8-The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 22, 2002 i no(0) 1 1 IISNOP REDINO .C "EBSTAM MESSENuER" AT sien SCIGOLE..D RYMS Mork Ryon Lwmm"» Royal Report Y B3y Mark Laframboise and RynPn Jefi Vandevalk HoIIy Camhruzzi Emily Willooghhy Last Friday, Bishop Reding proved ta be champions as thse MILTON DISTRICT 119 SCIGOLI inhenI ry PapaWuIPapyl FumsT Midget Girls' Volcybsil Team won teHallon Chamspionships. Anather captivating week has reached its end, bringing us dloser Bek* ofdOrfth and dloser ta the March Break that Iaams from the 11'1 ta thse 1,. Word tn ourfizzle rt:zles' Its Frtz:ie Tt:ze Btrdlesntzzle! Y'aff heta look out no, cuzie Competing with passion, tise team won their division, advancing to However MDHS has more than enaagh excitement ta get us hizie îa:zzie anather dam-fe dri.:le! Enjoy ya btz:Ie sws:zlefizzle gizie rizIes' Fa' sheeze the semnifmnals. Facing T. A. Blakelock, they took to the court winning throagh thse nextfew weeks. Hey eî'eryane' That was a liale faste of w-hat Dateline Drury waald be like if tee dtdnt rtie advace o ste fnalverus Lyol. ~Fruiaiua up and gag hit wtth dui tape every tttght. Anyays, here he the lawdown an the two sets needed to avnetthfiavessLyl.IannTeNwsait bren happentfl up inl the big E.C -fa real. rxtremely close match, the Royals lost their ftrst set before coming 0K Senior Stangs, listen up. Today is the LAST day ta, buy your Insùie thse News back to eamn the title of Halton Champions. Congratulations to the Semi-FomaI Tickets. Stop putting it off and buy your ticket Hy Fismiaus! Wltotcha reachin'fat? Enqsared thc Papaya. perplexrd hy the sigh af tea fo shir mazng erfrmacesthrugioutsheseaon.We today. If you are reading this after scisool, you rnay be too late. Fnumîaous îith his gagly aris strrîched abase his hcad. tean or her aazng erormncs troghot he eaon.We Semi is gonna be a blast, so corne on out! It's your last year and "Wel Papaya. jusi likr the Schaal Reach Trais, l'is rruching lor the TOP! HAI-AHAHA! would also like to recognize their student coacises for their dedication this event is for YOUÏ! Sa corne on out and make this the be5t rrplird the eccric Drury reporte. and leadership throughout the season. Semi-Formal ever! Tickets are $20 and will be on sale periods 3, DANO SKIPPY! The Schaal Reach Tram oas. a cut ahaoe the test Ut tbrtr taamry ta Recently, the Vamsity Girls' Hockey Team faced Oakville 4 and after ochool. Actas yesirrday. sn ibis final roague taurnamrt.t oas Reach Tramt oas attetnptisg ta cap the Trafalgar. Goalie Emily Ruigrok played an amazing gaine as B. R. ATTENTION aIl students who are planning ta attend Queen's lid os ther brai saara EVER! B00YAH! Check hock aexi î for fthr final owsnning University next year. There is an information session on MARCH rrsslts. eamed a 4-I victory in the suspense ftlled match. Congratulations te, 4" ai 9a.m. Sign up in Guidance. This is our chance ta have a rep- ....Asd tis one tise, ai band pracîîcr.. Wr PRAMICED!' Whai did or Îsracicr aort? CesaGruszka who claimed her firat hat trick of the season. The reettv nwrayqetosyumyhv.Wril, il oas far aursaper-f us escîiîsg banf shase oith Miltos Distict. Thai's sght. os Chelsea nwr n qetin oumy ae Masday Match 4th. sur Joa Band gets theis soetvr as an thr lad af Jeff, t-tilty and Emîly ladies also won their preliminary playoff game 3-1 on Tuesday. Ali students need ta be in TAP classes next week, as this is when f(Mustang Rrpaaiers) ohîlr îhey play off tn thr ulîîmaîr BA1TLE 0F TH-E BANDS! lIrai of Special mention goes ta Melody Edwards, Heaven Hill and Nicole you will be ftlling in your bubble sheets for your course selections luck ta aur marsellaas isusicians! Gooding who each scored one goal. On Wednesday, the girls travelled for art year. If you skip this clasa, you may not be put in the Lusi Fsiday nîghî hoeses, Dmtry oîmessed isasic af a mach dîffesesi kîsd ai aat assa classes YOU want. SO, to avoid this disappointmrnt be in TAP Semi-Fonssi. Alîhaugh tre ore cassîless sud femnales ohmn Frmîaus T. Baaderssnatch to OsIeville to play their quarterfmnal match. Results will be in next clasa. faird ta sho op. Althaugh îhre oete many sttesked faces, eserysse had o gteaî lime. Jasi weeks eitio. Tis pst ednedaythe r. nd S. Bnds ravlledto emrmher, yas dosit aeed the FRUMIOUS T. BANDERSNATCH ta have FUNFUNFUN- weeks eitin. hispastWedesdy te J. ad St Bads ravlle taFUNFUN, hut it SURE HELPS! Studreî Gousmmrst ould lîke ta screly ilsusi ail[ Last week, tise Junior Boys' Basketball Tram suffered s losn ta Mississauga ta show off their talents and compote in MusicFest. teschets mnd sîudens wo mode thîs esesi such a ondrrful occasion. E. C. Dnary, causing them taisbe eliminated from tise Halton playoffs. We will tell you more about tisis, as we get the information netet Cenkecî$gud Dw yolonponintefnlmntofpategy ee week. This pai oeek has hees o successful one forr Omy athletes af ail kinds. Wes Dmiry sic- Dow byonl on pintin he inl mnut ofpla, iseguy avre Speaking of music, tise Milton District and E.C. Drury jazz bands dents oished sur otestisg tram goo luck at last wenu's GHAC campetiaso. or had no unable to score. Ali memisers of tise tramn are congratulstrd for their will be getting togetiser in tise MD theatre on Marcis 4". Tickets ideo bhat tbey oete goisg ta ansihîlote thse compettos to the degree that tbey dîd. Usder isard work this yesr. are on sale, so cornte ast ta support your scisool. the dedicated cachisg of Me. taoaslawski, tisese determtsed yoaag staglet-clad Spmtas Laut week, three memisers of the Bishop Reding Track Term sorsCetent asîy casqueted tise GHAC compruîtios by o landslide. but also oiaiessed 12 ai t heis boys qaalify fus OFSAA. Themu' so question tisai wits sucis o lage OFSAA reprrsrstotios. showed promise for tise upeoming season as they competed aitie The Mustang Hockey Tram ended their regular season gamres Dissy's campetitioa s taboand ta ha shaldsg is their spandes tisese doa. STRAIGHT UP Hamilton Spectator Indoor Gamnes. tn tise Midget Boys' 300-mte with a tougis battle sgainst first place teamn T.A. Blakelock. YO! -ets Aithougis tise resuit was a Ioss, Ms. Miller's boys once again Darisg siseir fisal gaime of tise srasos Tuesdoy sîght. ther boys hockuey trant drmusstrated Ian Butcher bruke a four-year-old meet record, posting a winatng provrd their persistent dedication and optimistic attitudes. Hockey SPARTAN ATHLETICISM ai ita FINEST. Words cansut describe tise îstrsty al ibis time of 38.18 seconds. He also cnasised tise seven-yrar-old record in is not done with yet tisougis. The term wiIl travel to Montreal ta gaine, bath or the ice and sn the siands, an ployrrs and fus ar oete oerwhelmed by tise 600-mette race finishing second. Wr also acknowledge Mike play in tise Canadian Csp tournament. ibeir desire tu ooîch Drury adsance ta the sext round of pluyoffs.Coacs Bonmet anid bis Thesenor oysbasetbll eamwonther payoff ameon boys oholrbroardly piled os the ice lolloig o mach serdrd suddes deatb goal by Truvs MeGilI who accomplishrd a personal best in tise Midget Boys' 1500- Tesno y'baktl er wnhi pyzfgreonVanLoosrs.Tbe fisal score ous 4-3 for Dmury on osertîmr. Tbrsr boys may buse terible metes.Meawhie, ichlleDoel pace sith n te Snio Gils' Thursday tise 14mh. Tisey played againut Q.E. Park, and tise final boîr, but ibasis ta ibis uts and a bri oîib îbeir eshusastc coach. Ms. ttuict's stop oîli ha metes.Meawislr Miisele ocî pacr sitisin is SeiorGirs' score was 57-45. Unfortunately in tiseir netet game tisis past dyed blosd cs oeil! Y'ALL SURE BROUGHT YOlJtt OWN ISOOYAA TO THE GAME! 600-mettes. Moaday, againat Loyola, tisey isad a buss. Tise tramn held tise lead The senior girls sallryball trais esdrd a successful and îough seas ira Tuesday sîphi. This year for Lent, tise World Issues clasu are collrcting boxes until late in tise third quarter and rnded up with a score of 46-4 1. Sadly. tbe score oas not avaîlable at press tise. Tbroughout tbe lait feu tsosihs these of sait and candîrs for tise leus fortunate. Donations can be brougist ta Thsis past Tuesday, tise boys travelled tai E.C. Druty ta play in tise ladtes desosiratrd abtlîiy and esîhusiasis. seser gîstog up and fighîîsg ussîl tbe sery, end. tise Cisapel until Marcis 4th. Al are rncouraged ta give genetousîy. first round of tise double play-offs. We're sure yts isade Couches Fiers and Roibrtson ser proud! HOOt7.AH! Soccer season bas now started at M.D. with tise gym packrd witls Tise Staaewefl of Subein On a fanal note, wr wjsh thr best of luck ta ther caut, ctew and aew and entisusiastic players. The girl's tram started ta practice on Ph ST' Heln' Yeuh. fhibt iîîgftt kudt. 1 fioalît nîîîedîoutra that itorner aîîd gîîrnie aîsir- suetdrcosof tise Seams Drama Festival, wiso are ttavrling ta, Tuesday, and tise boys on Wedarsday. Mr. Zarate bas made it vety oeIl. Yttt nîat haie notied oit veritonti fir ligh mîdîîîîl onaw tîttirît reîendîleî tuai ttj studet dirctorsthe Mustîang Mesienger. Well, îîîî laits. Me and m rais" -I laippeard to, îteal their Burlington Central ta present their production Thraugh Darkest clear that aew players are welcome. Wr wouîd like ta wisis bath plans jttr tis seeks artit'tcl i. ojuti o'ated ii orale sure they koreK xbat îîfelî lhf t' Adolescences today. teams' succesa ia tiseir upcorning urasan. Whaî gîtai arîîasd to ana rod eh' "Do not follow wiserr the patis may lead. Go instead wisere miere elei thaïs it this weekfrom MDHS, hope yoa enjay your week- Proie oui voi! en.Now the Messengers are off ta ga/set informnation for next HAVE YIltUISEt VF' A VERY MERRY LITTLE WEEKEND! And we'Il sce esesyiise is no path and leavr a trail behind." -- Muriel Strode week. sesi omk!