maanm 4 08013 WtIo0e isW,00 on81000148 c pain. sa f«i on 114 u in-Ce202i1al48a500/t84a8 Wa aid 118148100 013.2001 F28185 aidS 8500 G2W8/F 2818 S&44Cw0/F iiiAaWUU0Ug/ t/0.480888150mr. V0100 a52004 114884of 481101 miD 1012 Ctai cus. on 14500002 Dmai pudai or enai mq4,4 be MWr0%on ai fiOu mu.80. Au. 044 .88240oa % "dmlas 011483aiLb I 1505180.010 Eiuel 150 V02 1ý 1488111110a W21 SoeuW 181.1 48ag00Fcmm and 200D2 lba88E.g. $20,asl00 at0 mu pelcaitageaS 1iilpeil0Sl 7W.348 W 36148m1a M CM of 881181a81802,002 Màdn bq .e4 a* or0 3502.5%28 pe mm,1100Io5e repul eSO $20 W.185 The 8 eff 0a8aofMMin2,002 caeii6.3V04.7%fo 38584008102008840414 8 14.81511414 tm.18085 4048011000204e u n. IOfesex* , a a11.11a38118 aidali .k8 .. FM a48a Wth "4aa 4821 im. C4affie Giffe81 paailse Waig off 4u4842014 IFa 28181 loa48ald 8.81i heWM' e- Tiida28eW oALÈD2554 ka 8185ai kd 8« . 488.04884001971 S 20M00. a888W 5 8.12 TtflB SeM «Ç nkbsala on DR Go Sais. e as8858 o c 2001 050 rag sa lu sa Salamà caa48 Irna o ft4012111 11a"sPewdS p ipi t0488500050 0ffe1114r 5 ma be 11 08.1128 al28 e01 F00wWrfieSeDe Rd nai FP Box 200. 0Ot«o28 504 Espress Yourself Cafféeý Frd ~rday 2 for 1: f,$>pecial We have a wonderfu! selection of freshly grounal coffees or Cappuccinos, Mochaccinos. Espresso, Lattes anad Herba!, Eari Grey, Chai anal regaalar teas. bey ers <Takng car> fns outh) 220 Main Street East 905-878-9009 Fnl Teuraumt saturday Mlarci znul vS p.U. - $50N Grnd Fr1:. Pitchar & Wlags Speclal___ 276 Main St. 9 878-4171 plus $22b9 ta 189 Mill Street *878-6680 Jolis us for: BUSS-YZ March 9 3MDM Every Thurs. 201 ManS.E. 905-876-4899