Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Feb 2002, p. 9

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The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, February 26, 2002 - 9 i 'Me audit was performed after allega- 1 tions by Mr. Ellis of uiproper procedures 1 by the board relating ta several policy and public issues. The board was later cleared of any wrongdoing. Those legal fees, plus a loomiüng $2-mil- By TIM WHITNELL Special ta The Champion Halton public school trustees bave accepted the resignation of one of their own and decided ta fsll the vacancy via appoitsment. In a 9-0 vote trustees agreed ta accept a letter of resignation from. Burlington's Ward 1 representative, Micbael Ells, at Wednesday's Halton District Scbool Board meeting. Burlington trustee Peggy Russeli wasn't in the room at tbe trme of tise vote. Wbetber or flot Mr. Ellis' departure was palatable ta the majority of tbe board was flot in, question - be's been absent front most board meetings for the past five months, for medical reasons - but thse mecbanism ta be used toracI bim was- n't 50 clear cut. A philosophical debate ensued about thse merits of appointing bis replacement or orderissg s byelection witbin thse 60 days allotted under tise Education Act ta fill a trustee vacancy. In thse end, tbe appomntment route was accepted in an 8-2 vote witb only Ms Russeli and Oakville's Drew Currais dis- senting. Board cbair Etbel Gardiner, berself a byelection wmnner in 1995 ta replace for- mer board cbair Dave Wbiting, said a cou- ple of factors, mncluding lack of money and poor voter tumout for tbe last trustee -byelection, convinced ber an appointment is tise way ta go tbis rime. On an inquixy fromt Milon trustee Erica Andrew, Education Directar Dusty Papke tald tbe board about $81,000 bad been jspent on an independent investigation and jlegal fees st year. 01l.ITrustee 's replacement 7 to be app*-ointed:. board 1Appointment route approved by 8-2 vote ,4î The R.R.S.PU Advantages offered by Bob Lee &Kim Mitchell A Retirement Financial Specialist office wîth 27 yearsî of expenience and the coffee's neyer been better! *Secunity of investments (up to 100% fund guarantees) *Competitive segregated and mutual funds. (Lie. MSIL.) *Competitive C.I.C. interest rates. Kim Mitchell e Personalized ongoing consultations. e R.R.S.P. loans available with deferred paymnents. Bob "Pie" Lee *Appointments available Saturdays beginning in February. CONTACT Kim Mitchell & Bob "Pie" Lee kim@robertleinurane.com bob@robertleeinsurance.com kRobert "Pie" Lee Insurance Agency Tel: 905 878-5786 Fax: 905 878-3692 CALL FOR NO OBLIGATION CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION Professlonal Liability Insureci 245 COMMERCIAL ST. Ilýk9 914w fo - - - 1- _ geeial'î 22 lgar of PredyHilfii er - - - - - - - - Got a. hot scoop? If so, oeil us at 878-2341. Milton Chamber of Commerce Community Awards Your 2001 CITIZEN 0F THE YEAR NOMINEES JBARBARA SINGLETON Barb has made a dlfference ln ibis communlly on a persona as wei as professional level. BestI known as the principal of Milton District Higb Schoo (currently on leave) where sine focusedI on innovative programs for her students. Regionaiy, she ls known as past presidient of Haitor' Women's Place, where she took a lead role In awareness-raWsng and fund-raisng for the newiy 1 approved faclillles ln Buriington and Milon. I ATHY POWELLi Kathy ls a llreiess servant of aur communily. She bas devoted years to bringing comfort ln s0 many ways ta so many people. Her volunteer Invoivement lncludes hospitai. cburch. long I term care facilites, nursing homes and Indivlduas. Kathy ls responsibie for training iay pastoral care I wQrkers from variaus churches and coordinate their visiting In bospitai settings. Katby ls recognized I n many organtrallons as their 'guiding iigbr'.I HJSCOIT SCHLO1ZHAUER Scott ls dedicated to tbe Milton communlty. Tbrougb bis quiet gMvng and generous spirit he 1 1 supports many cbarilles Inciuding MCRC, Uinited Way, Rose Cbenry's Home, local scboois and 1 1 Milton Hospital. An active member of tbe Optimist Club of Milton, Scott served as past president and * continues to work wllb the foMwng committees Santa Claus Parade, Canada Day Celebrations * and Optimiat Soccer skiiis program. M & M's corporate cbarty ls tbe Crobns & Colits Foundlation, * wbicb ls supported iocaiiy by Scott's Cbarity barbecue. COMMUNITY AWARDS 2001 SPONSORS I Ontario Lottery & Gaming Corporation - Platinum Sponsor SKD Company 0 Page One Services I * Dufferin Aggregates e Doriand-Haigbt Gaileries *Roxul Inc. a G.S. Die & Design Prosperity One - Communtty Banking * Robert (Pie) Lee Ufe Insurance Agency * *& Financiai Services e Mitowne Insurance Agency Inc. The Donaidson Rlnanciai Group Inc. e Mlan Canadian Cbampion *Kwiik Kopy Printing e Rideout Auto Parts Inc. IPleas choase one nomlrwe and mdg, fax or deliver ta l. MIan Chamb«of commerce by I F.bruaay28, 2002. Onu balai pe pmSn. Open ta ail Milaon ém am ruetsnd bwlnass. 1 Must be 18 yars of npe. NI Incompl.t. ballais wIl bu dlsred. Pleas kiict ane namins. 1 Nae:Mail ta:1 j Milton Company/Resident: _ _____________Milton Ch.ubu of Comusssrcuîi * __________________________251 Main St. E., Suiteo1O4,1 Milto Addess:Milton,0MN f LO iPl Mitn* des OB 1 Phone: ___________Postal Code: ______FUI ta: 905-878-4072 & -------------------------------- lion-plus board deficit Ibis year, and tise cat of s byelection ta be footed by tise board, was enaugb ta convince most trustees ta appoint Mr. Eâis' replacement. "Wstb $81,000 wasted and a needs budg- et coming ouI next week (aI public meet- ings around tbe region) we cannaI afford a byelection," said Burlinglon trustee Debbie Downs. Mr. Papke estimated, tbe cost of a byelec- tion at $50,000-$60,000 and noted tbe board doesn't bave tbit mucb in ils reserve fund. MW. Currais, tbough, reîninded bis colieagues tbat, "TIse board voted for a forensic audit." Ms Russell disagreed witb thse appoint- ment decisian on principle. "How do we put a price on democracy? Tbis board bais a bistasy of byelections," said Ms Russeli, alluding ta board chair Ms Gardiner and former Oakvilie trustee Lynn Roberts, both of wbom camne ta tbe board via dia route. However, Ms Robersa' case was used as an example by somne trustees as a reason wby nat ta bold a byelectian tbis rime. Mr' Papke said only four per cent of voters par- ticipated in tbe mid-1998 byelection won by Ms Roberts ta replace tbe outgoing Mary Dempster. "Summer may bave contributed ta tbat (10w turnout) but, bistorically, tbere's been small numbers for byelections", Ms Gardinser later said. (_ýâ

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